30 day shred



  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    count me in! My butt needs something other than the darn couch!


    Right on!!
  • seanwo
    Good luck, I'm sure its a great workout but remember .... leaning out in 30 days is extremely difficult on any program so don't let your expectations be unrealistic. The workout will be a great start but it's a lifestyle you will need to maintain to keep it off!!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Finished Day 11 and day 2 of Level 2.... Does that make sense? Any way... It was really hard. I took a couple of breaks, but not at 5 sec at a time. I like level 2. I do the modified version of the plank jacks and what ever the other really hard thing is. The V things kill me too, but I like them. I hope that tomorrow is going to be better. Maybe I would do better if I would quit smoking.., I put a patch on this evening, so I should know tomorrow.
    Thanks for all of the support on here. Happy Shredding once again!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Finished L2:D3 (Day 13 overall) today! I'm also having a hard time with the squat / V-Flies, as others have mentioned.

    Forgot if I posted my first 10 day results. After level 1 (10 days), I lost 1 inch on my waist and 0.5 inch of my hips. Not much difference, but I have found that I have more definition in my arms and my legs.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Just got done with L2:D4 this morning! Got it done early :) Hope you are all having a great weekend!
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Hey everyone,

    Day 4 of Level 2 complete. I must remember to try not to do it before breakfast, I felt SO light-headed and woozy. But I needed to get it out of the way as I knew I would not have done it after work!

    My arms are so weak, they cannot sustain my weight... but I loved this workout today, I burned the most calories out of the four days and I don't think I've ever sweated that much in my life!

    14/30 days complete! Tomorrow will be the half way point!
  • busygirl1
    L2D5!!! whoop whoop!!! worked my *kitten* off today, did Cardio Combat before the Shred and my legs are like jelly but got a real rush from the exhaustion!!!! looking forward to tomorrow:laugh:
  • busygirl1
    Hey everyone,

    Day 4 of Level 2 complete. I must remember to try not to do it before breakfast, I felt SO light-headed and woozy. But I needed to get it out of the way as I knew I would not have done it after work!

    My arms are so weak, they cannot sustain my weight... but I loved this workout today, I burned the most calories out of the four days and I don't think I've ever sweated that much in my life!

    14/30 days complete! Tomorrow will be the half way point!

    I train much better on empty, its funny how different we all feel doing the same thing!
  • krisvtx8777
    What weights is everyone using?

    5 lbs is all I have but those side anterior lunges are just killing me pulling the weights straight ahead up to my eyes in that position. Those are the hardest for me. I usually have to put one weight down and just hold one weight and pull up with both hands to get through them.
  • jerseygirl777
    I've been doing it off and on, but havent really stuck to it. My goal is to keep with the 30 days, so today was day 5. I've been doing level 1 or 2 in addition to my regular cardio at the gym. I notice when I do it AFTER I already did my cardio for the day, I feel so much weaker. I need to remember to do the DVD first bc I feel like I can keep up better that way.

    krisvtx8777: I've been using 5lb weights as well.... some moves I find I like better than others, but I remind myself its only 20 mins and it gets me through :)

    I definitely should have taken measurements and weighed in before I started. Hopefully I can do that tomorrow or the next day so I can compare at the end! I definitely feel it in my legs tho lol
  • busygirl1
    What weights is everyone using?

    5 lbs is all I have but those side anterior lunges are just killing me pulling the weights straight ahead up to my eyes in that position. Those are the hardest for me. I usually have to put one weight down and just hold one weight and pull up with both hands to get through them.

    I did the same as I could only find one of my smaller weights, its better to drop one and do them all than only get half way than have to stop doing them i think :smile:
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    well. I did D3 L2 today along with 30 minutes of the P90X Stretching DVD ( I ran out of time) then an hour of Pole Class. I am whooped. Today was easier, but I am havinb a hard time with the up and downs. When I get down to do the sit ups, I feel like I am going to Barf.... WHat's up with that??? Anyway, I will be back at it again tomorrow. Have a great evening everyone.
  • busygirl1
    well. I did D3 L2 today along with 30 minutes of the P90X Stretching DVD ( I ran out of time) then an hour of Pole Class. I am whooped. Today was easier, but I am havinb a hard time with the up and downs. When I get down to do the sit ups, I feel like I am going to Barf.... WHat's up with that??? Anyway, I will be back at it again tomorrow. Have a great evening everyone.

    if you feel like you are going to barf it means that you are pushing your body further than it wants to go! keep with it, you need to push to change x x
  • Cori615
    Cori615 Posts: 100
    I'll join you. :)
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    well. I did D3 L2 today along with 30 minutes of the P90X Stretching DVD ( I ran out of time) then an hour of Pole Class. I am whooped. Today was easier, but I am havinb a hard time with the up and downs. When I get down to do the sit ups, I feel like I am going to Barf.... WHat's up with that??? Anyway, I will be back at it again tomorrow. Have a great evening everyone.

    if you feel like you are going to barf it means that you are pushing your body further than it wants to go! keep with it, you need to push to change x x

    Thanks so much Busy girl! I am getting ready to get back at it. I need to be burning 500 Cals a day to lose any weight. I am still eating 1200 oer day and excercising everyday, but the scale wont budge. I know that I have lost inches and I am very proud of that. I just want the scale to go down a little more. I have about 23 more pounds to go.
    Have a good one!!
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Day 15 complete today! Halfway there! I'm still finding it challenging which is good as it makes me more inclined to finish it! I wouldn't have gotten this far if it weren't for the accountability and support from you guys, so thank you!

    Just 15 more days to go!!!
  • busygirl1
    L2D6 done!!! really enjoying the exercise and eating clean this week so the scale had better shift this week or someone is getting an *kitten* kicking:mad: did a good run beforehand so burning a lot of calories hopefully. half way there girls. lets keep going x x
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Day 14, L2D3 Done.. It was much better today. I didn't feel llike I was going to barf!! Yay!! I didn't even have to take as many tiny breaks. After that Yoga Meltdown with Jillian too. Burned 324 calories total. I have a little more I want to do. I have been eating clean too, busygirl.. I hope that I see a little move in the scale tomorrow morning... Thanks so much for your encouragement!
  • smittmum
    Am about to start level 2 tomo, am bit worried as struggle with upper body strength but sure can see the results. Weigh in tomo too so will see. Wish me luck!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Just finished L2:D5! At the half-way point with 15 days back-to-back completed! 15 to go :happy: