Completely Discouraged

I feel I've been doing great with watching my calories and getting to the gym... to gain a pound. I'm totally discouraged. Anyone have any advice? According to MFP, I should be down many pounds.... so discouraged. I'm somewhat new, so I'm not sure if you can see my logs or not. Any help would be appreciated.


  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Your diary is currently private. To change that, click my home -> settings -> diary settings.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Bump up your water to at least 8 cups and start watching your sodium.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Do your own cooking, save leftovers for your lunch and ditch the fast food!!
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    Sorry to hear that you're discouraged. A couple of things to consider... It's not going to be easy. Like I tell my math students...if it was easy we'd call it beach sitting instead of math. If it was easy this place would be called not

    Your ladybug says you've lost 5 pounds. Good job, great, wonderful, you're just getting started, you're doing wonderful. That's a great start and this journey is never going to be an easy coast along slightly declining ground. Keep doing what you are doing...watching the ingo, increasing the outgo. Pay attention that you're eating enough and correctly fueling yourself for your journey.

    It will happen...
  • ethel72
    ethel72 Posts: 2
    Try not to think of your weight loss in terms of pounds. I completely understand what you feel. However, when you begin getting in shape you are toning your muscles. Maybe you lost in inches but not necessarily pounds. Stay away from the scale. It is not your friend. HaHa. Seriously, take a look at what you are eating. Maybe too much of a certain type of food and your body is used to it? For me its all about the calories. yes, I watch my carbs and fats but if I can keep my calorie intake at what I have set for myself that makes me happy. DON'T give up. You can do this.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Bump up your water to at least 8 cups and start watching your sodium.

    ^^^^^ This. Then add more vegetables to your meals, not just the occasional salad. Try to switch out your snacks for vegetable snacks if you can.

    And make sure you're being honest with yourself about your portions. Are you measuring? For example, your diary has 2 tsp of peanut butter every morning-are you sure it's 2 tsp and not 1 Tbsp? That's just one example.

    Most important: Don't give up!
  • Hey there! From a quick look at your diary, it seems like you're giving yourself too much of a daily deficit.

    What weekly goal have you set yourself on MFP? You need to remember that it takes into account how much weight you want to lose and calculates the daily calories according to that - so you should basically not have any calories remaining at the end of the day.

    There is a possibility that your body has gone into a "starvation mode" of sorts, because it is not getting the nutrition it needs. So your fat loss will not be as efficient since your body will try to conserve as much as possible.

    You mentioned you're hitting the gym. Can I ask what sort of exercise you do? The pound you gained could well be a pound of muscle - don't go for scales, they're depressing. Instead, measure your waistline or look in the mirror - see if you FEEL a difference. (The exercise in the gym, if not accounted for in your diary, means you're losing even MORE calories that you aren't eating back thus also supporting the "starvation" theory)

    My advice? Keep your gym to 3/4 times a week (allow rest in between). Walking is a great fat burner for those days you don't do any other exercise. Eat your calories till you have nothing left. Eat more protein. Get your fats from fish, nuts, supplements etc.
  • greeneyes191
    greeneyes191 Posts: 78 Member
    Just remember, you didn't get to where you are overnight. This is not a temporary thing. You have to make some lifestyle changes and stick to them. You CAN do this!!
  • Jph6701
    Jph6701 Posts: 55 Member
    Have you being doing any strengh training within your workouts?
    If so it might be that you have gained muscle which is heavier than fat.

    And also look at the longterm benefits, it's not just about losing weight it's about a healthier lifestyle and feeling that you are more full of energy.

    I Have a 12 month goal in my head and count in that you are going to have ups and downs within that period.
    I have wrote a remider to myself that I look at when I am being awkward with myself to question my motivation.
    (Basicly to kick myself up the *kitten*)

    (Note to self) Sorry about the caps but that is how I have it on my word Document.

  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I am in no way perfect with my diet but after going back about a week in your diet here's my advice...

    Eat more consistantly. Your diet is up and down. One day you eat your calories, the next day you are masively low. You are doing your body a disservice since it doesn't really know when a good sized meal is coming next. Positive snowball effects will follow that, like going #2 around the same time every day! LOL

    Eat more clean food. You eat out A LOT. Chick Fil A and Subway, etc. You stay in your calories, yes, but you are fueling your body with crap. Cook more, eat more at home, if possible, bring your lunch to work. When you gain these skills, your food bill will be cheaper at the end of the month.

    Your snacks are often junk food instead of fruits or vegetables. Eat more real food, less chocolate.

    Quick add calories are good for accountability, but are maybe incorrect, and/or another poor food choice.

    Do you over estimate your work out calories?

    That's my 2 cents. Prolly worth less than that.

    Any I'm not interested in forum haters hating on my advice. This Marlene will read my post or not. :)
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I am in no way perfect with my diet but after going back about a week in your diet here's my advice...

    Eat more consistantly. Your diet is up and down. One day you eat your calories, the next day you are masively low. You are doing your body a disservice since it doesn't really know when a good sized meal is coming next. Positive snowball effects will follow that, like going #2 around the same time every day! LOL

    Eat more clean food. You eat out A LOT. Chick Fil A and Subway, etc. You stay in your calories, yes, but you are fueling your body with crap. Cook more, eat more at home, if possible, bring your lunch to work. When you gain these skills, your food bill will be cheaper at the end of the month.

