How hungry to we have to get to lose the lbs?



  • lucifa73
    lucifa73 Posts: 110
    e1ny - I'm in the UK - not sure where you are, and I eat a brand called Nairn's oat biscuits - they are 43cal per biscuit and make a satisfying mid afternoon snack with a cuppa. I also use oatcakes instead of crackers if I fancy cheese and biscuits. They are in the same aisle as cream crackers etc in our supermarket.
  • I'm always hungry! Especially at night.

    I think some people don't have the chemistry, or the complete chemistry, that helps the brain control the stomach. Often, it's my brain (taste, touch, smell) that desires food, my stomach is fine. Sometimes I can feel the texture of the food in my mouth and almost taste it and I fool myself into thinking I'm hungry.

    So I think a communication breakdown exists between my brain and my stomach. I don't know if that is a learned (psychological) issue or physiological. Whatever it is, I feel it and it feels very real! Counting calories does not magically change the fact that I'm hungry or just think I am.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I'm always hungry! Especially at night.

    I think some people don't have the chemistry, or the complete chemistry, that helps the brain control the stomach. Often, it's my brain (taste, touch, smell) that desires food, my stomach is fine. Sometimes I can feel the texture of the food in my mouth and almost taste it and I fool myself into thinking I'm hungry.

    So I think a communication breakdown exists between my brain and my stomach. I don't know if that is a learned (psychological) issue or physiological. Whatever it is, I feel it and it feels very real! Counting calories does not magically change the fact that I'm hungry or just think I am.

    Timborino you made me think about something I was doing yesterday now, I used to (before I lost some weight) eat many chocolate brownies with icing on the top (bloody lovely they were) however, they were high in carbs and calories.

    Yesterday, something made me think of them and before I knew what I was doing, I was actually imagining eating one of those damned things and really could TASTE it!!! Before anybody comments though, it was not the same, in fact, I couldn't wait to get out of my workplace and away from the vending machine that sells them.

    If I hadn't been so intent on losing this weight and been so good up until now, I may have been tempted there. Glad I wasn't though.

    I am going to put the thought into my brain that any chocolate brownie is now covered in toenail clippings (somebody elses too) that should put me right off!
  • e1ny
    e1ny Posts: 29
    Lucifa73 - I am in NY, so I should be able to get them somewhere. I will look for that brand. It was fun to read your reply since these are the terms I don't use in my daily life: oat biscuits, cuppa, cream crackers! ;) Thanks for your advice!
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    I don't agree with this as you don't have to eat less food to loose weight just less calories. So if you replace calories from bacon with vegetables, you will have to eat a pile of veggies just to equal the calories in a couple slices of bacon, and the veggies will keep you full longer as there is "more" food and much more fiber. So if you want to lose weight and not feel hungry replace your calorie dense food with low calorie options such as veggies.


    Replace high calorie foods with filling low-calorie ones! I'm a salmon pusher, it's very good for you and only 100cal for a 4oz portion!
  • hmm
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    I've lost 29lbs in 2 months using MFP and exercising and I'm not hungry at all. When I start to feel hungry I eat.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm always hungry! Especially at night.

    I think some people don't have the chemistry, or the complete chemistry, that helps the brain control the stomach. Often, it's my brain (taste, touch, smell) that desires food, my stomach is fine. Sometimes I can feel the texture of the food in my mouth and almost taste it and I fool myself into thinking I'm hungry.

    So I think a communication breakdown exists between my brain and my stomach. I don't know if that is a learned (psychological) issue or physiological. Whatever it is, I feel it and it feels very real! Counting calories does not magically change the fact that I'm hungry or just think I am.

    Timborino you made me think about something I was doing yesterday now, I used to (before I lost some weight) eat many chocolate brownies with icing on the top (bloody lovely they were) however, they were high in carbs and calories.

    Yesterday, something made me think of them and before I knew what I was doing, I was actually imagining eating one of those damned things and really could TASTE it!!! Before anybody comments though, it was not the same, in fact, I couldn't wait to get out of my workplace and away from the vending machine that sells them.

    If I hadn't been so intent on losing this weight and been so good up until now, I may have been tempted there. Glad I wasn't though.

    I am going to put the thought into my brain that any chocolate brownie is now covered in toenail clippings (somebody elses too) that should put me right off!

    Toenail clippings...hahaha good one I'll have to remember that the next time a sweet binge hits me.
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    I have found I was only hungry when I was doing some program - WW, Diet Center, Jenny Craig. Now that I am doing "my own thing" I am not hungry. I eat healthy, often, and stay within my calories 90% of the time. The only time I get hungry is if I push off lunch or dinner due to being busy and not eating at my usual times.
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    If I "let" myself get hungry and choose to ignore it, I just end up overeating or making bad choices. Counting calories, anticipating hunger by having healthy foods on hand, and getting plenty of exercise is the ONLY thing that has worked for me.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    This might be an odd question, but Are you sure you are hungry for food? Hunger can be a signal that you are thirsty. It can also be a mistaken signal that is really depression, anxiety, boredom.
    I do get the late night munchies, often from comercials on tv, so I save some calories for an after dinner snack befor bed. Usualy a small yogurt with warm blueberries and granola on top.
    I work hard to keep the blood sugar level and not get hungry during the day. I keep raw sunflower seeds or almonds in a snack bag. They have good fat, calcium and fiber, and keeps hunger at bay. If I work a long shift, I also keep a bag of cut up veggies near my desk. I found it hard to drink enough fluids so I keep a water bottle with me and I now get enough fluids.
    Find the little things that work for you, to keep hungry at bay. Don't punish yourself, because you are worthy of getting healthy.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    You need to choose nutritionally "dense" foods, ones that fill you up without excess cals. Also, if you are eating too many carbs that are high on the GI (glycemic index) scale, your blood sugar could be affecting your hunger. Perhaps your nutritionist could monitor your diet and tweak it so that it is properly balanced for your goals and lifestyle. Good luck!

    That statement hits the nail on the head. You could be hungry because your body isn't getting the nutrition that it needs. When you are trying to lose weight, there just isn't a lot of wiggle room. Every calorie you eat needs to count!!

    Everyone is different, so you may want to play with upping protein or fiber. Both will help to keep you fuller longer.

    I often find that a glass or 2 of water or hot tea helps to eliminate hunger pangs as well.
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    this is more like can't concentrate on anything except when I can next eat, door slamming, can't think, prolly shouldn't be driving, hide the cat or I'll strangle it sort of hungry. It's nags away like a toothache for a couple of hours a day. A couple of hours if I'm lucky.

    Callmefia, I was in WW years ago and still use their system of 'free' veggies. I was a little worried when I tracked them on here they would start to add up, but actually turns out they really are almost 'free'.

    I will try and swop some carbs for protein, but apart from nuts protein is not easily transportable.

    lucifa73 - good to see another Brit here :oD I agree about the oatcakes - I used them so much at one point I went off them ! - I'll have to dig them out again.

    Someone mentioned popcorn - which is also good, you get a huge bowlful for 100 cals - just buy straight popping corn, cover and put in the microwave for a couple of minutes. You feel like you're getting a lot & even tho most of it is hot air, :happy: it's pretty filling.

    >>I am going to put the thought into my brain that any chocolate brownie is now covered in toenail clippings (somebody elses too) that should put me right off! <<

    ROFL ...!
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    >>Perhaps your nutritionist could monitor your diet and tweak it so that it is properly balanced for your goals and lifestyle. Good luck! <<

    umm well she is a bit of a fan of super-low carb diets, wanted me to eat no more than 2 portions of fruit a day and cut out almost everything made with milk because milk turns to milk-sugar. And tea because " it accelerates sugar release".. Maybe she's right but I couldn't face it. I've tried Atkins before, it was dreadful, my energy levels plummetted, I couldn't get up off the couch. At least the cat didn't get strangled, but I didn't have the energy to feed it either

    >>This might be an odd question, but Are you sure you are hungry for food? Hunger can be a signal that you are thirsty. It can also be a mistaken signal that is really depression, anxiety, boredom.<<

    Yes that does happen sometimes, but it's the physical symptoms I find harder to deal with.
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    I would suggest starting by figuring your BMR ( That number is what your body would burn, calorie-wise, if you sat in bed ALL DAY LONG. So, once you set foot out of bed and take a few steps, you have already exceeded that amount. That's not including the walk from the parking garage, the stairs in your house and office, etc. Add in some exercise and you can see that this number gets up there pretty quick.

    There is a fine line between, being hungry and needing food. It's not easy to tell the difference. Anyone who has tried starving themself through weight loss can tell you that it works temporarily. But, it's only temporary, not a good lifestyle and no one wants to be around you when you are biting their head off ;)

    My advisor told me to drink a glass of water when i was hungry and wait 15 minutes. If I was still hungry then eat something healthy. It is foolish to ignore the psychological components of weight loss. It's not easy and don't let anyone make you think it is. But, if you are really dwelling on when you can eat next, I would look at your caloric intake and see if you are way under.

    Snack wise - need protein? Beef jerky. And while some beef-jerky brands are packed with high-sodium ingredients, such as MSG and sodium nitrate, chemical-free products are available. If you have high blood pressure, check the label for brands that are made from all-natural ingredients, which reduce the total sodium content (courtesy Men's Health Magazine).

    Have faith and keep at it.
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    What about exercise? You can make up some extra calories for healthy snacks there.

    I also find that I'm not any more hungry on a high exercise day than I am normally. If anything I'm less hungry on a day when I have a lot going on. Though the hungries come back the day after, and I go over a little bit then, but I almost never eat back more than I lost the previous day, so it averages out well. On Wednesday I have two hour-long classes. I rarely make even the minimum for calories on that day. On Thursday my appetite comes back and I usually end up going over, but not by much.

    Also, you don't have to eat salads all the time. I often have a no-fat bean and salsa burrito for lunch. Or sometimes I have hummus on those party-type rye bread squares. Those beans and chickpeas are filling! I never thought I'd be be into those kinds of things, but now I love it.
  • krislew
    krislew Posts: 46 Member
    I'm hungry ALL the time. Some days are worse than others. Some times of the month are worse than others. not ALL the time...but I get hungry. Most of it may be mental because I'm consumed with eating.

    I've tried eating less carbs. I've tried more fiber and more protein...none of it helps. And I tried just drinking water or chewing gum. Still doesn't help.'s mostly mental I'm sure.

    But to make myself feel better (whether it's based on fact or I made it up in my head)...every time my belly grumbles I think that's good because that means my metabolism is still high and then I tell myself that I lose a pound every time it grumbles.

    Yes, I know that last part is totally false...but it makes me feel better. :tongue:
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    jha I checked my BMR a while back it came up with 1290cals as a basic..

    Beef jerky huh? I've never tried it - worth a go!

    As for exercise, I work out 3x a week for 35 mins run-walk on a treadmill, then do 15mins of ab crunches etc..
    I'm thinking a lot of my probs are hormonal/metabolic (post-menopause) cos this never happened before the Big M.

    krislew - belly grumbles are not mental they're definitely physical! I love that little mind trick tho :-)) be grateful for belly-grumbles, it's just the sound of those evil lbs sliding off your thighs, hehe :happy:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Hunger is actually from a hormone called ghrelin. It's release into your system can be caused by different things, not all of which are a(n actual) need for food. Eating sugary foods, high carbs, skipping meals, not eating enough 'good' fat, and lack of protein can all cause ghrelin to affect your hunger levels. Here are a couple of reasonably comprehensible articles on how hunger (ghrelin) ties in to losing weight.;tabid=36&amp;mid=920
  • Van3ssa_2468
    Van3ssa_2468 Posts: 76 Member
    track your calories and do research on low calorie foods that are good for you.
    Try to eat something nutritious every three hours.
    If you feel hungry have a glass of water and if after 20 minutes you still feel hungry then have something to eat.
    Making yourself feel the hunger in order to convince yourself that this is the only way to lose weight is not the way to go.
    Changing habits and how you think about food will do you wonders.
    Good luck:)
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