

  • Lost a little motivation over the weekend :( but am trying to push myself harder for the rest of the week! I did level 1 and 2 last night, back to back. Killer workout! Definitely feeling it today though!
  • Did D2L2 last night and I was gasping for air and sweating like crazy!! Hopefully day 3 tonight will be better! Definitely need the stress relief of the shred - work has been nuts today!
  • I kind of fell off the wagon last Friday because my body needed a break. Unfortunately, the break lasted until Tuesday night. 4 days off eek!! I know my body needed it though, my knees and shins were really bothering me. Last night felt good to get back to it though. I was disappointed that I lost a little endurance, but…
  • Good job on starting the shred! I'm on Day5 of level 2 and LOVING it! I feel so committed to Jillian! I just posted a similar question regarding sneakers for doing this video. I do wear my sneakers because it definitely has high impact moves. So make sure you have a good pair of sneakers. I'm looking into a new pair, maybe…
  • Did L2D4 last night and still feel like screaming throughout the whole workout, but I love it! Tonight will technically be my half way mark. I'm really proud of myself for sticking with this! I don't remember being so committed to a workout. I'm excited to crank it up these last 15 days and really see some great results…
  • Finished day 2 level 2 last night. I got an encouraging, "Good Job T, keep it up!" from my Dad while I was huffing and puffing and panting!! So that was nice! I didn't need to take so many breaks either! YAY! I did the shred at my parents house last night on wood floors, where at home I do it in the basement on concrete…
  • Yes I have had shin pains. I had them mildly in level one, but feel like level 2 is making the pain a bit worse. Walking at night might be better for you, give those shins a rest!
  • Did my first day of level 2 last night! Holy crap!! I was doing great on level one, now I feel like I'm at day one!! Hoping tonight I won't need to take so many breaks! She definitely cranked it up a few notches for level 2!! I'll definitely start seeing results now!! Great job to all who are half way through!!
  • Getting back on track!! Did level one twice today. Think I need one more at level one before I move to level 2. So hopefully tomorrow I'll cruise through level one again and hit level 2 to be back close to where I was supposed to be! Now all I need to is find my measuring tape to take some measurements to track my progess…
  • Wednesday night got a great compliment from a friend i hadn't seen in a while. "You look great! What are you doing? You look so skinny!" GREAT MOTIVATION!! Thursday morning woke up with a stomach bug, UGH! Knocked me out all day! And wasn't able to shred and didn't Wednesday because of the visit to a friend. So I'm feeling…
  • Great job for pushing through and getting it done!!
  • Finished D8L1 last night. Was able to all of the pushups (modified version) in the first circuit!! Finally! They have been so hard for me! Tonight and tomorrow are my last 2 days on level one! Then on to level 2 on friday! Really excited that I've been so committed to this! I feel accountable to the group so it makes me…
  • I told myself I would do the shred 2 times yesterday and I did it! So I am back on track! Tonight will be day 7 on level one. I'm getting excited to start level 2 as I am getting a little bored with level 1. I'll start Friday with level 2 though and will take measurements. Ugh still haven't done my starting measurements,…
  • It's been a couple of days since I last updated. I missed Friday night (day 4) because I had an absolutely awful day at work and it just got to me. However, yesterday I did complete the workout, which I'll consider day 4. I also cleaned my house like crazy. Today I plan on doing the shred 2 times to get back to where I…
  • Day 3 level 1 completed last night! Felt great afterwards and not as sore this morning! I'm excited to get to it tonight! @lolhippie - maybe try to not go so deep into the movements when your knees are bent until they get a little stronger? Probably adding some extra stretching and warming up before beginning would help as…
  • Finished D3L1 last night! Feeling MUCH better today! Not nearly as sore! Looking forward to shredding tonight!
  • I did level1 day 2 last night and my arms and chest are even more sore today! I used lighter weights last night because 5 pound weights were too much to start with! I'll work my way up to them! I did extra stretching during the start-up of the dvd to help warm up some more. That seemed to help while working out! But after…
  • Hey everyone! Would love to join this group in the 30 day shred! Seems to be more interactive compared to another group I joined! I finished level 1 day 2 last night and am feeling it today! Holy cow my chest and arms are sore today!! I really, really want to get through all 30 days of the shred because it puts me at a…
  • I'm in! I'm so glad I found a group that started when I did! I did my first workout last night at level one and WOW am I feeling the burn today! I am SO sore but in a good way! I'm really looking forward to completing the 30 days and work for the results! I've seen many other threads and these seem to work great as a…