    Your snacks are often junk food instead of fruits or vegetables. Eat more real food, less chocolate.

    Quick add calories are good for accountability, but are maybe incorrect, and/or another poor food choice.

    Do you over estimate your work out calories?

    That's my 2 cents. Prolly worth less than that.

    Any I'm not interested in forum haters hating on my advice. This Marlene will read my post or not. :)

    Fabulous advice!!!!!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Keep going. If ur calories in are above 1200 and your exercising it will come off. Try to eat back atleast half your exercise calories, if your close to a normal bmi then all of them! X
  • suztheq
    suztheq Posts: 168 Member
    I am in no way perfect with my diet but after going back about a week in your diet here's my advice...

    Eat more consistantly. Your diet is up and down. One day you eat your calories, the next day you are masively low. You are doing your body a disservice since it doesn't really know when a good sized meal is coming next. Positive snowball effects will follow that, like going #2 around the same time every day! LOL

    Eat more clean food. You eat out A LOT. Chick Fil A and Subway, etc. You stay in your calories, yes, but you are fueling your body with crap. Cook more, eat more at home, if possible, bring your lunch to work. When you gain these skills, your food bill will be cheaper at the end of the month.

    Your snacks are often junk food instead of fruits or vegetables. Eat more real food, less chocolate.

    Quick add calories are good for accountability, but are maybe incorrect, and/or another poor food choice.

    Do you over estimate your work out calories?

    That's my 2 cents. Prolly worth less than that.

    Any I'm not interested in forum haters hating on my advice. This Marlene will read my post or not. :)

    ^^^^Pretty much what I was going to say. I think it's definitely worth the full two cents. :smile:
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    You are leaving almost a 1000 calorie deficit most days! That is WAY too much. You need to eat more and choose healthier real foods and not processed and junkie type food. Try some nuts, Greek yogurt, fruits and veggies and maybe some hummus with a healthy cracker for snacks. Then you should find the scale will move the way you want it to. Good Luck with everything!!
  • Thanks everyone. I have a few questions for you all. When I go to the gym, I log my exercise and my calories lost ( I have a HRM to track the calories)... I sometimes have a deficit because I try to eat my 1600 calories (or less) and not eat my exercise calories. Isn't that the whole purpose of going to the gym is to burn more calories and lose weight. In my mind, going to the gym and burning calories, then turning around and eating them again is a bit counter-productive.
    I do measure my food, so I know I'm pretty consistent there. I don't log my drinks at all, but I do get in most of my water... especially the days I go to the gym.
    Thanks everyone for your help... I'm certainly not perfect (as you can see by my diary), but I'm working on it.
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    SO looking at your diary you need to try to remove some of the bread, starchy carbs.and sugary things. I would go slow because there is a thing as sugar withdrawal.

    You seem to be eating most of them to up your fiber. instead change to veggies and fruit that are high in fiber.

    and increase your protein a bit. I no most folks don;t like protein bars but try some of the adkins ones. The day breaks work great until you can get your carbs under control and swapped out without killing anyone. it will feel like PMS.

    drink water like it is oxygen. and sleep at least 8 hours. if you feel a bit slow take some B12 or see if you can get a shot from your DR. they run about $30. sometimes your insurance will cover it.

    keep up the good work! sometimes all it takes is some tweaking.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    If you are not measuring food-start. Lots h20/protein/healthy fats. Eat 5-6 meals daily.
  • Thanks. Right now I'm doing spinning and zumba at the gym. I have my goal set to lose 1 pound a week. Here's what I don't get.... if I set my goal higher (say 2 pounds a week), I'd have to eat less calories, right? So if I eat less calories, why am I gaining?
  • Hey there! From a quick look at your diary, it seems like you're giving yourself too much of a daily deficit.

    What weekly goal have you set yourself on MFP? You need to remember that it takes into account how much weight you want to lose and calculates the daily calories according to that - so you should basically not have any calories remaining at the end of the day.

    There is a possibility that your body has gone into a "starvation mode" of sorts, because it is not getting the nutrition it needs. So your fat loss will not be as efficient since your body will try to conserve as much as possible.

    You mentioned you're hitting the gym. Can I ask what sort of exercise you do? The pound you gained could well be a pound of muscle - don't go for scales, they're depressing. Instead, measure your waistline or look in the mirror - see if you FEEL a difference. (The exercise in the gym, if not accounted for in your diary, means you're losing even MORE calories that you aren't eating back thus also supporting the "starvation" theory)

    My advice? Keep your gym to 3/4 times a week (allow rest in between). Walking is a great fat burner for those days you don't do any other exercise. Eat your calories till you have nothing left. Eat more protein. Get your fats from fish, nuts, supplements etc.

    Thanks. Right now I'm doing spinning and zumba at the gym. I have my goal set to lose 1 pound a week. Here's what I don't get.... if I set my goal higher (say 2 pounds a week), I'd have to eat less calories, right? So if I eat less calories, why am I gaining?
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Are you eating back those exercise calories??? When we don't fuel our bodies properly it will not metabolize and burn away the fat, it will hold on to what you have if you aren't eating enough. Please see the group "Eat more to weigh less"