
Hey guys so I'm new to this and I just started bc my dr says I'm overweight for my height =/. Trying to cut back on things I eat but I love food so much lol especially drinking pepsi. I've cut down on it a lot. From about a 6 cans of pepsi a day I went down to at least 2. Tried to excercise but I rly hate it and I've only worked out once this week lol. I'm trying to lose 10lbs in 2 months bc I'm going to miami and everyone knows you have to be on point there. Hopefully I can shed the lbs. Well thanks 4 taking time to read this. Take care every1 and good luck.


  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    You can do it! Even taking small steps at a time is a great start! Just find ways to increase your activity each day and control your food portions. It's hard to completely give up on something you love, but if you set limits, you will see changes. Good luck!
  • cristalinda
    Lol its easier said than done but I will tell u this 1 thing... the calorie counter helps a lot. I enter what I want to eat ahead of time to c the calories and when I c its excessive I just don't consume it. =) like just now I wanted a caramel iced coffee from panera bread and the calories is 580!!!! So I decided not to lol.
  • annitin
    annitin Posts: 14
    You can do it. That's about 1.2 lbs a week. Piece of fruit man!:bigsmile: