missliv85 Member


  • I agree.
  • I stated in my original post my intensions and my adaptions.
  • Normally I would just continue on with my current diet, which is no to low processed foods, healthy fats and good proteins. All rounding out to 1200-1400 calories. But as I mentioned in one of my posts, I have an event in 2 weeks and I just wanted to try something that might break through the last 5 pounds faster. And…
  • I adapted the rules to me. Because I felt some were silly and I took them more as guidelines. Adding avocado is a good choice and says nothing about my integrity. And I also explained why I reopened the post. Its the same reason I posted in the first place, to talk to people who have knowledge and experience with the type…
  • Thanks for sharing your experience. I don't know what will happen with this 3 day diet. that's kind of the point of it, its an experiment. Ive read about a lot of people who have done similar things and have had great success. I expect Ill gain back half of whatever I lose, if I lose any. But it may be just what I need to…
  • Hold on! Are you referring to me? Are you saying I sent you a private message that said that??! haha I hope not, because that is a straight up LIE. I have never even sent a PM, I don't even know how. You guys are unbelievable...
  • I have spent way too much of my precious time on this silly thread. Thanks to the few who actually have experience and knowledge on the topic. I appreciate your efforts in trying to help me haha, unfortunately a lot of people on these threads act like goofy high schoolers, just trying to get laughs out of each other (or…
  • Well you're not paying attention at all. I do count calories and create a deficit. I also exercise daily. I also eat very healthy foods.
  • People actually do... lots of people. If you want information and the health benefits of LCHF head over to the forums on Low Carb Friends. Way more discussion on the science behind it there.
  • Wrong. I want someone who has done, or has experience with a LCHF diet, since that is pretty much the idea behind the egg fast.
  • You're right, I think so too. Thats why Im replacing most of it with avocado...
  • Finally, someone who understands the principles I am following. I have been on low'ish carb (30-40g a day) and have stayed in ketosis. But it's been 2 weeks since Ive lost anything, so the egg diet is just a way to get my carbs lower. The "rule" of just eggs makes it simple, which I like. And like you mentioned, it's only…
  • I appreciate your post, as its more constructive then some who simply post "NO" or "REALLY". Im currently eating between 1200-1400 and I'm not losing. I get out to exercise each day, but its hard right now ( currently in a medical radiography program that keeps me doing school work for the majority of the day). All I want…
  • Its a 3 day plan to break a stall... Why is no one understanding this? haha. The festival isn't for 2 weeks! After the 3 days I will go back to the low carb diet I am currently on ( which is 1200 to 1400 calories)
  • The fact that you have 1,377 posts says a lot more about you...
  • Thank you. I've actually read this and many others. Its not meant to be a life plan obviously haha. Im headed to a music festival in a couple weeks, and I would like to get rid of my last 5 lbs and the excess water weight.
  • I didn't make the rules, nor will I follow them completely. I wont eat as much butter, instead I will replace most of it with avocado and coconut oil. The idea is to keep it low carb so your body runs on its own fat, rather than glucose. Sometimes changing things up can break through a stall, that's all it's meant to do.…
  • Dude! you're my dad's age and you're acting like a bully. Shame on you!
  • I'm gonna guess I would have been better off posting in "Low Carb Friends", since the egg fast is nothing new in those threads. I've also done a lot of reading on it, there is definitely a lot of information out there, but I'm assuming most of you didn't bother to do any reading on it. Instead you just turned it into a big…
  • I've been following a low carb diet lately. I usually do low calorie but I find its easier to overeat on that and weight loss is a bit slow. I lost 5 lbs right away starting low carb, probably water, and now Im kinda stuck between 133 and 134. Its the week before that time of the month though, and Ive heard it will start…
  • Im at 135lbs and Im looking to lose 10-15. Would love to find a couple friends in the same boat. Im basically counting carbs and calories :)
  • Cotton candy? Its pretty low in calories isn't it? I remember being surprised by how low the calorie count was when I looked at the back of a bag at the movie theatre. Its mostly just fluffed up sugar right? haha. Just a thought though, worth checking out maybe.