

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Sorry your ex was taking out his frustrations on you.. Congrats on the good report at the doctor's office!!!

    Regarding my friend, I am too tired to go back to my prior post(s), but I didn't mean that she never commented on my weight loss. She did--told me I looked great. What she didn't do was make any attempt to learn what I was doing. That was what concerned me. I think she has given up.

    Speaking of which, my eyes are drooping, so BFN :yawn:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning girls (I've decided we are all girls today - I hope you don't mind!)

    It's cold!!! 15c (about 59f) and wet too. Our garden is enjoying it though, and looking extremely lush.

    Robin - I'm sorry your daughter isn't going to make the visit now. Have a big hug.

    Barb - well done on the new employment - good luck with that.

    Michele - I have never frozen spaghetti squash. Does it work well?

    Rascalini1 - hello and welcome. Just jump in and tell us about yourself.

    Chiclet - If you are interested in Phillip, you have to start finding reasons to talk to him. I'm certain Boo could help ease the way. Good luck! Also, well done on losing 8 pounds. That is fabulous! I agree with your doctor about your ex too.

    Laura - look out for that cedar chest!!

    Jeannie - I loved your bittersweet story of Woodstock. What a pity you didn't hang on to that ticket!

    Doobiedoo - well done for doing your exercise even though you didn't feel like it. It pays off in the end!

    Viv - I rarely get to Primark, but my sister has had loads of bargains from there and she's always bragging about her buys. I may have to make a special trip, especially now that I can fit into 'normal' sized clothes.

    We had a lovely time at DD#2 last night. She was looking extremely beautiful (even more so than normal), having lost a few pounds before her holiday and still losing more since she got back. Even though she wasn't that heavy, it has made such a difference to her confidence. Her DH was extra loving towards her too. After having be married for ten years, it is so good to see them like that.

    DD#1 and her DH were also there. She is blooming! It has only been three days since I had last seen her, but her bump seems to have grown so much in that time. The twins 'woke up' to say hello to us all and they were kicking like crazy. Putting my hand on her tummy and feeling the movements made me smile and cry so much. I'm so sappy!

    My 'other daughter' was also there. She has been friends with my daughters since they were little girls and she is definitely part of the family. It is great because her DH gets on really well with mine and they go off into a corner and chat for hours. I love my extended family! I took dad and Aussie with us too, so it was a very convivial evening. Dad was very tired when I dropped him home just after midnight and, when I phoned him this morning he had only just woken up. He loved being with the family too.

    I took my own food with me and stuck entirely to that. It was a very relaxed atmosphere, so it didn't matter that I was eating differently to everyone else. When I got on the scales this morning, I am down another pound. Happy me!!

    It is time for me to go and find some nice thick socks now. We are going to be going for a walk in Richmond Park after lunch, so I need to dress in layers. It's cold, but I know I will warm up after a bit of stomping.

    Enjoy your weekend please. Eat healthy, drink lots of water and move that body!

    Amanda x
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Robin, I like the idea of trying to use the ticket to go see your daughter at a later date. Most places will allow you to do that with a minimal rebooking fee. But I SO understand your disappointment. :cry: Sometimes I don't think grown kids realize how very much we miss them or how precious times together are.

    I've been on a cleaning/reorganizing spree. With no word on the short sale house yet, its highly unlikely we will GET an answer to our offer in time to close before the contract expires the end of this month. Soooooooooo I'm trying to figure out what to do to makeTHIS place more livable. One of my pet peeves has been lack of storage, thus the disaster waiting to happen in my laundry room. There just aren't enough places to put things up and out of the way.:grumble: I've purged and purged and STILL have too much stuff! :explode:

    Yesterday morning I went garage sale-ing. Then I spent the better part of the rest of day reorganizing to end the clutter in my laundry room. Now the chest of drawers that was in there is in the guest room. (Which meant I had to clean and rearrange the guest room.) The cedar chest I found at a moving sale a few weeks ago for $20 is in the laundry room with extra bedding inside, (which meant I had to totally rework the hall closet where the bedding had been stored) and the vacuum and attachments we tripped over a bazillion times near the back door is now in the hall closet where the bedding used to be. I also did a bit of work to an old wooden coke crate so hubby will have a place to empty his pockets, now that the chest has been relocated. Best part is now hubby has a place to sit down to take his work boots off without tracking anything more than a few feet into the house and the laundry room feels bigger without adding an inch. Wonder how many calories all that burned!

