Completely Discouraged



  • Lindy901
    Lindy901 Posts: 71 Member
    All of the above are great points. Also remember you are individual. I look at it as a 2 steps forward 1 step back approach so I don't get so frustrated. I just had 2 weeks above and this week I finally got below my 3 week ago weigh-in. You can do this. Also mindset can have so much to do with it. I TRY to look at it as a serious life-changing my eating style. I'm not eating this way to lose weight, just to be healthier. The weight loss is a side issue. Best of luck to you. Friend me if you're looking for friends too.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Hey there! From a quick look at your diary, it seems like you're giving yourself too much of a daily deficit.

    What weekly goal have you set yourself on MFP? You need to remember that it takes into account how much weight you want to lose and calculates the daily calories according to that - so you should basically not have any calories remaining at the end of the day.

    There is a possibility that your body has gone into a "starvation mode" of sorts, because it is not getting the nutrition it needs. So your fat loss will not be as efficient since your body will try to conserve as much as possible.

    I agree completely with this. Try not to have more than 100 calories at the end of the day, bump up your water, watch your sodium and WATCH THE WEIGH DROP! Congrats on down'll be in double digits before you know it~!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Thanks everyone. I have a few questions for you all. When I go to the gym, I log my exercise and my calories lost ( I have a HRM to track the calories)... I sometimes have a deficit because I try to eat my 1600 calories (or less) and not eat my exercise calories. Isn't that the whole purpose of going to the gym is to burn more calories and lose weight. In my mind, going to the gym and burning calories, then turning around and eating them again is a bit counter-productive.
    I do measure my food, so I know I'm pretty consistent there. I don't log my drinks at all, but I do get in most of my water... especially the days I go to the gym.
    Thanks everyone for your help... I'm certainly not perfect (as you can see by my diary), but I'm working on it.

    You're starving yourself. Exercise is for improving your physical fitness, it has nothing to do with weight loss. By ignoring the calories you are burning during exercise instead of eating them, you're wasting your time. Your body isn't getting enough fuel to function, so it's holding on to fat reserves in order to survive the famine until hopefully more food shows up. MFP already includes a deficit in your calories for safe fat loss, by not eating back your calories, you are creating a larger deficit that can potentially be unsafe, and that's what your body is fighting against, by slowing down your metabolism to match what you are eating, hence, no weight loss.
  • Thanks everyone. I have a few questions for you all. When I go to the gym, I log my exercise and my calories lost ( I have a HRM to track the calories)... I sometimes have a deficit because I try to eat my 1600 calories (or less) and not eat my exercise calories. Isn't that the whole purpose of going to the gym is to burn more calories and lose weight. In my mind, going to the gym and burning calories, then turning around and eating them again is a bit counter-productive.
    I do measure my food, so I know I'm pretty consistent there. I don't log my drinks at all, but I do get in most of my water... especially the days I go to the gym.
    Thanks everyone for your help... I'm certainly not perfect (as you can see by my diary), but I'm working on it.

    You're starving yourself. Exercise is for improving your physical fitness, it has nothing to do with weight loss. By ignoring the calories you are burning during exercise instead of eating them, you're wasting your time. Your body isn't getting enough fuel to function, so it's holding on to fat reserves in order to survive the famine until hopefully more food shows up. MFP already includes a deficit in your calories for safe fat loss, by not eating back your calories, you are creating a larger deficit that can potentially be unsafe, and that's what your body is fighting against, by slowing down your metabolism to match what you are eating, hence, no weight loss.

    Okay, thanks. You learn something new everyday. Do I need to eat ALL of my burned calories? What if I'm not hungry, or full after eating a smaller amount?
  • kesslertg
    kesslertg Posts: 54 Member
    Sometimes your calories can be on target for the day, but you could have eaten at a restaurant, like I did the other day. Had minestrone soup and meat and veggies, but could tell it was loaded with salt. So yesterday I was expected a loss and the weight stayed unchanged. Today I dropped a pound. Sodium causes fluid retention. This could be a cause.
  • missyh1
    missyh1 Posts: 18
    I agree with everything other posters have said about meal and snack choices. It can be hard to change your eating habits at first, but you will find your cravings change after you have done it for a while. I have also found that changing the mindset from "eating to lose weight" to "eating to be healthy" has made a difference for me. Now when I choose fresh veggies over chips or crackers I focus on the nutrients I am giving myself and the long term health benefits. Carrots, celery and cucumbers somehow taste better when you are making your body healthy than when you are trying to lose weight!

    Also, your tape measure is your best friend when you are starting a new exercise regimen at the same time you are monitoring your food choices. Muscle is denser than fat so the number on the scale may not change as you gain muscle, yet your clothes will somehow not be as tight as they were before. If you go to a gym, see if they offer a body fat analysis. Checking this over time may also help you see progress, even if the scale doesn't reflect it!

    Good luck to you!
  • KechiaG
    KechiaG Posts: 55
    I can speak from experience when I say that everyone's advice to you is RIGHT ON! I walk daily and take Zumba on Tuesdays and Thursday nights (side note: LOVE Zumba :happy: ) I was burning between 600 and 900 calories a day, but I wasn't eating enough calories. I posted questions on a message board and I got the same advice. I couldn't wrap my brain around how eating more would cause me to loose weight either, but I gave it a try becuase I was desperate for a solution to my plateau. Everyone was right! The scale has started moving again! Give it a try and hang in there!! :heart:
  • Sorry to hear that you're discouraged. A couple of things to consider... It's not going to be easy. Like I tell my math students...if it was easy we'd call it beach sitting instead of math. If it was easy this place would be called not

    Your ladybug says you've lost 5 pounds. Good job, great, wonderful, you're just getting started, you're doing wonderful. That's a great start and this journey is never going to be an easy coast along slightly declining ground. Keep doing what you are doing...watching the ingo, increasing the outgo. Pay attention that you're eating enough and correctly fueling yourself for your journey.

    It will happen...

    Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!
  • Just remember, you didn't get to where you are overnight. This is not a temporary thing. You have to make some lifestyle changes and stick to them. You CAN do this!!

    Thanks! I appreciate your encouragement.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 650 Member
    remember that muscle weighs more than fat. How are your clothes fitting? That is a better indicator than the scale (to me).

    are you logging ALL of your intake (food, snacks, bites, nibbles, drinks...) That is something I used to screw up on.

    DON"T give up. every day is a new chance to start over. You didn't get this way overnight, it won't come off overnight. YOU are worth it.
  • Are you eating back those exercise calories??? When we don't fuel our bodies properly it will not metabolize and burn away the fat, it will hold on to what you have if you aren't eating enough. Please see the group "Eat more to weigh less"

    Is it a group on MFP?
  • pach19
    pach19 Posts: 1
    I am eating 1100 cals a day, working out on spin bike 6 days a week and burning over 500 cals every workout and I lose 2-3 pounds a week. For my body, I cannot eat what most people can and I have to work out most days. I eat lots of protein and fruits and vegetables and not much else. I think it's important to find what works for yourself. If something doesn't seem to be working, then change it up....increase exercise and decrease calories.