bread alternatives

I've just stopped eating bread in the last week or so, because it's my nemesis in terms of weight loss! The difference without it is quite amazing. I feel much more "even", not so up and down energy-wise and in terms of craving food.

When I was eating bread, I would be craving food all day and only something stodgy/fatty/sugary would satisfy. Now I'm feeling proper stomach hunger (something I didn't feel all that often before) but it's somehow easier to cope with than the bread sweats and more easily satiated with fruit or something more healthy. Yay!

The only downside is that bread is just so darned convenient! I've been looking round for alternatives and have found loads of recipes to make a bread-like loaf from things like almond butter or almond meal and various non wheat flours and eggs. I've tried baking one which turned out really well and I enjoyed it, but it's quite high in fat (good fats, I know, but still fat!) and nuts are expensive in the UK.

I've used oatcakes a few times which are nice but I wouldn't want to eat them all the time.

Does anyone have any suggestions for good bread replacements? Thanks!


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Replacements for what? If you're making a sandwich for lunch, it's ahrd to find an alternative. But you could replace the sandwich/ wrap idea and go for soup or salad instead. Where would you normally have bread in your diet?
  • dutchman24
    dutchman24 Posts: 108 Member
    I usually try to avoid bread as much as possible, but find personally, that nothing completely can replace it. I usually have an english muffin in the morning with an egg or peanut butter, jelly or etc. If I elect to have "bread" at noon, I use a lo cal bread...2 slices = 70 cal. But usually, I have some type of bread only once a day. Looking at your friends diaries will give you additional help to vary your diet. But, of course, this is just my "take" on it. Good luck to you!
  • I use a tortilla or bagel thins instead of a regular piece of bread. If you are trying to stay away from bread altogether, then I can't help you. If you are doing a tuna sandwich or something like that, lettuce wraps are a great alternative.
  • GnaBean
    GnaBean Posts: 112 Member
    I enjoy a Primal lifestyle, so this comes up quite a bit. First of all, there's nothing wrong with coming up with meals that don't require bread or bread replacements (i.e. salads, meat with side of veggies, lasagna made with zucchini or eggplant instead of noodles). BUT since the question is regarding bread alternatives, my husband loves to wrap things in lettuce. Lunch meat with cheese or tuna salad. As a former bread-aholic, he swears by it! He says he gets to enjoy the flavors more.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    You could try things like pitta bread and fill those. or switch to eating very high fibre/seeded wholemeal breads (Vogel is one brand) and have an open sandwhich instead. I'm having a phase of Ryvita with pumpkins seeds at the moment! :smile:
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    Actually bread is really not the enemy, the enemy is what we choose for our bread. Whole grain bread in moderation is good. It is a carb yes and it seems carbs have become an evil entity to most. Choose wisely such as whole grains (not multi grain there is a huge difference) my favorite bread if I have it which yes I do is Ezekial sprouted grain bread, the cinnamon/raisin is wonderful for breakfast.
  • I love making cauliflower bread. 1 head in a food processor, 5 or 6 eggs, flattened out into a sheet on a cookie tray, that is pam sprayed. bake at 250 til light brown. the thinner the sheet you press out, the more adhesion you will have between the powedered cauli. I make tuna with vinegar and relish only, and putit on the 'bread' with some lettuce.... fricking yum....

    Heres a blog i wrote about it recently.

    PS - I AMA CARB QUEEN and this helped me a LOT
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    I have these crackers, have completely gotten free of my bread addiction, but I don't know if they are available in the UK. maybe there's an alternative sort of cracker, though...

    they come in different varieties, such as wholegrain, sesame, 7 grains,...

    two crackers are about 70 cal.
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    I have these crackers, have completely gotten free of my bread addiction, but I don't know if they are available in the UK. maybe there's an alternative sort of cracker, though...

    they come in different varieties, such as wholegrain, sesame, 7 grains,...

    two crackers are about 70 cal.

    Yes I almost forgot about WASA love all the flavors and are so filling! Thanks for reminding me they exist :-)
  • FitGirl329
    FitGirl329 Posts: 103 Member
    Our body processes whole wheat just like white in terms of raising blood sugar levels. That's probably why you felt the way you did. If you switch those products to 100% whole grain or sprouted grains (like Ezekiel breads you buy in the freezer section), you'll be fine. Your blood sugar will stay level and you'll still feel good. I've been eating those in moderation.
  • CharityD
    CharityD Posts: 193
    I use Wasa Crispbread instead of bread. They are low cal & high fiber. I put eggs on them, tuna, lunchmeat...whatever. They are in the grocery store isle with the imported crackers.
  • Miiimii
    Miiimii Posts: 279 Member
    I love bread, would never stop eating eat. I just don't eat white bread like baguette or toast (except I'm on holiday in France, than I eat baguette every day). At home I just make my own bread to make sure it's health and not this disgusting processed stuff.
  • Replacements for what? If you're making a sandwich for lunch, it's ahrd to find an alternative. But you could replace the sandwich/ wrap idea and go for soup or salad instead. Where would you normally have bread in your diet?

    I'm mainly looking for a way to still have sandwiches, I enjoy toast for breakfast but am happy to have porridge or something similar instead most of the time.

    I have been having soups and salads a lot and they're enjoyable, but sometimes a sandwich is just more convenient!
  • Our body processes whole wheat just like white in terms of raising blood sugar levels. That's probably why you felt the way you did. If you switch those products to 100% whole grain or sprouted grains (like Ezekiel breads you buy in the freezer section), you'll be fine. Your blood sugar will stay level and you'll still feel good. I've been eating those in moderation.

    Don't know if we have those over here.... will have to investigate - thanks!
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I know its techn "bread" but ever try the Ezekiel bread? Its quite healthy and contains nutrients similar to meat and has some protein in it.

    I'm not a carb fan myself. Like you, my body just puts weight on when I eat too much. I try to eat healthy/"slow" carbs when I do.
  • I have these crackers, have completely gotten free of my bread addiction, but I don't know if they are available in the UK. maybe there's an alternative sort of cracker, though...

    they come in different varieties, such as wholegrain, sesame, 7 grains,...

    two crackers are about 70 cal.

    they look good. not sure if they're available over here, I'll find out. We have something similar called Ryvita - maybe it's the same thing........thanks!
  • I love making cauliflower bread. 1 head in a food processor, 5 or 6 eggs, flattened out into a sheet on a cookie tray, that is pam sprayed. bake at 250 til light brown. the thinner the sheet you press out, the more adhesion you will have between the powedered cauli. I make tuna with vinegar and relish only, and putit on the 'bread' with some lettuce.... fricking yum....

    Heres a blog i wrote about it recently.

    PS - I AMA CARB QUEEN and this helped me a LOT

    That looks amazing! I'm gonna try it! Thanks
  • dillydally123
    dillydally123 Posts: 139 Member
    i'm also having a love affair with ryvita pumpkin seed at the moment.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Sorry, there is no substitute for bread. Either learn to eat it in moderation or get used to life without it.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I have been trying to cut down on bread. Now I often have soup with a chicken breast instead of soup and bread or some kind of protein and salad. Cottage cheese and apple is a favourite lunch or hummous and cut up veg like carrot or cucumber. Ryvitas are quite good. I like the sesame kind or oatcakes (Nairns fine milled). You can also eat jacket potatoes or pasta (you can get wheat free pasta if it's the wheat you are wanting to avoid) or rice cakes. If you want to eat some bread, Burgen bread is really good as it has loads of seeds so a low GI.

    Hope this helps
