30 day shred



  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Just finished L1: D7! I honestly had to force myself to do it this morning to get it done... but it's done :)
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member
    LV1D4 done. Legs aren't as sore today, I can actually walk normally now! Had a quick look at Lv3 today and it looks hard but quite fun!
  • busygirl1
    It's been a couple of days since I last updated. I missed Friday night (day 4) because I had an absolutely awful day at work and it just got to me. However, yesterday I did complete the workout, which I'll consider day 4. I also cleaned my house like crazy. Today I plan on doing the shred 2 times to get back to where I need to be, day 6. Also, since it's a pretty day I plan on washing my car with some serious effort as it hasn't seen suds since about September!! I'm disappointed I missed a day, but plan on fixing it!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend and is staying committed!!
    Hey sweet, I missed a day aswell, 30 days straight is going to be hard for anyone and we all have a life which can get in the way! Just start again when you miss one and try not to beat yourself up about it x x
  • busygirl1
    Took the girl;s swimming today and my ab's hurt! I wonder if last night was the first night I did the ab section properly or just put more than usual effort in?? Anyway, off to do Day 6 in an hour x x
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    im biting the bullet and going or level 2 day one today! im meant to be doing L1D9 today but i need a challenge!
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Day 7 down. Most of the soreness has gone now... I'm still finding the modified push-ups so difficult... My upper body strength is so rubbish!!!

    I'm quite scared about moving up to Level 2! Only 3 more days! Also, I have found myself wanting to eat SO much more since I've started exercising! Catch 22 or what?!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Day 7 down. Most of the soreness has gone now... I'm still finding the modified push-ups so difficult... My upper body strength is so rubbish!!!

    I'm quite scared about moving up to Level 2! Only 3 more days! Also, I have found myself wanting to eat SO much more since I've started exercising! Catch 22 or what?!

    i know! im a lot hungrier too! lol! well im abt to do level 2, if its too much back to one i go! lol!
  • busygirl1
    L1D6 done :smile:
  • busygirl1
    Day 7 down. Most of the soreness has gone now... I'm still finding the modified push-ups so difficult... My upper body strength is so rubbish!!!

    I'm quite scared about moving up to Level 2! Only 3 more days! Also, I have found myself wanting to eat SO much more since I've started exercising! Catch 22 or what?!

    Yes the push-ups are the hardest for me too, I also have limited upper body strength but hopefully this DVD will sort that a bit!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    wowee! level 2 day one done! (day 9/30 completed!) im sweating loads! def what i needed! im glad i moved up!
  • busygirl1
    wowee! level 2 day one done! (day 9/30 completed!) im sweating loads! def what i needed! im glad i moved up!

    I might move to level 2 tomorrow, I am bored of level one :smile:
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    wowee! level 2 day one done! (day 9/30 completed!) im sweating loads! def what i needed! im glad i moved up!

    I might move to level 2 tomorrow, I am bored of level one :smile:

    do it. I actually surprised myself as I didnt find it that difficult ! I was getting bored with level 1.
  • smittmum
    I am on day four...boy its tough but very good...aching so much! Count me in...we will need the support! lol
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    I started the shred on February 7th... took my before photos and my measurements. I plan on doing each level for 2 weeks :)
    So far, I absolutely love this workout. I also do wii fit, but that's added in mostly for fun :) I am hoping to have some great news for everyone at the end!!!!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    L1D7 - finally got all caught up. That shoulder press or whatever that goes with the squat just about kills me. I must have the weakest shoulders ever! I have moved to 5 pound weighs for some stuff but not for that nor the anterior raises.
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    L1D6 done.. I too am getting bored with Level 1. I am going to try level 2 tomorrow. Good Shredding All!
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Level 1 Day 8 complete. I don't want to do this anymore...I was half way through and just so tired... it was early morning but...I don't know...

    I guess I'll keep on with it, Jillian says that your endurance improves by day 5/6/7, but I'm still finding it difficult...I'm just weak.

    2 days until Level 2...
  • tsamak310
    I told myself I would do the shred 2 times yesterday and I did it! So I am back on track! Tonight will be day 7 on level one. I'm getting excited to start level 2 as I am getting a little bored with level 1. I'll start Friday with level 2 though and will take measurements. Ugh still haven't done my starting measurements, owell hopefully there will be change from day 10 to day 30. Happy Valentines day to everyone!! My valentine is working until tomorrow night, so I'll be having a valentine date with Jillian tonight!!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    L1D7 - finally got all caught up. That shoulder press or whatever that goes with the squat just about kills me. I must have the weakest shoulders ever! I have moved to 5 pound weighs for some stuff but not for that nor the anterior raises.

    Those squat should raises kill me too! LOL. I have weak shoulders as well. Like your idea of moving to 5 lb weights. I may do that for the chest flies and the lunge/biceps. I'll try that today!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Was able to fit in the shred early today! Finished Level 1, Day 8. Going to stick to Level 1 for the 10 days before moving to Level 2... although I'm really tempted to move on now :)