

  • Correlation is not causation. The first study adjusted for everything EXCEPT some key elements. See if you can see what's missing in this statement: "The results were adjusted for waist circumference, diabetes status, leisure-time physical activity level, neighborhood of residence, age and smoking status at the beginning…
  • American pounds are British pounds. Remember, we used to be loyal English subjects!
  • Sounds like you have a lot going on that really isn't good from the start. Are you only losing weight so you'll look good in a wedding dress that was tailored to fit a 125 pound woman? Was the dress you tried on tailored for you? 10 pounds is a lot but what is your body fat percentage? Are you making a lifestyle change or…
  • I definitely eat my calories. I try to stay under 2k a day. I've never really slept well but in the last 6 months I've had to start taking a prescription sleep aid. I think sleep is definitely an issue. Sometimes even after 8 or 9 hours I wake up feeling like I wrestled a bear all night! I'm not sure what to do but I'm…
  • I checked it out. They rate the beers but I didn't see anything about calories. BTW, my favorite beer is rated as crap on this website. Just goes to show taste is subjective!
  • Several years ago I tried Meridia. It was ineffective and raised my blood pressure and I have been on BP meds since. That may have been a coincidence but I still connect the two mentally. The body takes time to adjust to changes in eating habits and metabolism. The natural inclination is to preserve the body's current…
  • I like it much better than regular yogurt. I've only had it with fruit flavors: blueberry and strawberry. My experience is; it is firmer than what I know as "regular" yogurt, similar to sour cream in a tub. The taste has a bit more tang but I like that because I think regular yogurt tastes somewhat bitter. If you like…
  • Something else you will find that many people, including myself, have learned. When you eat the same high carb, high sugar foods but less ( a previous poster said "less crap") you'll find you get hungry faster and more often. Empty calories, simple carbs and refined sugars, cause physiological processes that cause your…
  • Update.... Kept my calorie count just under 2K. I used sheer will power and a little psychology. I decided to eat BEFORE leaving the house today!
  • Ok, you guys may not want to hear this. I'm an old guy from the south and grew up eating all kinds of foods most people won't touch today. One of those foods is sardines. I know this sounds yuck to most people but get this: one tin of sardines has less than 200 calories, 19 grams protein and more omega 3 than a whole…
  • What those guys said...:tongue:
  • I'm always hungry! Especially at night. I think some people don't have the chemistry, or the complete chemistry, that helps the brain control the stomach. Often, it's my brain (taste, touch, smell) that desires food, my stomach is fine. Sometimes I can feel the texture of the food in my mouth and almost taste it and I fool…
  • 100 cals over isn't bad, it won't kill you or blow your diet. Think more about in vs. out. If you can use more than you consume over a week then you will lose weight. It sounds like you are very strict on yourself. This can lead to complete meltdown. Allow yourself some latitude in your diet, take a walk if you feel you…
  • Hey K! If you love to eat like me, sometimes it helps to find lower calorie foods to fill up on without guilt. A lot of vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, celery have few or negligible calories and you can essentially eat all you want! Get creative with recipes and make interesting salads. Use low cal or low fat…