    Today I will tackle the guest room closet while hubby works. At present its to full just opening the door is scary. Over half of it is boxes from when we moved here of stuff i'm at a loss for what to do with. Some of it is my daughter's, some of it was Moma's, only a teeny bit of it is needed. I'm determined to be ruthless and fit into this house! But first I'm going to run/walk with Sophie. Then starting tomorrow hubby is off for 3 1/2 days before he returns to nights.

    Happy weekend girls! :drinker:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Dance Saturday!

    BirdieM-:drinker: Here's to a new day and beating off those blues that drove you to the 25 minis...you can do it and we are here to support you:smile:

    SuzeQ- it's always fun when someone other than those that see us all the time notice that there has been a weight loss. Happy belated Birthday to your son..so how did you healthy up that pie, coconut cream is one of my Hubbys favorites:huh: Woo Hoo on that pound lost:flowerforyou:

    Chiclet- BBQ and the guy down the hall:wink: well now keep us informed:bigsmile: .Sorry that you got the raw end from your ex, but:drinker: GREAT job on the weight lost...that's a plus

    Pause here, making breakfast and then our bike ride.....:huh: ...but boy was it something, felt the burn:sad: ..

    Cathy - glad to see that you continue to stalk the post:flowerforyou:

    Alice - hope that sting gets better:heart:

    Susan - glad you were able to talk with your son, hoping that at some point there will be a break through:flowerforyou:

    Kackie- do hope that shot works for your husband:heart: , my FIL had compressed disks in his neck and back and I know he was in pain all the time.

    Barbie - :love: I bet your arms are getting really toned just reading these posts!

    Erica- hope you are able to enjoy your time in Vegas, my #1 son lives there and he called my yesterday to say it was a cool day, only 98, but it was only 11 am at the time! Drink plenty of water:drinker:

    Kerry - welcome back:flowerforyou: I understand the 1,000 calories to lose thing. I'm the same way being 4"11" I really have to work hard to lose and I know that to maintain I can eat about 1,200 and that's only if I exercise, eating anything more than that and I will gain...as last year proved to me.

    seawillow, rascalini & candlegal - Welcome:flowerforyou: this is a great place to get the encouragement and make friends of like mind.

    Barb- congrats on the new job:drinker: What I have found is that when I share my success about MFP I'm so excited that it seems to turn some people off, but I really have a hard time keeping it to myself:ohwell:

    Robin:cry: so sorry your daughter isn't coming to visit

    Amanda when ever you talk about the "twins" I get excited for you, those new babies in the family are soooo much fun:flowerforyou:


    Today I'm really energized, probably has something to do the the .8 loss, almost a whole pound and then we had a great bike ride of 70 minutes. It does take time to catch up with everyone when you don't do it daily.

    Last night we went to #2 Son & DIL's played with the grandsons and hade BBQ burgers and veggies, which were really good. I have plenty of stuff to do this weekend and I'm hoping to stay motivated...so best get to it.

    Everyone have a good day drink your water, pile on some extra veggies and move around and get some exercise:drinker:

  • mynyddisamrs
    Oooooh dear ! ......I feel as if I'm giving up! food's been logged ...squeaking in with the calories. Weights still 1lb up ...so now it's only 4lb lost. ! week and 2 days to the cruise ....lose 4lb? Don't think so ...I really must get back on the wagon!

    Dippy day with mum today ...goodness knows what world she's in today. Weeing for England again ...but that's good exercise doing all the hoisting! Not sure it's going to be easy to cope with the craziness of Dementia!!!

    Anyway ...must go now
  • annitin
    annitin Posts: 14
    Wow! You guys really have alot going on. I will try and keep up. I am new here. My son just got his personal trainer certificate and he is working us out (me, my daughter and my grands). I am really surprised at how well I am doing.

    It's really funny with the grandkids hopping around and yelling, "You can do it grandma".

    It's good to see you all here, not giving up and not giving in. We really need each other. The weight doesn't come off so easily anymore.

    Anybody tired of dieting? I am but I know I have to be more conscious of what I eat and do.

    Best wishes to all! :bigsmile:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    SuzyQ- it's always fun when someone other than those that see us all the time notice that there has been a weight loss. Happy belated Birthday to your son..so how did you healthy up that pie, coconut cream is one of my Hubbys favorites:huh: Woo Hoo on that pound lost:flowerforyou:


    I make the crust using half whole wheat flour, substitute Splenda for all but a tablespoon of the sugar in the meringue and use Jello Cook n Serve Sugar-free vanilla pudding for the custard. (I don't like the consistence of the instant at all.) You have to have a bit of sugar or it won't brown properly. All the sugar is in the coconut and the tablespoon in the meringue. (I also add the yolks back into the filling instead of throwing them away. So far no one has even noticed its healthier... and I'm not telling! :love:
  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    Hi everyone:
    I'm new to the boards but of course not to losing weight!
    I did ediets a while back and liked the tracking on the web, but since mfp has an ipod app, its so much easier!
    I'm a 9-1-1 dispatcher so I mostly sit in an office, but I try to get a walk in after I get home about 11PM and then I hike with my dogs on my weekends. I am interested in trying the P90X/Insanity workouts, but walking and biking are just fine (and free!) for now.
    I'm in western Washinston State, near JB Lewis-McChord. If anyone is up for hiking on the base, let me know!
  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    Go to your Home page and you should have a general "blue smurf" icon where a picture (or avatar) would be. A box below it will say "you havent uploaded a picture yet" or something like that and you should also see "upload a picture" boxed in. Click on that and hit "Browse" to get a photo of your computer. Upload it and the site will update your posts to reflect the picture.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Go to your Home page and you should have a general "blue smurf" icon where a picture (or avatar) would be. A box below it will say "you havent uploaded a picture yet" or something like that and you should also see "upload a picture" boxed in. Click on that and hit "Browse" to get a photo of your computer. Upload it and the site will update your posts to reflect the picture.

    Welcome. I confess to being a little confused by your post, since Donna has had pics on her posts for a while, and didn't ask any questions about how to post pics, and no one else on this thread has lately either that I could find. Are you maybe intending your message for another member on another thread???

    I see you are in the middle of the heat wave we are getting this weekend. I am down south in Vancouver area.

    It is hot here today, and north of here, up toward Barbiecat, they broke all kinds of temp records today. It wa 95 F in Seattle, where 80 is considered "hot," and there is plenty of heat spilling to the west toward where she is. Not as much AC up there as where I am, so I feel for them.

    I can just see Barbiecat and her hubby sitting on the sofa each with their feet in a bucket of ice :noway: and a fan blowing on them, trying to stay cool!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    As for me, I haven't set foot outside since yesterday evening. I got up late, looked at the outside temp, decided my AC and I were going to be best friends today, and the doggies have been lying about all day. Bradley skipped his usual sunbath on the patio in favor of the cool inside. He is nobody's fool.

    I am feeling like a nap would be a good thing, no energy today. :yawn:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    We are having dry lightning and have already lost power when trying to post.

    I've been doing the stationary bike 3 times a week for an hour to make up for not getting to spinning. I hope to start back to class next week.

    The diet is still going well. I hope the scales reflect my hard work.

    I still can't believe how many of us here in this group have parents to take care of. It is a blessing, but it is still hard and I try not to think about all the siblings that have walked away from their responsibility where their own parents are concerned.

    I am proud to be friends with all of you. We are a strong and admirable group.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Yep Barb it is hot up here. I am about 40 miles north and a little east of Seattle. I was out on Camano Island (north and west of us) today and it was beautiful but it is warm and we have no AC. I think this is going to be great weather for our camping trip. We are right on a Lake so cooling down should be easy. No logging food for the next 5 days so I will try to be good but I do plan on enjoying myself. The wine I have been drinking has taken some of the sting out of not being with Holly. It will all be fine. Have a great night all.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Sounds like you will be a "happy camper"--especially if you pack plenty of wine!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: <supposed to be "water":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Seriously, I hope you have a great time. I don't know of any rain in the forecast for the rest of this next week, so the potential for some very pleasant days is certainly there.

    I finally took the doggies out, but we only walked on the condo property. My neighbor with the French Bulldog and the Pug was out at the same time, so we walked and talked and did our best to keep from playing "let's tangle up the leashes."--a full time job with my three and his two:laugh: :ohwell:

    I tried to convince him that we should go out to a tavern on the river and have a drink because it is such a nice evening, but he didn't want to go that far. (Relative term-far--in this case, it is about 7 or 8 miles, a drop in the bucket to me, but :ohwell: ) So it appears we might hit Applebee's (about a mile from here) after 9p, as they have 1/2 price Margaritas on their late night happy hour. I won't have a Margarita, but a little iced tea sounds good, and I will bring my own Truvia.

    Have a good night, all.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member

    I can just see Barbiecat and her hubby sitting on the sofa each with their feet in a bucket of ice :noway: and a fan blowing on them, trying to stay cool!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    As for me, I haven't set foot outside since yesterday evening. I got up late, looked at the outside temp, decided my AC and I were going to be best friends today, and the doggies have been lying about all day. Bradley skipped his usual sunbath on the patio in favor of the cool inside. He is nobody's fool.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, you are almost right......Jake has opened the hide a bed in the living room so he and the dogs can stretch out on cool sheets......i am at the dining room table with an ice pack on my knee....my knee is fine but the ice feels great......It was too hot to take the dogs to the dog park, especially because yesterday when it was cooler they spent most of the time lying in the shade under the trees.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I agree with you in your admiration of all who are caring for their parents...it is a great challenge and I am in awe of their patience and consistency

    :flowerforyou: Oh, Robin, I am so sorry about your daughter not coming…….are you taking advantage of a lot of Bodie hugs to help soothe your sadness….I hope your sadness won’t spoil your camping trip

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, done let the jerks get you down……..pay more attention to the kind and loving things your doctor told you and less to what your ex had to say…….soon you’ll be able to be free of him and not have to deal with his immature behavior……and don’t forget to eat enough nourishing food to keep your body healthy while you lose weight….and don’t give up on Phillip….take a deep breath, smile, ask him if he’s ever had a dog or does he like to take walks or what’s his favorite thing to barbeque

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, congratulations on your decision to bring your own food….it keeps you from being a victim of other people’s cooking

    :flowerforyou: Suzzzque, I am so inspired by your reorganizing your house and getting rid of things……it’s something I need to do….we’ve done a lot each time we moved, but it’s time to get to it again……we have a lot of stuff that used to be in our motorhome that still hasn’t been either put away or given away.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, congratulations on your weight loss and long bike ride….staying at 1200 calories is a real challenge….I exercise just to be able to eat a bit more

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, I love the stories of your mum…..it reminds me of my mother’s last years…..she didn’t live with me but I saw her every day and called her frequently…

    :flowerforyou: Annitin, welcome to the group……many of us have been working for a long time finding a new relationship with food so that we’re doing isn’t dieting but just living a new healthy way of life….this group of women has encouraged and inspired me.

    Cathleenr, welcome….there are several of us from Western Washington…….I am a big fan of walking with and without dogs and that is a big part of my exercise program

    :flowerforyou: today was one of those days with a long sit down meeting so burning calories was a challenge...fortunately we brought our own food (leftover salmon and roasted veggies from last night and sliced tomatoes) so we could avoid the lunch that was served (pulled pork sandwiches on white buns, potato salad, cole slaw, chips, and cookies)....i managed to get on the exercise bike for awhile to make the calories come out even but I was way under the 600 calories and 10,000 steps i like to accumulate each day.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Evening all,

    Another sorcher here in Wisconsin. Not so much the heat just so humid the air is like soup. Drive with the wipers on even when it's not raining.

    I pushed more stuff out of the house today, and realized I haven't even made a dent. As I empty every cupboard I set something out that will not be going back in. Both tables in the dining room are now full of things, not including what is in boxes.

    Had a great supper of grilled beef roast and grilled veggies, eggplant, zuchinni, mushrooms, onion. MmmmM.
    We are still working very long hours here, My DH is getting home around 11:30 every night. We do farm and also work in a
    nearby resort town. We are so thankful, for all the opportunities we have.

    My son and DIL have gone to the preseason Packers game. I hope they have a great time.
    Will have family in town this week, my niece is getting married on Friday. Can't wait to see them all.
    Must sign off for now, time for DH to be getting in and he will be hungry.

    Take care all :heart: Alice
  • chicletgirl
    :flowerforyou: Hello ladies

    Was talking to my mom today and she mentioned she didn't eat her eggs this morning so I told her I expected her to eat all her lunch and dinner. Called her to check on her and she ate everything. She sounded more energized too! I think she just is at that point where some seniors just think its too much work to eat. She said she was too full, so i told her not to eat the cake or pudding she had today. She said "But that's the best part!" At any rate she sounded stronger and was able to hold the phone longer. She is talking non stop about coming to California. That was part of the reason she ate her food today. I told her if she wasn't strong enough she wouldn't be able to get on the plane and come and she's have to stay at a home there. it obviously worked. Tonight she was talking about when she gets here we need to get a car. Boy is she planning.:smile:

    Oh and my brother and sil have been back since Wednesday and no sign at all of them according to my mom. Wonder why???

    I would love the recipe for your coconut pie. Did you put it on the recipe thingy here on the site to figure out calories per slice? Coconut cream is my favorite pie and even healthed up it sounds delicious!

    I saw you said you have an old Coke crate. How old are you talking about. You know a lot of the Coke stuff is worth money. My son collects Coke things and has the old glass bottles with the orignal coke still in them given to him from his grandma. He even has an original coke machine that dispensed the glass bottles back then, working. He's a collector.

    You remind me with all your stuff you are going through of me when I had to sell my house when my ex left me. Twenty years of stuff collecting around the house, what a chore it was to go through. I was leaving a home that had 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, den, living room dining room, laundry room, and a brand new kitchen with all new appliances built from the floor on up. (Only got to use my kitchen for a month) to go to a 1 bedroom, tiny kitchen, tiny eating area and living room with one bath. I sold the house but it was raining 3 weekends in a row before the move so I never was able to have a yard sale to make some money off of the items I could not keep. So on the day of the move I made a huge trip to the salvation army and gave practically everything to them. A lot of items were brand new, never used. I had bought them for the house that we had just finished remodeling. Furniture, full size air hockey table, oak entertainment center, new TV, brand new lawn mower, barbecue pots and pans for our new patio we had done, brand new sofa bed for one of the bedrooms that I had converted to a study with built in bookcases. All that stuff given away. (I had sold my bedroom set and curio cabinets, and patio furniture and a 10 X 10 patio cover on craigslist .) To make matters worse it was raining on the day we moved (pouring) so we had filled the largest U-haul truck we could drive, with everything I couldn't keep and was just shoving the stuff out to the guys at the SA. I figure I lost a few thousand dollars worth of stuff and I forgot to get a receipt for the donation. Who was thinking of a receipt in the pouring rain and everyone I had helping me move drenched and in a lousy mood! So I couldn't claim it on my taxes either. When I read about you cleaning things out, I'm thinking smart girl, because on moving day a lot of what you think you cant do without just becomes junk and you think, " How did I get so much stuff?" Looking at my apartment now it is so downsized and has the most cherished things l had. When i think about whether I will be able to afford to stay here another month, I wonder what do I have to give up now? A guy friend of mine, told me to sell things off, like my stove???? so that I could keep staying where I am, using the money I make off of the things. But I'm like down to the last possible things I have now. How does one go without a stove? I don't even have a bed. I think I have given up a lot already!

    Sorry just ranting and raving!:explode:

    Barbie (cat):heart:
    Thank you for the very nice words. I do try to pay attention to the nice things that happened on the day I went to the doctor, but my ex knows what buttons to push and let me tell you, I will celebrate the day when I no longer need to rely on him for anything! I liked the things you said that I could bring up to Phillip. I think I might be able to do those. But what do you think about the other lady he talks to that I mentioned? Is it kind of like I am moving in on her territory even though she says she's not interested in dating? Would that be awkward?

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Barbie (cat):heart:
    Thank you for the very nice words. I do try to pay attention to the nice things that happened on the day I went to the doctor, but my ex knows what buttons to push and let me tell you, I will celebrate the day when I no longer need to rely on him for anything! I liked the things you said that I could bring up to Phillip. I think I might be able to do those. But what do you think about the other lady he talks to that I mentioned? Is it kind of like I am moving in on her territory even though she says she's not interested in dating? Would that be awkward?


    Glad to hear your mom is sounding better. Why am I not surprised your brother and SIL are MIA as far as visiting her is concerned. Something occurred to me, and I hope I am wrong. Since she was living with them, are her valuables and personal effects in any danger of "disappearing" or being misappropriated while under their roof? I would hate to think of her losing things that are important to her, if they choose to take advantage of the situation.

    As for you talking to Phillip, there is no "other woman"--she has already stated her intentions. If something develops between the two of you, she has no right to be upset. They don't appear to have any relationship, other than being neighbors, so if you are interested, I say go for it.:drinker: :drinker: Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained.:flowerforyou:

    I ended up not going to Applebee's with my neighbor, but I did go out to the store and ended up eating broccoli, dipped in Greek yogurt, an apricot, and some strawberries. Better choices than the carbs dancing through my head when I walked in the store!!!

    Good night all.:yawn:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi Everyone

    :flowerforyou: Barb Good news on the job front I’m so pleased for you. It’s a good job you are a get up and go person rather than waiting for the other guy to get in touch with you, you went out and found something yourself.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome all newbies.

    :frown: Robin, so sorry your daughter is not visiting you now, couldn‘t you meet up half way somewhere to spend a few hours together and go for a coffee or something? Not sure how practical or easy this is for you but it is just a thought.

    :smile: Just a quick post this morning as time is flying by while I have been entering my calories and reading posts. Barbiecat I'll have to get a couple of tins to use as weights and use them whilest reading - my arms could certainly use a tone up (as with the rest of my body :bigsmile: ) we call them bingowings over here in UK.

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet your mum sounds much happier now, and Barb has a good point about your mums personal bits and bobs, is there any way you can check on them for her?

    I really must make a move and get dinner started, why does time go so quckly when you are doing something like catching up with everyone and yet takes so long with less enjoyable things?

    I'll try and catch up again later this evening.

    Viv :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    see you all when I get back. take care.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    I've had a busy day already! Did an hour in my gym and then went off to take dad to church, then off to visit mum-in-law. She was completely off the wall today and didn't have a clue what was happening or where she was. By the time I had fed her lunch, I was exhausted.

    Then I picked Aussie up (he'd been for a walk down by the river) and we went home where I made brunch. DH and Aussie had a full English cooked and I had pumpkin and oat crispbeads with marmite and laughing cow extra light blue cheese. Followed by more coffee! I think I'm drinking too much of it over the last few days, but at least I drink it without anything added and I always make sure that I drink extra water to make up for it.

    We are 'enjoying' rubbish weather at present. Rain and wind - perfect English summer!

    This afternoon I intend to have another clear out of clothes. I can't believe how big some of them have become (hmm, shouldn't that be how small I've become?) One item that I may hang onto, is a beautiful black taffeta opera coat with a ruffled collar. It is too big for me already, but I may wait until I'm at the weight I want to be and then try to get it altered. It is a one off and I've only had the chance to wear it a couple of times.

    Since Aussie has been staying with us, I've done hardly any knitting as we have been playing cards or backgammon in the evenings. Tonight I am going to take a back seat and knit whilst they play. My grandtwins will need plenty of warm clothes when they are born. I've got a gorgeous pattern for some sleeping bags for them which I can't wait to get started on.

    Tonight I'm cooking prawn curry for the guys. I'm going to have a bowl of lightly curried veggies with a little tofu and lemon grass stirred in and maybe a dollop of low fat natural greek yoghurt on top. Yummy.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

    Catch up with you all later.

    Amanda x