How many calories should a meal be?



  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Really? What new studies?
    Sorry I disagree with you. It is best to keep your blood sugar levels as even as possible, also its a fact that most people over eat if they are really, really hungry. Yes you will still lose weight as long as you stay within your calorie goal, but its not as good for your body to go hungry then binge. You will not have as much energy during the day and will probably feel sick. You can lose weight doing alot of unhealthy things. Weight loss is not the only goal for most people. Health is.
    I don't think it matters. Just make sure you arent letting yourself get too hungry. Spread your calories out as much as possible. Three meals a day and three snacks is optimal. Not eating all day and having a huge dinner is not good. Its bad for your blood sugar and will make you want to over eat when you do finally eat.

    Not eating all day and having all your calories at night will not hurt you one bit. I have no problems whatsoever staying within my caloric limits eating this way. Actually its easier and I go to bed satisfied every night.

    I'm sorry, experience and new studies say otherwise.
    Links to some of these studies can be found on
  • worm5996
    worm5996 Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you very much for the advice. I have been keeping my meals between 300-500 but I wasn't really sure.
  • teeygirl
    teeygirl Posts: 4
    I need serious advice to know if i have been doing this weight loss thing right. I just wanted to know if anyone has any advice for someone that doesnt do much activities. I am not working right now,and im on break from school for the summer. i eat my regular amount of calories,but i dont know if its as effective as not working out. i do home workout once or twice every week for 30mins. my quesion is,does it matter if i work out or not as long as i eat the daily portions im supposed to eat?.
    I also wanted to know if drinking lots of water could make me gain water weight? i eat 1480 calories a day so is it advice able to work off some of the calories?
  • Leopardliz
    Leopardliz Posts: 110 Member
    I read in a health mag that your body stops digesting meals at 800 caloties and goes straight to storing anything past that. Seems a lot in 1 sitting but some ppl can eat that and more
  • jackal75
    jackal75 Posts: 95
    I need serious advice to know if i have been doing this weight loss thing right. I just wanted to know if anyone has any advice for someone that doesnt do much activities. I am not working right now,and im on break from school for the summer. i eat my regular amount of calories,but i dont know if its as effective as not working out. i do home workout once or twice every week for 30mins. my quesion is,does it matter if i work out or not as long as i eat the daily portions im supposed to eat?.
    I also wanted to know if drinking lots of water could make me gain water weight? i eat 1480 calories a day so is it advice able to work off some of the calories?

    Probably should have posted this in a seperate topic to get more responses to your question....

    The answer is that so long as you are taking in less than you can burn in a day you will lose weight. The trick is to make sure that what you enter in MFP for average activity level and your goals are accurate. When I was less active, I made sure to change my regular activity level to it's lowest setting. MFP will calculate your allowable net based on the lower activity, and add the extra calories you get when you manage to get exercise.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I read in a health mag that your body stops digesting meals at 800 caloties and goes straight to storing anything past that. Seems a lot in 1 sitting but some ppl can eat that and more
