30 day shred



  • tsamak310
    Did my first day of level 2 last night! Holy crap!! I was doing great on level one, now I feel like I'm at day one!! Hoping tonight I won't need to take so many breaks! She definitely cranked it up a few notches for level 2!! I'll definitely start seeing results now!! Great job to all who are half way through!!
  • busygirl1
    L2D7!!! have worked really hard this week but didn't perform too well today- wondering if I need a recovery day tomorrow? What does everyone think?? I am looking and feeling so much better, I had a gym top on that I have actually never worn today and I bought it about 2 years ago :smile:
  • Shan605
    I plan on starting my 30 day shred on Monday and wanted to know if you guys are seeing results?
  • katierg
    My sister just started 30 day shred yesterday and she said she could barely walk up and down stairs. Legs shakey all day long. :) I told her it was good for her. I have never done it but I'm currently working with a trainer for the next couple of weeks on other things but I hear so many good things about this video that I plan on trying it in future to add some muscle confusion down the road. xoxo
  • shellyxxxxx
    i started the shred this morning 10.30am and now its 9pm and my legs are still shaking hope im ok tommoro for day 2 x really need to get rid of this double muffin top lol x
  • busygirl1
    I plan on starting my 30 day shred on Monday and wanted to know if you guys are seeing results?

    yes we are about half way through and lost a few inches already, read the thread!! i know its long :laugh:
  • busygirl1
    Just finished L2:D5! At the half-way point with 15 days back-to-back completed! 15 to go :happy:

    you feeling a difference yet?
  • jerseygirl777
    Ughhh so I am having one of those days... only a few hours sleep. I don't feel the best and am wondering if it matters to skip a day. I'm only on day 7 of level 1 and I'm wondering if skipping will have a negative impact?? Usually I push myself through but I think if I start moving I might puke. It stinks bc I told myself I would go straight through but I guess sometimes life happens!
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Day 6 of Level 2 complete! Still modifying some of the moves and taking a couple of rests here and there, but burning 300+ cals so I'm happy!

    16 days done, 14 to go!

    And I may be doing a mile run tomorrow as well!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Level 2 - Day 6 complete :) I am able to get more reps in, get deeper in the moves, and I'm no longer taking breaks. 4 more days till Level 3!
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    I'm scared to see Level 3. LOL
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member
    Completed LV2D5 (day 15 in total) today. Started doing level 1 again in the evenings too. It's surprising how much easier LV1 is to LV2. Has anyone weighed in yet or measured?
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Congrats to everyone who Shredded today. I was not able to. I will do 2 tomorrow. UGH! Good Night!
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member
    Has anyone had any shin pain since starting level 2? I've had it mildly yesterday and the day before, and then today when I tried to do it today they were just hurting too much. Hoping to catch up tomorrow, think I might lay off doing level 1 in the evening and just go walking instead :ohwell:
  • mrjason
    mrjason Posts: 61 Member
    Bought this at Amazon for $8.99. I have 150 pounds to lose. I'm actually looking foward to getting started!
  • TabbyJustice
    TabbyJustice Posts: 132 Member
    Yesterday was my first day doing the 30DS. Level 1... Got through it, but wow I really wanted to stop for a break midway through. And this morning OWW. I don't have a car and had to walk to work, and I felt like a little old granny because I was so stiff!

    And now I'm thinking, "I have to do that again tonight before the gym?!"

    But I'm going to do it. No wussing out.
  • tsamak310
    Has anyone had any shin pain since starting level 2? I've had it mildly yesterday and the day before, and then today when I tried to do it today they were just hurting too much. Hoping to catch up tomorrow, think I might lay off doing level 1 in the evening and just go walking instead :ohwell:

    Yes I have had shin pains. I had them mildly in level one, but feel like level 2 is making the pain a bit worse. Walking at night might be better for you, give those shins a rest!
  • tsamak310
    Finished day 2 level 2 last night. I got an encouraging, "Good Job T, keep it up!" from my Dad while I was huffing and puffing and panting!! So that was nice! I didn't need to take so many breaks either! YAY! I did the shred at my parents house last night on wood floors, where at home I do it in the basement on concrete with an old carpet on top, and found that it was much easier on my knees and shins. I might have to move upstairs to the wood floor to avoid the shin pain!

    Is anyone screaming during the military press and chair squat arm lift circuit?! I hope so!! That is killer!!
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Is anyone screaming during the military press and chair squat arm lift circuit?! I hope so!! That is killer!!

    I want to scream, but my flatmate would probably think I am more crazy than I already am! It is definitely a killer!

    I did Day 7 of Level 2...I feel like I need more time on Level 2, three more days may not be enough...but I will move on and see first... Level 1 seems like such a breeze compared to Level 2! I'm scared about Level 3 too, but at the same time, quite excited!

    Well, 17 days down, 13 to go! We will be well and truly shredded guys, keep up the amazing work!
  • busygirl1
    ok L2 D8 done. This was my toughest day yet, I think that yesterdays lack lustre performance may have been due to the beginning of how I feel today setting in :sick: However I pushed through it and once I did the shred did some cardio aswell. Feeling mentally in the exercise 'zone' now but physically pretty rubbish, typical!!!! Anyway, good going all, keep it up x x :bigsmile: