

  • Applebees Salads like the chicken Asian or fajita salad. Almost 1200 CALORIES and with the dressing fat enough for 3 DAYS. you are better off eating a steak.
  • The "body builder " protein is great mixed in with oatmeal in the morning. You get good protein and complex carbs and fiber.... it is one of the best hunger fighters I have found... it keeps me satisfied a long time in the morning.
  • Meat. Greek yogurts ... some have 50% of protein for the day... Quinoa ... you can find it at more whole food stores. Highest of any plant source protein. You sound like your eating a lot of carbs and maxing out your calories?
  • It does help stimulate digestion... but should be done before the meal. Not afterwards... many southern folk in the US keep pickled vegetables like okra and even peppers and nibble on it at the beginning of the meal.
  • I love the juices but hate the cleanup. One of my favorites is apple, celery, lime (whole) and carrot. I lost a lot of weight one time by juicing in the morning and not eating until around 1pm . Then a good lunch. I MIGHT HAVE TO BREAK OUT THE JUICER AGAIN.
  • Malt vinegar... great idea. Lemon zest... like that one too... I do think I am hypersensitive to salt because I an severely restrict salt for about two days and I will drop about 10 lbs of water....
  • You can put about a half a scoop of protein power in your oatmeal. YELLOW grits cooked into Polenta served with poached eggs and a dash of cayenne .....
  • Sorry for the misspelling... my voice recognition software does not always work perfectly. thanks for the help.
  • The average american consumes about 3700 milligrams of salt daily. The body has issues eliminating salt and retains water to delete it. The water retention causes high blood pressure, or at least is a significant factor in high blood pressure. So I guess you can say yes I am concerned that too much salt isn't helping .…
  • I actually use Cumin when I make Peruvian Ceviche... been a while though now that I am vegetarian... thanks for the reminder of good alternatives...
  • Cook Quinua with the same part of apple juice as you would the water. Put in dried cranberries when is it cooked... I also like Greek yogurt with banana or apples, or some type of heavy fiber cereal mixed in instead of milk.
  • To answer the person about exercise. I have a nice elliptical and do cardio about 4 hours a week. Sometimes I will do 30 min twice a day. Perhaps no weight loss is related to excessive salt intake. The body will hold water to dilute the sodium if it is too high. I am not a nutrition professional and suggest a little…
  • To answer the person about exercise. I have a nice elliptical and do cardio about 4 hours a week. Sometimes I will do 30 min twice a day. Perhaps no weight loss is related to excessive salt intake. The body will hold water to dilute the sodium if it is too high. I am not a nutrition professional and suggest a little…
  • Actually the cheese in Wisconsin is amazing. I had 15 year old aged cheddar one time - it was better than candy. Some of the stores up there have several hundred choices of cheese, not like the regular choices where you may get about 20 or so. My real motivation for getting back down is to feel better and be here longer…