Nike+ Kinect Training for Xbox 360 need input

ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
So Winter is coming and I'm going to move half of my physical activities inside, have not had much luck with previous training games (Wii based) I typically get injuries that are probably due to bad form, has anyone used Nike+ on Xbox? does it help with your form? Is it worth $50?


  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    no takers?
  • azwaa
    azwaa Posts: 81 Member
    It just came out on Tuesday, so not many of us have it yet. I did my first session and really liked it. It was easy to see my form (though I think my little avatar is too fat). Set up took a while, but the exercises were very good and you can play your own music in it (which is my pet peeve about workout videos). I only did the calorie burn, so I can't speak to strength or tone modes, but it seems like a good investment if you already have the kinect and like the instant feedback on form and adaptiveness of the program.
  • runningindigo
    runningindigo Posts: 63 Member
    I just bought it today and plan to start it tomorrow! I'm looking forward to it because the workouts look like the workouts I've done in bootcamp settings. I also like the fact you can link it with your already existing Nike+ account and it will add your Nike Fuel to your account. And, if I"m not mistaken, the progess is recorded every 30 you can go in and add your measurements to see how you've changed since Day 1! I'm looking forward to it!
  • jreed1920
    I just got it and so far did the assessment and have my 1st real workout today. So far I really like it. I was an EA Sports Active fan and like the Nike+ Kinect even better. The graphics are nice and smooth, instructions are clear. If the workouts are anything like the Nike Training Camp workouts they will be nice and challenging.

    Feel free to add me as a Nike+ Friend, my ID is Zeta3
  • kvsmith59
    kvsmith59 Posts: 26 Member
    I just bought it also. I don't think the calories burned was even close to being correct but other than that I thought the assessment and the first workout was great. Plan on doing the "Lean" workout first, then Strength. When entering the exercises into MFP, what did you guys use? I used Aerobics High Impact, but not sure if that's correct.