salad_tramp Member


  • Started month 2 of Insanity this week. With the fit test, i was happy to see I got better in each exercise. I've only done 2 of the Max workouts, and now I am starting to feel some slight pain in the knees--so I will have to see if I can keep up 6 days a week Insanity. Hope so!
  • I've just finished month 1. So far I have only shed a couple pounds, but arms, legs, abs and butt are noticeably more toned. I feel more fit over all. I'm nervous for month two, but also ready to get these muscles to burn a lot of fat--which is why I started Insanity. I want to reduce body fat. Shuan T is motivating, and…
  • I totally agree. Sometimes the warmup is the toughest part---but if I can just push myself through that, I do pretty well with the rest of the video (still taking a short break here and there). In the first couple weeks I couldn't even get through the warm up without resting. Just keep toughing it out every day as…
  • Also try Ecco, Born and Naya brands. Sometimes they are pricey, but worth it. Zappos or nordstrom's should carry them.
    in shoes Comment by salad_tramp August 2013
  • sometimes I drop to my knees and do girl-pushups. Sometimes I can do the regular kind, sometimes I can't. So, i figured that better form with knee-push-ups is better than nothing.
  • nice post! inspiring!!
  • Thanks for serving our country, and glad to hear you are on the path to recovery and better health. Sometimes I workout with MSGs and struggle to keep up (but they are great motivation). Sounds like you have a really good plan in place. You just need time to let it work itself out.
  • My favorite healthy snacks are : low-fat yogurt almonds (raw) carrots fruit Quaker Oat chewy, or Nature Valley granola bars (but I don't feel like they fill me up) I also drink TONS of green tea through out the day. If I could, I'd eat all day, so drinking some tea helps me get through the day
  • I'm in week four of Insanity and I totally agree with jeremyw1977...just go for it ,and take breaks when your form starts to falter. Keep water and towel nearby. You will need it! Have fun!!
  • I just rinse in the hotel sink and dry in the shower. I try to bring 2 outfits which will get me through about 4 workouts. The clothes are easy part: it's the bulky running shoes that take up half the suitcase!
  • I am always bloated the week before. It sucks, but then it goes away. For me, i try to exercise through it, and I then feel a lot better in a couple days. And treat myself to a little dark chocolate or red wine :)
  • I have heard that month two gets better with the weight lost. I feel like my legs and rear are bulking up though---granted, they look better- but my pants are still tight! that's the frustrating part.