bread alternatives



  • andrewh2010
    andrewh2010 Posts: 13 Member
    Google Oopsie Rolls! Follow the instructions to the T, come out great if you do! Flax bread is another alternative. Both are low carb and keto friendly.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Wasa, Ryvitas
    Rice cakes
    Cracottes from LU (look them up, I know they exist in the UK, Germany, Holland and, of course, France)
    Those awful pre-toasted "bread" things.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I think one of the most important things it to make sure you eat whole grains. There are all of whole grain breads that are not bad. I use a low carb one from When Pigs Fly. There are Also things like Joseph's flax and oat pockets and wraps.

    I find the MFP carb percentage too high for energy and even weigh loss. I balance my carb and protein intake as evenly as possible. My goals are c 150 / p 150 / f 33 per day. Be sure to add in some beans for some extra fiber.
  • Sorry, there is no substitute for bread. Either learn to eat it in moderation or get used to life without it.

    Wendy - you're a harsh woman! :wink:
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    i seen a post for cauliflower bread
    a full cauli head with 5 eggs, blend together n bake ......
  • I think one of the most important things it to make sure you eat whole grains. There are all of whole grain breads that are not bad. I use a low carb one from When Pigs Fly. There are Also things like Joseph's flax and oat pockets and wraps.

    I find the MFP carb percentage too high for energy and even weigh loss. I balance my carb and protein intake as evenly as possible. My goals are c 150 / p 150 / f 33 per day. Be sure to add in some beans for some extra fiber.

    Looking at the posts from US members, it looks like you guys have so much more choice over there about things like this. A lot of the stuff you guys mention is either not available or prohibitively expensive over here! Looks like we have some catching up to do in the UK! It's spurred me on to do some more research about what actually is available here though. Thanks!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I was having toast with my eggs, then switched to potato, sliced thin.

    Rice cakes, corn thins, crispbreads, wraps, rice crackers, maybe make some home-made pancakes - all things that you can use to put stuff on for that "bready" convenience :smile:

    Also check the nutrition panels on breads, some have way more fats / sodium than others, so if you choose bread, choose a good one. Sometimes the ones touted as healthy are the worst!
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I'm in the UK and I normally go for Ryvita. Krisprolls are good as well. But whatever you do, avoid at all costs the Ryvita Crackerbread. Unless you like dust, because that's pretty much all it is.

    I also love bread but don't want to give it up completely, so am limiting myself to 2-3 days a week and always go for something wholegrain and seeded so it's substantial and tasty. The really dark rye bread that comes in a square pack with about 7 slices is also a nice alternative.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Sorry, there is no substitute for bread. Either learn to eat it in moderation or get used to life without it.

    Wendy - you're a harsh woman! :wink:

    Yeah, sometimes life brings harsh realities. :laugh: I have cut way back from the amount of bread that I used to eat. Sometimes, I have a sandwich on one folded slice of bread, but it's a matter of making it fit into your macros or learning to do without. Some people do try to eliminate certain foods, and that's fine for them. I love bread, so I make it fit,
  • Google Oopsie Rolls! Follow the instructions to the T, come out great if you do! Flax bread is another alternative. Both are low carb and keto friendly.

    Just Googled these - Yummo! Will definitely try them! Any particular type of cream cheese? Again, I think the US has a much wider selection! Is something like Philadelphia ok? I used that for cream cheese frosting once and it was way too watery.
  • chsmith79
    chsmith79 Posts: 240 Member
    Are carbs what you are monitoring or calories? Like you have said, don't know if available in the UK, but Nature's own has a Whole Grain Wheat bread for 50 calories(2 slices). If you are trying to watch Carb intake, I use Mission Whole Wheat Carb Balance tortillas-8 net carbs and 80 calories. But to cut it all together, the idea from a previous poster to wrap your sammich in lettuce sounds like the best idea and I actually might start doing this.(0 carbs and 0 calories for iceberg lettuce)
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 213 Member
    If you're just trying to cut back and aren't as worried about the carbs find some whole grain bread with under 150 cals for two slices and this works out quite nicely. I've given up bread for breakfast though as the toast toppings are generally to high fat or sugar laiden.

    Sometimes when I'm being hard core I use lettuce wraps and there are quite a few people who use no-carb tortillas.

    Good luck with your efforts to build these changes into your new lifestyle!
  • Sorry, there is no substitute for bread. Either learn to eat it in moderation or get used to life without it.

    Wendy - you're a harsh woman! :wink:

    Yeah, sometimes life brings harsh realities. :laugh: I have cut way back from the amount of bread that I used to eat. Sometimes, I have a sandwich on one folded slice of bread, but it's a matter of making it fit into your macros or learning to do without. Some people do try to eliminate certain foods, and that's fine for them. I love bread, so I make it fit,

    My self control is zero at the moment, so in terms of bread, I'll go cold turkey for a while and see if it makes a difference to the scales. I certainly feel better for not having it, even though, like you, I love it! I guess I'll have to see if I can reintroduce it later on and what effects that has.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I'm mainly looking for a way to still have sandwiches, I enjoy toast for breakfast but am happy to have porridge or something similar instead most of the time.

    I have been having soups and salads a lot and they're enjoyable, but sometimes a sandwich is just more convenient!

    I take it you're in the uk, if you have Ryvita?

    Just eat a good quality granary: Burgen do something with lots of different stuff in it. I personally like Hovis Granary. If you buy the half loaf it makes each slice slightly smaller, ergo less calorific. But it's a satisfying bread and you feel like you've actually eaten something.

    Bread, at the end of the day, is not the enemy. It's just nasty plastic white bread that'll do you in.......
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Sorry, there is no substitute for bread. Either learn to eat it in moderation or get used to life without it.

    Wendy - you're a harsh woman! :wink:

    Yeah, sometimes life brings harsh realities. :laugh: I have cut way back from the amount of bread that I used to eat. Sometimes, I have a sandwich on one folded slice of bread, but it's a matter of making it fit into your macros or learning to do without. Some people do try to eliminate certain foods, and that's fine for them. I love bread, so I make it fit,

    My self control is zero at the moment, so in terms of bread, I'll go cold turkey for a while and see if it makes a difference to the scales. I certainly feel better for not having it, even though, like you, I love it! I guess I'll have to see if I can reintroduce it later on and what effects that has.

    That's not a bad idea. I did that with candy - gave it up for a month, then re-introduced it.
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I jist googled Oopsie Rolls and am intrigued. Can someone please tell me what sort of texture they have? Is it like bread, a scone/biscuit, chewy, crumbly?
  • Are carbs what you are monitoring or calories? Like you have said, don't know if available in the UK, but Nature's own has a Whole Grain Wheat bread for 50 calories(2 slices). If you are trying to watch Carb intake, I use Mission Whole Wheat Carb Balance tortillas-8 net carbs and 80 calories. But to cut it all together, the idea from a previous poster to wrap your sammich in lettuce sounds like the best idea and I actually might start doing this.(0 carbs and 0 calories for iceberg lettuce)

    Neither really! I've been trying to lose weight forever and never seem to be able to stick to anything or lose much weight. I've always been aware of being a bit addicted to bread and wondered if it would make a difference, so thought I would try that and then decide what else to change from there. The upside of just doing this one thing, is that other changes happen as a result - e.g. eating more fruit and veg to replace the bread. So deciding to make just one change, actually brings in other stealth changes without you realising you're doing it! Yay!
  • I'm mainly looking for a way to still have sandwiches, I enjoy toast for breakfast but am happy to have porridge or something similar instead most of the time.

    I have been having soups and salads a lot and they're enjoyable, but sometimes a sandwich is just more convenient!

    I take it you're in the uk, if you have Ryvita?

    Just eat a good quality granary: Burgen do something with lots of different stuff in it. I personally like Hovis Granary. If you buy the half loaf it makes each slice slightly smaller, ergo less calorific. But it's a satisfying bread and you feel like you've actually eaten something.

    Bread, at the end of the day, is not the enemy. It's just nasty plastic white bread that'll do you in.......

    Yep I'm in the UK.

    I know bread isn't really the enemy and I do buy the better breads - never really eat the while plastic stuff! But even the good stuff is addictive (to me anyway!), and if I have one slice, I'm just as likely to have 10! No self control - it's just too good! Therefore best to lay off altogether.
  • I'm in the UK and I normally go for Ryvita. Krisprolls are good as well. But whatever you do, avoid at all costs the Ryvita Crackerbread. Unless you like dust, because that's pretty much all it is.

    I also love bread but don't want to give it up completely, so am limiting myself to 2-3 days a week and always go for something wholegrain and seeded so it's substantial and tasty. The really dark rye bread that comes in a square pack with about 7 slices is also a nice alternative.
    Ooh! I love Krisprolls! Haven't had those for years! I wonder if I could be restrained on those? I feel an experiment coming on......!
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    That's the tricky part! I actually had to stop buying them!