wendy275a Member


  • keep at it! you have done great feeding your little one and that alone regardless of your weight is something to smile about!! just think if you take the pills and eat healthy you definitely wont gain as much as you would if you ate rubbish all the time! stick too it and when your baby is not feeding anymore you will have…
  • Yes think I agree with this too! lower the amount you want to lose each week and double check how active you have put you are.
  • I have read fifty shades the trilogy and it was the first set of books I felt I had to finish and was stuck to. I enjoyed it and too had likes and dislikes to Christian and his relationship with Ana. I have bared to you on the shelf ready to read but after reading all the comments i now feel more inclined to get it down to…
  • Hi , I'm in uk, been off line for few days and definitely in need of like minded friends to keep me going! Anyone is welcome to add me! X
  • I'm struggling with this too, nd found myself checking my sugar totals before my calories today. Think I'm going to get to hung up on it, I don't drink fizzy drinks, no sugar in tea, at the most 1/2 tsp on cereal! Reading everyone else's posts seems like a popular thing to struggle with, I'm probably just as pleased as you…
  • Hi, your welcome to add me, I too cant do much in the way of exercise as I have pot syndrome and find it very hard! I am hoping to lose about 20 lbs (1.5 stones) I am on a mission to do as much as I can before we go on our first family holiday in July so need the occasional kick! X
  • I did exactly the same, but determined to give it a good go now!! Your welcome to add me for support! X
  • Hi, I will add you for extra support! Ive only been logging or few days and feel more in control and upbeat already! I struggle with snacking too especially in the week when at home or doing things in the ktchen for the children. Chewing sugar free gum helps a lot!
  • I too have hopefully left the world of yo yo dieting behind! And still trying to loose y baby weight (my eldest being 9 and youngest 6) hoping MFP will be the answer. Your welcome to add me I haven't been on for long either and hoping to build a good network of fellow flab fighters! X
  • Hi, I have only been logging and using MFP properly for a few days now, I'm in manchester and would love more. Friends to share ideas and give me the occasional Kick up the rear end! Your welcome to add me! X
  • Just seen my post, I've not quite got used to the app yet and thought my post would link to one of the others that said no bad talk and negative thoughts, so just confirming that I wasn't agreeing with you my post just didn't go where it should have!! I too am fat and also feeling very daft now, would be grateful of any…
    in I'M FAT! Comment by wendy275a May 2013
  • Definitely agree with this although it is hard not to, as at the minute all the bad things jump out the mirror at you every time you look in it! Positive thoughts!!
    in I'M FAT! Comment by wendy275a May 2013
  • Wow you look great well done!