kagero1976 Member


  • It has been a long time since I haven't been on some sort of thyroid medication. From what I remember, though, the changes were gradual. It wasn't like I woke up one day and suddenly felt totally different. It was more like a few months later I looked back and realized I didn't need a nap just from going to the store…
  • What are you on for thyroid medication? Synthroid? Armor? Something else? A doctor wouldn't increase your meds with a TSH of only .85. Most want to see it at at least a 1. They would interpret it maybe as too much thyroid medication. However, it didn't matter how low my TSH was when I was on Synthroid alone. I only got…
  • I would encourage you to just keep doing what you are doing (if you are doing everything right) and give it time. There are internal changes happening sometimes that can't be measured on a scale. For instance, think about a fatty piece of steak that is all marbled with fat. That is what your muscle looks like if you are…
  • Whenever I eat gluten or oatmeal, I gain a pound or two within a day. It usually takes several days to a week for that bloat/inflammation to fall off. Blarg.
  • I figured out what I burn a day with exercise and I subtract 500 calories a day from the total amount that I use. That is my calorie goal. That enables me to lose a pound a week, in theory. So far it has been working. I don't know if you would consider that eating back exercise calories or not. If I wasn't exercising, I…
  • I don't know what your age is so I am sort of guessing but your BMR is probably around 1370-1450. I wouldn't eat below that. You probably want around 1450 on exercise days and 1370 on non exercise days to lose a pound a week. You might even want to up it a little more and aim for more like a half a pound weight loss a…
  • Assuming your diary is accurate and up to date, it looks to me like you need to eat more calories. I don't know what your stats(height, weight, etc) are to figure it out exactly but you really shouldn't eat below your BMR. MFP can be sort of confusing because it sets your goal based on how much you want to lose a week.…
  • I just wanted to chime in here that I found out I had thyroid antibodies about 15 years ago and they were in the 400s. About 10 years later they tested them again and they were in the 400s. A year or two they tested them again after I had been on a gluten free and dairy free diet for 4 months and they were in the 30s.…
  • Different calculators vary, but I basically use the advice off of www.hussmanfitness.com(great free informational site), that says to multiply your BMR times 1.3 on non workout days and 1.5 on workout days. That will give you the calories you use on that day. So for you that would be 1721 on non workout days and 1986 on…
  • Tadsmom, where did you come up with the value of 1900 as a calorie limit? Is that what MFP suggested or did you get that value from another calculator? The reason I ask is because that effects the answer to your question. You said it was your "calorie limit" so it sounds like that is the amount of calories you would…
  • This is just my personal opinion, but I think that one of the problems losing weight with hypothyroid issues(even treated) is lack of energy that a "normal" person has. It is hard to stay active when you are feeling pooped most of the time. Having your medication be optimum is the first step in overcoming that. Some people…
  • Congratulations! I think that is great. Running for a long time is not easy, especially if you are new to it. Not only that, but being able to meet a goal gives you a huge sense of accomplishment and self confidence. Good job and good luck on your next goal!
  • Ginny, the website I read a lot of good nutrition and exercise information was www.hussmanfitness.org There is a lot of information on it so be prepared to read for awhile. It promotes the Body for Life program although the person who wrote the website isn't selling anything. I don't follow the Body for Life eating plan, I…
  • I do eat my exercise calories, but I don't exactly calculate it that way logically in my head. Based on some recommendations by a really informative website, I first figured out my BMR. That is the amount of energy you would use if if you just lay in bed all day. On days when I don't exercise, I multiply that by 1.2. That…
  • I was originally on Armour when first diagnosed about 15 years ago. I stopped seeing that doctor because insurance wouldn't cover her. I noticed a huge change, but that was from going from nothing to Armour. Then while pregnant with my first child, the doctor I was seeing didn't want me on Armour and put me on Synthroid. I…
  • Hi, Sollyn. I really don't count my carbs at all, I just leave out any that aren't fruits or vegetables for the most part. I imagine once I get down to my goal weight, I will be able to add rice and gluten free pasta back in. Right now, it is just too hard to stay at a reasonable calorie level while eating those. One book…
  • I've been using MyFitnessPal since January, I think, but I only just decided to look into joining a group. This one seemed to fit nicely for me as I am hypothyroid with hashimoto's. As I was perusing the posts, this one attracked my attention because I also eat gluten free. Over a year ago, I went to see a homeopathic…
  • I'm 5'6 and I know I was pretty happy at 145 10+ years ago and before having kids. I was at 135 as a young teenager but I'm not sure how that would look on me now. So my initial goal is 145 and then I will reassess:-)