

  • I found Budweiser Select 55!! It still tastes like beer (if that's what you like) and it still get's you a good buzz. give it a shot, just don't over do it. there's 139 cal in a bottle of coors light. there's 55 calories in a bottle of Select 55. If you still want to go out and have a good time then try the select. it's…
  • My fave... EAS Myoplex Lite Chocolate chocolate chip crisp. a box of 4 at Walmart for less than $7. 15g protein per bar. 190 calories. That's my breakfast in the morning. They're the best protein bar I've tried!! EAS AdvantEdge Carb Control in cookies and cream isn't too bad either.. 17g protein 230 calories. I've also…
  • it's not that hard, just depends on what you're eating. I've had breakfast and lunch already and i'm already over 12 grams of protein from the 45 grams i'm "supposed" to intake. careful about the protein shakes.. you'd be suprised how many different kinds of protein there are. what you need to find is a MEAL…
    in Protein Comment by aflewis1 August 2010
  • well.. first.. 1200 calories a day is practically nothing. patient. the weight doesn't come off that quickly for some people. and, i'm sorry to have to say this, but.....because you're a little older, your metabolism has slowed down quite a bit! what are you eating when you eat your 1200 calories a day? how much…
  • get A LOT of protein!!!!! you're young, so your body can break it down pretty well. a lot of lean meats, eggs, etc. I'm 24/ i'm ALMOST right there with's harder for me to do certain things than when i was 18 but i still manage to be able to lose weight quickly. i don't do any weight lifting though.. i…
  • Nutrition stores sell Muscle Recovery shakes. they work great and they're an extra bit of protein that's needed to build healthy muscle. they have all kinds of different shakes... Pre-Workout, Post-Workout/Muscle Recovery are both very good and do help. but like everyone else says, it is really dependant on what you're…
  • I've always been told 6 days a week working different muscle group a day/alternating days. and also been told that eating 6 smaller/healthy meals a day helps to increase your metabolism, which then helps you lose some weight. you also have to be careful when lifting, don't do too much because, yes, you can horribly tear…
  • What I'm noticing is that i'm moving around a lot more on it...rolling back and forth, bouncing around.. this is kind of fun, but it's not super comfortable. it has lost some of it's air, i hope that's not going to be a continuing problem!! :) but so far, so good! so at the very least, i'm burning calories by moving around…
  • That was hilarious!!! Thank you for that laugh for the day!!!
  • umm... I don't know if this has anything to do with my age or not, but i'm 5'4" and started out yesterday 1200 cal a day at 170 pounds even. I just weighed on the same scale that i used the other day and i have already lost 3 pounds. (a day and a half) I'm eating well and drinking a ton of water. I actually, and i hate to…