

  • Correct. ZebraHead is also correct about the elliptical being a better machine for it's total body movement and the low-impact nature. I use the elliptical because my knees hurt when I run, but not nearly as much on the Elliptical. However, if you can afford a treadmill and/or stair-climber then it is good to vary the…
  • There are lots of factors that go into that. Age, weight, level of activity.... http://www.buzzle.com/articles/healthy-pulse-rates-normal-pulse-rate-for-humans.html http://www.buzzle.com/articles/pulse-rate-chart.html
  • Even if I have to stop the lifting that uses my shoulders, I can still do cardio and ab workouts. It will just suck because I need to gain some muscle mass to help disguise the loose skin thing and I was just starting to notice some change in my pectorals. I definitely don't want to get sidelined either! Golf league starts…
  • My chiropractor went out of town, but is due back next week.
  • Yeah, part of the reason that I am more concerned for my shoulder than my other minor aches and creaks is because it is a ball&socket type joint.... What sucks is that I'm between paydays and need to be able to pay deductibles and copays (which admittedly are way better than having to pay it all.)
  • I just recently started going to a gym that has a sauna and steam room. I got curious about this very thing and did a little Google work. The summary of what I learned was this: The sauna and steam room both benefit you by... a) Relaxing muscles After a workout, the muscles can be sore, irritated, and tight. The heat…
    in WET OR DRY? Comment by jackal75 May 2011
  • They can't have any real online gamers over there! You can't be a gamer without piles of Mountain Dew cans and pizza boxes around your computer! :laugh:
  • People used to tell me that crap.... I told them, "Sure it does! But by the time I drink enough of it for that to happen, I will have all the kids I want and then won't have to pay to get snipped! Sounds like a win to me!"
  • I dunno... anyone have stats on how much silicone weighs compared to fat? Ice-T bought his woman a couple of medicine balls on her chest! :tongue:
  • ^^^^^^ yup... I don't limit that much, but I try to keep it to either two 12oz cans or a 1liter bottle.
  • Love golf... my handicap bounces from 17-20 depending on how much I get to play... I'm basically a bogey golfer. Opinions vary, but here are a few resources: http://www.nutristrategy.com/activitylist.htm http://caloriecount.about.com/calories-burned-golf-a403 And here is a really interesting article:…
  • I'm not big on the milk alternatives, but I definately give two thumbs up on the Kashi GoLean. My only complaint on Kashi is the calories. Taste and nutritional value of Kashi is superb though! When I'm hurting for calories, I go with Multigrain Cheerios. Love those too. My cereal kick came about because my cholesterol was…
  • This brings up another question.... How accurate are the HR monitors and calorie counters on fitness equipment? Would Sparkpeople.com or a similar site have a better estimate?
  • When I started going to the gym in the mornings before work, I started out not eating until after I worked out. At the time I was doing all cardio as well. Then my trainer told me that I reached a point where I had to started putting on more muscle to burn the rest of my fat more efficiently. She said to gain the muscle…
  • I started going to the gym occasionally March 2010. Only 1-2 times per week, all cardio. I started MFP August 2010. I had only lost 15 lbs to that point, and needed a boost. Gym visits were still only 1-2 times per week. I started this current workout/eating schedule about 5 weeks ago, so I thought it would be established…
  • Paris Hilton... thin is great, skinney is somewhat ok, but Paris is into anorexic which would be like getting it on with a skeleton. Cameron Diaz... see Paris Hilton Lady GaGa... Have plenty of friends that say she has a "bangin' body", but I can't get past that horse face of hers.
  • I also log my strength training under cardio, and I stay conservative with how many calories I take credit for (rounding down the number that comes up.) I log my weight routines with a seperate application that helps me see progress as I increase weight and how often I do that particular muscle group, etc. The article…
  • As it says in my signature -> This is me when I hit "that point" where I decided enough was enough..... This was taken at Sony Online Entertainment's Fan Faire 2009 at Bally's in Las Vegas. I am standing beside ladies dressed as the characters Queen Antonia Bayle and Firona Vie from the game Everquest II. I had just come…
  • Could be a number of things.... water retention (or lack of), bloating (or lack of), and calories... There is a such thing as too few calories. If you were eating too far below what MFP has you set for, you could have had yourself into starvation mode which only slows your metabolism. If that is the case, when you ate more…
  • Being a person that prefers to give the benefit of doubt, I'd love to think that he just doesn't know the correct way to support your weight loss goals. But the realist side of me thinks he's just an idiot. Find out if he was "just trying to motivate you" (ugh) or if he really feels you are too big for him. Ultimately,…
  • My wife said that starting her weight loss was nearly as hard as starting to quit smoking.... For me, I wasn't remotely interested until I saw a photo of me (which you see beside this post coincidentally) that shocked me into it.... The point is that he has to WANT to. You may or may not be able to sway him. The gym is a…
  • Probably should have posted this in a seperate topic to get more responses to your question.... The answer is that so long as you are taking in less than you can burn in a day you will lose weight. The trick is to make sure that what you enter in MFP for average activity level and your goals are accurate. When I was less…
  • Always remember.... MFP does the calculations for you. This means that if MFP shows that you have calories left, you can eat those calories. Facts: 1) If you eat your exercise calories, and still have a green number (or zero) at the bottom of your diary, then you will lose weight at approximately the lbs per week you…
  • I pretty much agree with what has been said by the others here. Breakfast is an important meal, so if you have a higher calorie meal make it the first one. Most everywhere I look tells me that you should eat many smaller meals rather than three large ones. That can be hard depending on your lifestyle, but try. Try to make…
  • To be able to better answer that, we would need more info. How many pounds per week did you enter into MFP? How many calories would you be allowed if you set that to zero? MFP is going to calculate your basic metabolic rate based on your entries in your goals area (current weight, height, etc...). Let's say that you can…
  • Here is one that I haven't seen anyone else mention.... change what you are doing exercise-wise. The post I quote here, combined with a varied exercise regimin should get you going again. (I'm curious about the post saying you should increse to 1400 calories before dropping back to 1200 though...they may have something…
  • I haven't had this occur to me. Closest I have come is walking by someone and having them not recognize me. Only thing I can tell you is to take this as a positive awakening and use it to fuel the rest of your weight loss and maintenance. Lose it slow, steady, and safe. Remember where you come from but have pride in where…
  • Not all fat is bad, and she asked for low calorie. I haven't lowered my fats all that much, but have lost 75lbs. The turkey burgers on sandwich thins mentioned above is what I do. You can darn near put whatever veggies on there that you want. (Pickles might be the exception, but it's the pickling that increases the…
  • MFP works. Period. Keep your info updated, and MFP will not lead you astray. If you are trying to build muscle, your body needs more fuel for that. If you are trying to lose weight, then net calories are the key. Where your BMR factors in is you either eat less than your BMR to lose weight, or you eat higher than your BMR…
  • I was surprised how quickly I got used to it. Here are a couple of things that I do.... A.) While the instant oatmeals are not as good for you usually, I found one that is awesome. Find "Oat Revolution" by Better Oats and you will be glad you did. They have simialr flavor choices to Quaker, but they are less calories and…