

  • You go girl. Yeah, whatever motivates you, but know that you are really doing it for yourself. :bigsmile:
  • I know I am not the best person to give advice but when i lost weight last time my motivation was that I didn't want to mess the end of the day by eating badly at night. I felt I had made it that far why mess up now. If I am going to mess let it be early in the day. There is more of a chance that I can burn it off. Also,…
  • It seems the older you get the harder it is to lose, but you have to keep at it and be patient. Just think aobut how long to took you to put on the weight. We can't expect to lose it and keep it off by trying to rush it or crash diet. Also, it seems when you have lost weight before and gained it back its harder to lose it…
  • My grandkids workout with me and my daughter. My son is our personal trainer and he gives them special exercises to do since they are 9 and 6. He keeps them moving and they encourage us and keep asking if we are okay. It's great!
  • Michele - I didn't see my son today, but I will ask him about that tomorrow.
  • Way to go!!!!:bigsmile:
  • I enjoyed reading today's posts so far. This is my fourth day and I can't wait to see the results at the end of the week. A few years ago I lost 50 pounds and couldn't lose the last 15 to save my life. Now I put those 50 back on and being over 50 doesn't help. My son is a Personal Trainer and we have been working out for…
  • eating at night. now I am trying to substitute popcorn, chocolate, etc... with fruit. I must have butter, so the "lite" doesn't work. Two days so far. I used to have a Pepsi habit, but i started getting quesasy after awhile. since i kicked that habit, no more queasiness. i try and drink more water now. butter pecan and…
  • Congratulations on losing those pounds. I hope this site will help. Just keep the faith!
  • You can do it. That's about 1.2 lbs a week. Piece of fruit man!:bigsmile:
    in rookie Comment by annitin August 2010
  • Wow! You guys really have alot going on. I will try and keep up. I am new here. My son just got his personal trainer certificate and he is working us out (me, my daughter and my grands). I am really surprised at how well I am doing. It's really funny with the grandkids hopping around and yelling, "You can do it grandma".…
  • I hear you. I am new too. The best thing to do is just jump in. It will get better once you see the results. Best wishes! :bigsmile:
    in new here! Comment by annitin August 2010
  • Go ahead and indulge. Don't beat yourself up. Jump back on the wagon tomorrow.:bigsmile: