

  • I have a Polar FT4 and LOVE IT! I, too, use it everytime I work out. I've had a Timex and didn't like it at all. The Polar is way more accurate! I've never met anyone who doesn't love their Polar!
  • I use a tortilla or bagel thins instead of a regular piece of bread. If you are trying to stay away from bread altogether, then I can't help you. If you are doing a tuna sandwich or something like that, lettuce wraps are a great alternative.
  • I'm not an oatmeal lover, but I just read in Runner's World today that the flavored instant oatmeal is fine. Hope that helps!
  • Thanks for your note. I'm up 2.5 lbs this week and was wondering how much is "normal" to gain during that TOM. I about passed out when I stepped on the scale! 2.5 lb weight gain and I didn't even eat any Easter candy :) I struggle with the same issues as many people. I'm not hungry.... but I'm eating. I've seen my weight…
  • Thanks everyone! I ordered a Polar FT4 from this morning.
  • Is it a group on MFP?
  • Thanks! I appreciate your encouragement.
  • Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!
  • Okay, thanks. You learn something new everyday. Do I need to eat ALL of my burned calories? What if I'm not hungry, or full after eating a smaller amount?
  • Thanks. Right now I'm doing spinning and zumba at the gym. I have my goal set to lose 1 pound a week. Here's what I don't get.... if I set my goal higher (say 2 pounds a week), I'd have to eat less calories, right? So if I eat less calories, why am I gaining?
  • Thanks. Right now I'm doing spinning and zumba at the gym. I have my goal set to lose 1 pound a week. Here's what I don't get.... if I set my goal higher (say 2 pounds a week), I'd have to eat less calories, right? So if I eat less calories, why am I gaining?
  • Thanks everyone. I have a few questions for you all. When I go to the gym, I log my exercise and my calories lost ( I have a HRM to track the calories)... I sometimes have a deficit because I try to eat my 1600 calories (or less) and not eat my exercise calories. Isn't that the whole purpose of going to the gym is to burn…
  • I have a "middle of the road" heart rate monitor by Timex... and LOVE it. It helps me know if I'm staying in my target heart rate. It also shows me exactly how many calories I'm burning. I don't go to the gym without it! I HIGHLY recommend one!