DeeJayShank Member


  • Funky town
  • Dude you were 100+ pounds overweight. Why do you think that is?
  • This is a huge problem with MFP forums. There are some people who seem to follow this condescending recipe: 1.) Person spends years being overweight and unhealthy 2.) Person finds a reason to change their life, finds MFP, tracks food 3.) Person loses weight doing their plan 4.) Person defends their plan until the ends of…
  • 5'10" . I am about 11% right now and only 170 lbs.
  • I find it laughable that you think someone 100+ pounds overweight has any idea what sensible eating is or how to execute it. If they knew, they would have already.
  • 235-240 at 10%? How tall are you?
  • And what are your fitness and physique goals?
  • Excellent post, thank you.
  • Thank you for posting this. You are exactly the person I am trying to address. The so-called experts on this board often speak to everyone as if IIFYM is some well-understand concept when, in fact, the term "If it fits your macros" implies something quite different than what the actual plan is. If I am 100 pounds…
  • Exactly this. IIFYM implies you just get the right protein/carb/fat mix and you're good to go. Doesn't address satiety, flexibility of using either carbs or fat as an energy source (and in which situations you should prefer one or the other), or a host of other quality issues that people trying to reach elite levels of…
  • Sorry, you are still WRONG!! RTFM: Do I have to eat junk food with IIFYM? You can eat any kind of food you like while doing IIFYM. Clean, dirty, paleo, low carb, high carb. Anything you want. That is what the website says, so you can…
  • You are wrong. Sorry. IIFYM, by it's very definition, says to focus on what fits your macros. YOU are placing your own brand and thoughts on it by saying "focus on nutrient dense foods". That is YOU saying that, not the universe of IIFYM believers. Recognize the fact that you are adding supplementary conditions to IIFYM.…
  • To newbies, IIFYM often means eat whatever you want, just fit macros. This is crappy advice. This is my point.
  • hahaha epic meal
  • This is a cutting suggestion, not a bulk.
  • Kudos given to you both, because as you've both pointed out, what we typically call "healthier" foods are going to fill you up more. That is the biggest role that chicken breast and brown rice play in my diet. They are fillers that satiate hunger without overloading the system with calories. I could achieve similar results…
  • No reason to. Just sharing my own experience. For me, IIFYM works great when I have plenty of bodyfat to provide me with extra energy. Not the same mental/physical experience when I try to eat candy all day and maintain a deficit at under 12% bodyfat.
  • Every single day, I first always focus on eating 0.8g protein (or more) per pound of lean body mass (my total weight minus my bodyfat weight) On rest days, I keep carbs under 50g and eat more fat. On workout days, I eat very little fat and eat higher carbs. This is a common bodybuilder methodology. IIFYM works great if you…
  • Long term change is what matters, not a single day. Try to ignore your weight on any single day and instead focus on the long-term trend.
  • Check out body beast: And there are tons of free programs on I've done this one, worked great for me, I put on a lot of muscle in a month:
  • When it comes to health, Quantity > Quality. Lose weight eating only twinkies and your health markers will still improve considerably. Extra weight is the elephant in the room, and should be everyone's #1 health priority. Once you get a healthy weight, you can focus on macros/micros. But if you are overweight, then…
  • I'm sorry, but this is ridiculously bad advice. Your weight absolutely affects your personal life. It sends a message about who you are and what you about. Your weight and your appearance affect your confidence, which affects everything you do. If you are trying to date, it sends a signal to potential partners that you are…
  • I have definitely seen the IIFYM crowd on here claim that all macros are created equal. This premise completely ignores the fact that some macros are more satisfying than others. That was my point. I do believe in the power o IIFYM as a first step, but I also believe in choosing macros that help manage intake. And thus not…
  • Agree. Foods can be equal calorie and have vastly different health and satiety profiles. While it's true that you could lose weight eating only twinkies, I'd like to see someone try. I'm guessing they would be walking around hungry all day.
  • For me, carbohydrates are never filling... never. Years ago I changed to eating most "incidental" carbs. This just means I don't eat things like toast and jam (which is pretty much all carbs), but I will gladly eat carbs that are part of a more balanced macronutrient make-up (i.e. cottage cheese has carbs, or a hamburger…
  • For me, snacks are not filling. I would rather go hungry in between meals and then eat something of substance. There is no medical or health need to eat snacks throughout the day. I recommend to others that they simply drop snacks altogether to meet calorie goals. When hungry, drink something calorie-free instead.
  • ^^ this ^^