

  • It's also really good to use zucchini (use a mandolin to slice super thin) in place of spaghetti - delicious with homemade tomato gravy! Just slice it and steam for about 10 minutes with a little salt & the gravy
  • Drink lots of water and avoid salt. If you don't drink enough water your body will hang on to more so drink plenty and your body will process it better
  • It sounds to me like your doctor is being responsible. Phentermine is not a miracle pill. It’s to help reduce weight in patients when used short-term and combined with exercise, diet, and behavioral modification. It is not the ONLY way you can lose weight. Yes it will help you but 1st you have to help yourself…
  • I am not 100% sure but I think they took it off the air. Not sure why or maybe it was just a special month long thing? But if you look on the website it doesn;t show any air dates since May
  • Thank you!!! And thank you all for the encouragement!!! I just tried a yoga class and really liked that. I will give the Pilates a few more shots, I committed to at least 4 classes and hopefully will get the hang of it by then. I will give myself a break though and do my best :bigsmile:
    in Pilates? Comment by abbie3857 June 2009
  • Check out Cook Yourself Thin site on, they have a wonderful recipe for Chicken parm using zucchini instead of noodles
  • I think that the other thing to keep in mind is that the majority of what is listed on this site (and most sites I'm sure) are the pre boxed rolls that you would find in a cafteria or grocery store. I'm not knockin em - some are really good! But they tend to use different methods to make them look better, stay fresher,…
  • Wow - so similar it's almost scary! Right down to the city :noway: I'm 28 and up until about a year ago I've always been 125-140 normally right around 135 which is where I would like to get back to. I got up to 158 and am down to 153 but having a hell of a time getting lower than that. I'll be happy to just fit in my old…
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