Hi Everyone

Hi there, I'm Katie i'm 23 and have been overweight all my adult life, i'm hoping to get down to a healthy weight as right now I am the largest i've ever been and i've decided enough is enough. Anyone else out there who is starting now who wants some moral support with me? or have any tips to stop snacking as thats my biggest downfall lol!


  • pkteen
    pkteen Posts: 121 Member
    Definitely. I just started out too. It's been 4 days now. Set routine: Gym 6x a week.
    I'll send you a FR.
    And snack as much as you want! I just stopped buying junk and started buying a lot of fruit and veggies. I love to munch on carrots and watermelon is my all time favourite. Just cut it up and put it in the fridge. Have as much as you want whenever you want. And trust me on this, take a carrot and a cucumber and slice it. Then eat them by dipping them in hummus. Divine.
    I'm not at my heaviest right now. I got fatally sick last year and lost 50 pounds during the process which was eye opening but because that wasn't the result of Amy lifestyle or diet change, I've quickly gained a lot of it back. Now, My goal is 33lbs and gaining muscle. (Y)
    And don't be afraid of the gym. You'll make friends there and look forward to it. Trust me. There's nothing more satisfying than sleeping after logging in a day at the gym and being under your caloric limit.
  • David1406
    David1406 Posts: 63
    Hi Katie..I'm David and 3 times your age!! I started on MFP 8 days ago, and, boy, do I feel the difference already. I'm plotting all food intake like it's a military operation and include absolutely everything. I'm also making sure I 'steal' a few hundred calories each day on the exercise bike. I thought I'd wait 14 days before my first weigh-in so...fingers crossed!
  • Claairey1992
    Claairey1992 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Katie, I have added you as a friend. I started MFP 6 weeks ago now and have lost 15lbs so far. I can honestly say its amazing. I have been a yoyo dieter all my life and have tried every diet out there but this is by far the best. I try to support all my friends on here as much as possible cos i can guarantee whatever emotion they're going through, ive been through also! so im hoping i can help you as much as they have helped me :) good luck and stick with it!! its so worth the effort x
  • kteechickadee89
    thankyou everyone, the support i'm feeling already is amazing!! i have a really good feeling about this now, actually have a bit of faith in myself for a change which is nice! anyone that needs some support i'm always here, would be nice to meet new people as WELL as lose weight = Win, Win :D x
  • samanthahix12
    samanthahix12 Posts: 179
    Hi Katie!
    I'm Samantha and I've been on MFP not even a week and I already feel better. Seeing exactly what I take in every day has really opened my eyes to just how terrible I was eating before! Now, I'm watching everything and going for walks every day with my two year old in the jogging stroller and walking on my breaks and lunch at work. Drinking eight cups of water a day is more challenging than I ever expected it to be. Now that I'm doing it, I truly believe I may have NEVER drank that many a day before MFP.
    I'm so pumped to be hot again!! If you need any support, I'd be glad to give that to you! I'll send you a FR. :)
  • kazaroona
    kazaroona Posts: 60 Member
    Hi hun, I have added you. I tell you my biggest downfall and thats not exercising. I read a greta thing for people who are procrastinators *ahem* and it said if you are planning to workout 4 x a week, you will put it off, so I exercise everyday now (or try to) so its my daily routine which is easier to stick to in a funny way. I have 2.5 stone to go! If I skip a day, I make sure that I only skip one x
  • wendy275a
    wendy275a Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I will add you for extra support! Ive only been logging or few days and feel more in control and upbeat already! I struggle with snacking too especially in the week when at home or doing things in the ktchen for the children. Chewing sugar free gum helps a lot!