bread alternatives



  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I'm mainly looking for a way to still have sandwiches, I enjoy toast for breakfast but am happy to have porridge or something similar instead most of the time.

    I have been having soups and salads a lot and they're enjoyable, but sometimes a sandwich is just more convenient!

    I take it you're in the uk, if you have Ryvita?

    Just eat a good quality granary: Burgen do something with lots of different stuff in it. I personally like Hovis Granary. If you buy the half loaf it makes each slice slightly smaller, ergo less calorific. But it's a satisfying bread and you feel like you've actually eaten something.

    Bread, at the end of the day, is not the enemy. It's just nasty plastic white bread that'll do you in.......

    Yep I'm in the UK.

    I know bread isn't really the enemy and I do buy the better breads - never really eat the while plastic stuff! But even the good stuff is addictive (to me anyway!), and if I have one slice, I'm just as likely to have 10! No self control - it's just too good! Therefore best to lay off altogether.

    I'm also not a fan of the plastic white stuff. Unless there are sausages on a BBQ somewhere, when it becomes compulsory!
  • threeohtwo
    threeohtwo Posts: 153 Member
    Last night I made these delicious pizzas and the "crust" was portabello mushroom caps. I've also heard of making crust from cauliflower and apparently its very very good.
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    Last night I made these delicious pizzas and the "crust" was portabello mushroom caps. I've also heard of making crust from cauliflower and apparently its very very good.

    Does that mean you just put the pizza toppings in the mushroom caps, or did you do something to them?
  • emmie0622
    emmie0622 Posts: 167 Member
    Ezekiel bread - I get it from Trader Joe's
  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    Wheat pitas, you can get low-carb or vitamin-enriched if you want REALLY healthy, I just ended up buying a bag of 8 pitas or so and freezing them until I needed them for chicken sammiches. I still love bread, but I've sworn it off unless it's reeeeally good bread (i.e. my mom's homemade, or artisan or specialized bread like cranberry walnut, etc) a little bit goes a long way with these! :) Congratulations on your journey so far, don't forget to treat yourself every now and then though!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    Replacements for what? If you're making a sandwich for lunch, it's ahrd to find an alternative. But you could replace the sandwich/ wrap idea and go for soup or salad instead. Where would you normally have bread in your diet?

    I'm mainly looking for a way to still have sandwiches, I enjoy toast for breakfast but am happy to have porridge or something similar instead most of the time.

    I have been having soups and salads a lot and they're enjoyable, but sometimes a sandwich is just more convenient!

    you can do wraps with large lettuce leaves instead of tortilla
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    Just eat things that don't require bread. Why do you need it?

    No bread day:
    Breakfast: eggs, avocado, an apple, coffee with coconut milk or coconut cream
    Lunch: chicken, sweet potato, broccoli
    Snack: nuts and jerky
    Dinner: steak, spinach
    Dessert: berries with coconut milk

    Miss bread? I don't.
  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    Replacements for what? If you're making a sandwich for lunch, it's ahrd to find an alternative. But you could replace the sandwich/ wrap idea and go for soup or salad instead. Where would you normally have bread in your diet?

    I'm mainly looking for a way to still have sandwiches, I enjoy toast for breakfast but am happy to have porridge or something similar instead most of the time.

    I have been having soups and salads a lot and they're enjoyable, but sometimes a sandwich is just more convenient!

    you can do wraps with large lettuce leaves instead of tortilla

    OMAIGOSH lettuce wraps are my favorite thing ever. If you buy those huge iceberg lettuce heads, you can get a big ole' piece of lettuce and marinate a slab of chicken in some kind of steak sauce or vinegar, and then put it in the lettuce leaf with peppers, jalapeno, pineapple, whatever you like!
  • TinamarZDF
    TinamarZDF Posts: 58 Member
  • I eat weight Watchers bread it's half the cals of normal bread :wink:
  • I eat Weight Watchers bread half the cals:smile:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Last night I made these delicious pizzas and the "crust" was portabello mushroom caps. I've also heard of making crust from cauliflower and apparently its very very good.

    Mushroom crust sounds a LOT better than cauliflower! I love mushrooms.
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    Our body processes whole wheat just like white in terms of raising blood sugar levels. That's probably why you felt the way you did. If you switch those products to 100% whole grain or sprouted grains (like Ezekiel breads you buy in the freezer section), you'll be fine. Your blood sugar will stay level and you'll still feel good. I've been eating those in moderation.

    This is correct. My husband is type 1 diabetic and was told to avoid wheat because of the horrible affect on blood sugar.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    when im off gluten, I replace bread with a plastic bowl.

    Goes on bread?
    Goes in the bowl!
  • chrisdell21
    chrisdell21 Posts: 54 Member
    I generally use Light Tapioca loaf for sandwiches. They make a decent substatute for the bread in PB&J. It wasn't the best on my ham sandwich but then I don't put much on other than ham so you may have better results. It did make a good grilled cheese and was awesome for French Toast. Here's the link:
  • when im off gluten, I replace bread with a plastic bowl.

    Goes on bread?
    Goes in the bowl!

    Great idea!
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    Actually bread is really not the enemy, the enemy is what we choose for our bread. Whole grain bread in moderation is good. It is a carb yes and it seems carbs have become an evil entity to most. Choose wisely such as whole grains (not multi grain there is a huge difference) my favorite bread if I have it which yes I do is Ezekial sprouted grain bread, the cinnamon/raisin is wonderful for breakfast.

    I agree 100%. It isn't the enemy and you need whole grains in your diet.

    Is there a reason you're giving up bread altogether?
  • Actually bread is really not the enemy, the enemy is what we choose for our bread. Whole grain bread in moderation is good. It is a carb yes and it seems carbs have become an evil entity to most. Choose wisely such as whole grains (not multi grain there is a huge difference) my favorite bread if I have it which yes I do is Ezekial sprouted grain bread, the cinnamon/raisin is wonderful for breakfast.

    I agree 100%. It isn't the enemy and you need whole grains in your diet.

    Is there a reason you're giving up bread altogether?

    I haven't given up anything else, I still eat brown rice and other grains. I'm just experimenting with not having bread because I'm not able to easily control how much of it I eat (i find it addictive) and I actually feel a lot better (not so sluggish and no cravings for inappropriate foods) for not eating it. Other than the bread thing, I eat a normal healthy (ish!) diet.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Google Oopsie Rolls! Follow the instructions to the T, come out great if you do! Flax bread is another alternative. Both are low carb and keto friendly.

    Yes! I love oopsie rolls. I make them in a muffin-top pan so they come out nice and round, the size of English muffins or sandwich thins. Flax bread has kind of a "different" texture, but it's good, too. Look for MIM (muffin in a minute) recipes that use flax--there are savory, more bread-like versions, not just sweet ones.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Actually bread is really not the enemy, the enemy is what we choose for our bread. Whole grain bread in moderation is good. It is a carb yes and it seems carbs have become an evil entity to most. Choose wisely such as whole grains (not multi grain there is a huge difference) my favorite bread if I have it which yes I do is Ezekial sprouted grain bread, the cinnamon/raisin is wonderful for breakfast.

    I agree 100%. It isn't the enemy and you need whole grains in your diet.

    Is there a reason you're giving up bread altogether?

    I haven't given up anything else, I still eat brown rice and other grains. I'm just experimenting with not having bread because I'm not able to easily control how much of it I eat (i find it addictive) and I actually feel a lot better (not so sluggish and no cravings for inappropriate foods) for not eating it. Other than the bread thing, I eat a normal healthy (ish!) diet.

    Grains, whole or not, aren't actually required in a healthful diet. You can get all the nutrients you need without them. There's nothing wrong at all with not eating bread.