

  • I keep a box of fiber one bars in my desk. Sometimes I just need something and the fiber in them helps me feel full.
  • I've heard of this stuff you can put on your eyes that has caffeine in it that decreases puffiness in your eyes. I was considering buying some of that. I don't watch Grey's, but I've had puffy eyes from crying and it really sucks.
  • I think argyle is back in and you'd look great in that sweater. I should find something I want to fit back into and hang it up. I have tons of clothes in my closet that don't fit anymore. What a great idea. Thanks!
  • In an old clinic building that houses orthopedics, family practice, physical therapy, and my Urgent Care. I :heart: my job as an urgent care nurse.
  • Another reason to just eat the real thing. I love real whipped cream! I just have to keep it in moderation.
  • I've had days where I haven't wanted to log everything, but I still do it. I've found that the most helpful thing about logging everything is that I have had to notice all those "taste" bites I was taking before. I still have a few, but it has come way down. I try to think of logging as playing a game. How can I get the…
  • Ooh, yummy! I can't wait to try this one.
  • Congrats on the life changes you are making! 11pounds is awesome. Way to go!
  • It has been my experience that my jeans shrink in the wash even if I don't put them in the dryer. I think it's just that while wearing them I stretch them out nicely and then they go back into their shape, but it is not as stretched out. I understand "Fat" days because I've had way too many of them lately. I'm sorry that…
  • Oh, my eyes are burning! Make it stop!
  • Oh, Yum! I can't wait to make these!
  • Thanks for the recipe. I'm going to try this because I love ice cream and haven't had any in at least a week. I miss it! This sounds like a perfect replacement.
  • Right now WW has a free week trial of their WW online. I tried that and this one at the same time. I found their website to be cumbersome and very slow. I was complaining about it to my husband who said "Why don't you try the website I've been using" which turned out to be MFP. I find calculating plain old calories is much…
  • Everyone goes through rough spots where they exercise less and eat more. The difference is that some people just give up while others recognize they've fallen and get back up. Now that you've recognized you're off the wagon, you can get back on there. Start by making yourself do just one activity. Others will follow. You…
    in Help!! Comment by momnmore March 2009
  • That would freak me out too. Although I've been trying to lose weight for awhile, I'm new here and am counting on this site to help me get to my goal.
  • I've been throwing Go-gurt in the freezer. When I take it out I run it under warm water for a couple of seconds, then cut the end off and eat it just like a freezie pop. They are yummy and take longer to eat than the unfrozen ones. They're only 70 calories too, so I don't feel guilty if I decide I need a 2nd one.
  • That is so awesome! You must've been over the moon to see the difference on the doc's scale. Congrats!
  • Wow! Thank you everybody. I am loving this site already. I've gotten a couple of awesome recipes that I plan to try in the next few days. I am so motivated and its awesome to have the support of so many others.
  • My name is Michelle and I am married to Andrew. We have 2 little boys ages 2 and 5. I work part time as an Urgent Care nurse. I can tell already that I'm going to meet my goal this time. I'm so glad to have found a website like this where I can connect with others who are losing weight too. My husband has been tracking his…