kvsmith59 Member


  • Thanks so much for the advice. Helps a lot!
  • I have some additional dumb questions. 1. My morning routine is usually something like this: Wake up, have a couple of cups of coffee(black) test my blood, eat something, take my meds. Should I be taking my meds before testing? 2. How many times per day should I be testing my blood? I've only been doing it in the morning.…
  • Thanks! I am taking a lot of meds, but my crappy eating habits are overriding them. I drink nothing but black coffee, water and unsweetened ice tea. That's one thing I was able to change with no problems other than "drink boredom". I'm 5' 10.5 and 175 lbs so weight isn't an issue. I walk several miles a week and golf once…
  • wow. that's like Atkins level huh? Once you got the numbers down were you able to slowly add more carbs in until you got to the level the doctor felt was right? Thanks for the response
  • I just bought it also. I don't think the calories burned was even close to being correct but other than that I thought the assessment and the first workout was great. Plan on doing the "Lean" workout first, then Strength. When entering the exercises into MFP, what did you guys use? I used Aerobics High Impact, but not sure…
  • Nike+ kinect - pretty good workout, and it tracks your nike fuel online for you
  • Thanks! I know you're right and appreciate the input. I think I was feeling sorry for myself yesterday :)
    in sugar 79 Comment by kvsmith59 May 2012
  • ok, so now I'm a little freaked out. I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic a couple of years ago and put on Metformin, and then later Actos. Unfortunately until I found this website I was basically in denial. Never tested my blood, ate what I wanted, etc. Since joining MFP, I've been getting better at what I eat (compared…
    in sugar 79 Comment by kvsmith59 May 2012
  • I used to drink coke or some other type soda every day with almost every meal for something like 30+ years. Until I found out I was a type 2 diabetic. From that point on I decided I better get my act together. I basically started drinking nothing but Ice Tea (unsweetened) from that day forward. The first week or two it was…
  • I just watched all 4 of your videos. Awesome job and keeping working towards your goals.
  • hmmmm....In addition to showing off your hard work, my guess is that a lot of those pictures help other people get more motivated to lose weight. It's really not that bad. Hell, you can do a google image search for something totally innocent and have much much worse things pop up.....
  • don't stop and don't allow yourself those "few extra hundred calories" a day. You'll regret it later on. Listen, I'm a lazy old man who never had a problem with being overweight until the last 5 years or so. I'm trying to lose 20 lbs and I have been going in spurts where I stick to MFP, lose some weight, then slack off,…
  • There are meal replacement shakes out there that you could maybe add in addition to whatever you are eating right now. The shakes usually average 200 to 250 calories each, so there is 500 calories that you can add on top of what you are eating now. Most of the shakes (contrary to what they say) don't really fill you up…
  • yeah, I don't get it either. I eat whatever I want. If I go over my goal calories, I just exercise until I get back down to goal.
  • LOL. I'm doing a meal replacement shake every day and it tastes exactly like cake mix.
  • I'm no expert, but from what I read you want to be at, or just a tad below your goal
  • I don't know. I was starting to get bored with the atkins diet right around the time I had the kidney stone attack....everything just tasted so bland after a while. That was years ago, and I finally decided to lose that extra 20 lbs I've been carrying around after I found this site and it's android app. Honestly, if you're…
  • I did the Atkins 5 years ago...lost a lot of weight, however, and I can't prove this, but I'm pretty sure it caused me to have a kidney stone, which was one of the most painful things I've ever had. Probably my fault because I wasn't drinking enough water.
  • Thanks! That makes more sense....so basically I'll get the calories by adding in milk, etc, but get the nutrients I need since I normally skip breakfast and lunch is hit or miss for me.....
  • Questions :) My wife is actually starting this in the morning. I'm going to sample a few shakes.... If you use this as a replacement meal, at only 90 calories a serving, won't you end up way below your MFP goals and won't that put your body into starvation mode? I'm new here so a tad clueless about everything, so any…
  • I started this thing about a week ago. A true eye opener. I've never counted calories before, but it's not hard once you commit to it. It's much easier if you use the phone app plus the website. When I first signed up, I overestimated my weight by 4 pounds...wish I could go back and change that. Anyways, keeping track of…