I fear for my shoulder..

jackal75 Posts: 95
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Greetings all,

I'm 36. I have lost 77lbs. I want to lose 5-10 more, with the goal of losing that last bit around my midsection. I recently had a trainer tell me that in order to lose that last 5-10 lbs left to my goal, I need to do strength training. I've been doing that for 4-5 weeks now, and have seen some results. But I'm starting to have some joint issues that concern me.

A little history...

Prior to this recent change in my workout, I have noticed very slight and intermittant "creaky bones" in many joints. This usually occurs in the morning when I get up, and then goes away. During that time I was only managing to get to the gym 1-3 times a week depending on other life events. When I would get to the gym, I was doing all cardio.

One of the areas I noticed joint issues was my right wrist, but that has not gotten any worse since starting the strength training.

I had to have a minor correction done on my back at the chiropractor. That has not bothered me since.

My knees have never been the same since my Army days, but again those have shown no change with the new routine.

Then there is my shoulder.. where I am concerned. I have not had any obvious trauma to it (no jolting, dislocations, etc.), but it is progressively getting more sore, weak, and "creaky." Moving my right arm causes the shoulder to grind, which doesn't always hurt. Only certain motions cause pain, and it is only mild to moderate. I first noticed pain when carrying something in my right arm one day. By instinct, I tested it a little by stretching and rotating it a bit, which is when I noticed it is constantly grinding. The grinding and little shoots of pain are new since I started going to the gym 5 days a week and lifting. I am not lifting max weight. I am lifting enough to reach muscle failure at 10 reps. This is what the trainer told me I should be doing for the best effect.

Looking on WebMD, it doesn't seem to be a full rotator cuff injury, but could be an impingment or bone spur? Anyone have suggestions or imput?


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Best to always check in with your Doctor to be sure.:flowerforyou:
  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
    Have you gone back to you chiropractor? I used to work for a chiropractor and actually hurt my should while working there and had to get my shoulder adjusted a few times and did some rehab exercises on it. So the only suggest I have is to try and get in to see your chiropractor as soon as you can.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I'd say see your doctor. I injured a shoulder years ago, thought it was just roto cuff (spelling..?) but there was a bursa sac too and torn tendon and ligament. Of course that was after a bad yank on my arm.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    It could just be the beginnings of arthritis if you haven't injured it. Or you could have sprained it a bit without really noticing at the time. Or any number of other things, you'll probably want to check with a doctor and get an x-ray if you can.

    Either way, glucosamine sulfate and condroiten (spelling?) supplements will help with that. You have to take them both for them to be affective. Give your shoulder a rest for a week and see what happens.
  • sweetbri07
    sweetbri07 Posts: 150 Member
    I agree with seeing your doctor 100%. I'm a licensed massage therapist, and I definitely recommend you go see your doctor, who may refer you to an orthopedic surgeon. There's so much going on in the shoulder, you need to be careful.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I'd say check with your medical physician. Maybe an x-ray is needed to rule out any bone issues? X-rays are for bones, and MRI is for soft tissue things.

    Under the "misery loves company department" I am 54 and my shoulders grind when I do shoulder rolls to get ready to exercise, my knees creak and sound like I'm bunching up plastic wrap when I squat down or get up from the floor. But I don't have any pain. I think the creaks are normal as we age, but pain is not. That is my biggest fear, too - a shoulder injury.

    I'm not a chiropractor fan for something like this. Your regular doctor might know, but you might need something in the sports medicine type of category. If it happens when you don't exercise, I'd stop until I know what it is if I were you.

    The main thing is to NOT get sidelined while trying to get into shape!

    Good luck!
  • jackal75
    jackal75 Posts: 95
    I agree with seeing your doctor 100%. I'm a licensed massage therapist, and I definitely recommend you go see your doctor, who may refer you to an orthopedic surgeon. There's so much going on in the shoulder, you need to be careful.

    Yeah, part of the reason that I am more concerned for my shoulder than my other minor aches and creaks is because it is a ball&socket type joint....

    What sucks is that I'm between paydays and need to be able to pay deductibles and copays (which admittedly are way better than having to pay it all.)
  • jackal75
    jackal75 Posts: 95
    Have you gone back to you chiropractor? I used to work for a chiropractor and actually hurt my should while working there and had to get my shoulder adjusted a few times and did some rehab exercises on it. So the only suggest I have is to try and get in to see your chiropractor as soon as you can.

    My chiropractor went out of town, but is due back next week.
  • jackal75
    jackal75 Posts: 95
    I'd say check with your medical physician. Maybe an x-ray is needed to rule out any bone issues? X-rays are for bones, and MRI is for soft tissue things.

    Under the "misery loves company department" I am 54 and my shoulders grind when I do shoulder rolls to get ready to exercise, my knees creak and sound like I'm bunching up plastic wrap when I squat down or get up from the floor. But I don't have any pain. I think the creaks are normal as we age, but pain is not. That is my biggest fear, too - a shoulder injury.

    I'm not a chiropractor fan for something like this. Your regular doctor might know, but you might need something in the sports medicine type of category. If it happens when you don't exercise, I'd stop until I know what it is if I were you.

    The main thing is to NOT get sidelined while trying to get into shape!

    Good luck!

    Even if I have to stop the lifting that uses my shoulders, I can still do cardio and ab workouts. It will just suck because I need to gain some muscle mass to help disguise the loose skin thing and I was just starting to notice some change in my pectorals. I definitely don't want to get sidelined either! Golf league starts soon!
  • sweetbri07
    sweetbri07 Posts: 150 Member
    I agree with seeing your doctor 100%. I'm a licensed massage therapist, and I definitely recommend you go see your doctor, who may refer you to an orthopedic surgeon. There's so much going on in the shoulder, you need to be careful.

    Yeah, part of the reason that I am more concerned for my shoulder than my other minor aches and creaks is because it is a ball&socket type joint....

    What sucks is that I'm between paydays and need to be able to pay deductibles and copays (which admittedly are way better than having to pay it all.)

    I totally understand about having to pay deductibles and copays, they are a pain in the butt for sure. My suggestion would be to take it easy on the weights until you can see your doctor. ICE ICE ICE your shoulder. Just get in to your doctor when you can afford it. Good luck with you on that!
  • sherry2626
    sherry2626 Posts: 49 Member
    Good Luck to you to start with....I thought I was having shoulder trouble to start with. Went to see my Ortho surgeon he put me on steroid pills for a week to see if that would help an i believe they do that to try an rule out things. But after i went back the second visit he did more rotating with my shoulder. an pressing then said Lets get a MRI then to find out it was all coming from my neck. Multi Level Bulging disc an other things going on there. So lovely...not... But the only thing that helps me is taking 1 Aleve in the morning an 1 at night cause Neck pain will Kill the shoulder Pain I've never had before ever An I played softball for 23 years. Good Luck
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