Egg Fast!! Who's in?



  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    I can't get past the 'tablespoon of butter with each egg"!! Blech!! That's a lot of butter...
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Well, of course I have to pipe in. First, all she is really doing, is a type of LCHF diet transition. I am on the LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) diet for nearly 90 days. It is the first "diet" that I have ever been able to go so long without "cheating". I say diet and cheating, but really this is a lifestyle I am able to maintain and be happy with the foods I eat.

    That said, yes, the other posters are correct. As soon as you go off your "egg fast", you are going to gain 25% to 50% of the "weight" right back. I did the "fat" fast for the first 10 days of my initiating my transformation and dropped 21 pounds in that 10 days. Mostly, water!! ....and I quickly gained back about 7 of those pounds. But, I put my body in heavy Ketosis and kept it there ever since. SO, if your point is to put your body in Ketosis, because you plan to stay Low Carb for the remainder of your weight loss, then you are starting right....depleting your glycogen stores. If your point is to simply break a stall, and you will go back to carbohydrate consumption, then you will most likely put on a few extra pounds as your body will quickly store the carbs for future carb starvation episodes.

    Dangerous.....for three days.....ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Our bodies store enough of what we need to more than handle three days of three days of an "egg fast" are not going to hurt you. I ate nothing but macadamia nuts, butter, heavy cream, and cream cheese......for 10 days on a doctors advice and a nutritionists guidance.....the of all my diabetes injections and down to only half of one oral med. Others would have said to do that for 10 days (90% of my calories from saturated and other fats) would be DANGEROUS.

    In ending....I think whatever makes you should do....but be sensible in what you do. Ask yourself what you plan to accomplish and do the research to back up your decision. The Internet is crawling with reliable resources to help you break that stall. Me.....I am in the middle of a heavy stall right now.....but I have lost 40 pounds in under 90 body needs time to I will keep doing what made me lose the first 40 pounds and just wait it out until my body catches up. Also, usually during are actually losing inches instead of weight.

    My thoughts.

    Finally, someone who understands the principles I am following. I have been on low'ish carb (30-40g a day) and have stayed in ketosis. But it's been 2 weeks since Ive lost anything, so the egg diet is just a way to get my carbs lower. The "rule" of just eggs makes it simple, which I like. And like you mentioned, it's only 3 days, and there is absolutely nothing dangerous about fact, it might be good for me.

    So all you want is someone to jump up and down and say it's a good idea?

  • missliv85
    missliv85 Posts: 23 Member
    I can't get past the 'tablespoon of butter with each egg"!! Blech!! That's a lot of butter...

    You're right, I think so too. Thats why Im replacing most of it with avocado...
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I'm going to start a chocolate diet. Who's in?!

    As long as it's only chocolate eggs I'm in....

    Cadbury cream eggs. My eyes just glazed over and I started drooling.

    OP, this is not a balanced or sustainable plan. Please reconsider. Based on the responses in this thread, I would guess that if you are still going to go ahead with it, it will be a solo flight. Read through the links that have been given and be kind to your body.


    In for the Cadbury creme egg diet.

    Way ahead of you ladies!
    I've already been issued a patent on this diet, in order to participate you MUST send me a package of those tasty eggs...
    There's always a price to pay for the good stuff!!! LoL

    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    You said chocolate egg, not specifically Cadbury. Don't make me come over there.... :grumble: :grumble:

    People trying to steal my chocolate eggs.... :angry: :grumble: :grumble:

    Kidding! I'll send you my left-overs :laugh:

    who has leftovers with chocolate?!

    NO ONE! :laugh:
  • missliv85
    missliv85 Posts: 23 Member
    Well, of course I have to pipe in. First, all she is really doing, is a type of LCHF diet transition. I am on the LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) diet for nearly 90 days. It is the first "diet" that I have ever been able to go so long without "cheating". I say diet and cheating, but really this is a lifestyle I am able to maintain and be happy with the foods I eat.

    That said, yes, the other posters are correct. As soon as you go off your "egg fast", you are going to gain 25% to 50% of the "weight" right back. I did the "fat" fast for the first 10 days of my initiating my transformation and dropped 21 pounds in that 10 days. Mostly, water!! ....and I quickly gained back about 7 of those pounds. But, I put my body in heavy Ketosis and kept it there ever since. SO, if your point is to put your body in Ketosis, because you plan to stay Low Carb for the remainder of your weight loss, then you are starting right....depleting your glycogen stores. If your point is to simply break a stall, and you will go back to carbohydrate consumption, then you will most likely put on a few extra pounds as your body will quickly store the carbs for future carb starvation episodes.

    Dangerous.....for three days.....ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Our bodies store enough of what we need to more than handle three days of three days of an "egg fast" are not going to hurt you. I ate nothing but macadamia nuts, butter, heavy cream, and cream cheese......for 10 days on a doctors advice and a nutritionists guidance.....the of all my diabetes injections and down to only half of one oral med. Others would have said to do that for 10 days (90% of my calories from saturated and other fats) would be DANGEROUS.

    In ending....I think whatever makes you should do....but be sensible in what you do. Ask yourself what you plan to accomplish and do the research to back up your decision. The Internet is crawling with reliable resources to help you break that stall. Me.....I am in the middle of a heavy stall right now.....but I have lost 40 pounds in under 90 body needs time to I will keep doing what made me lose the first 40 pounds and just wait it out until my body catches up. Also, usually during are actually losing inches instead of weight.

    My thoughts.

    Finally, someone who understands the principles I am following. I have been on low'ish carb (30-40g a day) and have stayed in ketosis. But it's been 2 weeks since Ive lost anything, so the egg diet is just a way to get my carbs lower. The "rule" of just eggs makes it simple, which I like. And like you mentioned, it's only 3 days, and there is absolutely nothing dangerous about fact, it might be good for me.

    So all you want is someone to jump up and down and say it's a good idea?


    Wrong. I want someone who has done, or has experience with a LCHF diet, since that is pretty much the idea behind the egg fast.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Can i do something similar with chicken? Thats kinda like eggs, right?
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
  • missliv85
    missliv85 Posts: 23 Member
    Can i do something similar with chicken? Thats kinda like eggs, right?

    People actually do... lots of people. If you want information and the health benefits of LCHF head over to the forums on Low Carb Friends. Way more discussion on the science behind it there.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I can't get past the 'tablespoon of butter with each egg"!! Blech!! That's a lot of butter...

    You're right, I think so too. Thats why Im replacing most of it with avocado...

    Let me make sure I have this right ... you post a diet full of things you "must" do then don't follow it yourself?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I'm going to start a chocolate diet. Who's in?!

    As long as it's only chocolate eggs I'm in....

    Cadbury cream eggs. My eyes just glazed over and I started drooling.

    OP, this is not a balanced or sustainable plan. Please reconsider. Based on the responses in this thread, I would guess that if you are still going to go ahead with it, it will be a solo flight. Read through the links that have been given and be kind to your body.


    In for the Cadbury creme egg diet.

    Way ahead of you ladies!
    I've already been issued a patent on this diet, in order to participate you MUST send me a package of those tasty eggs...
    There's always a price to pay for the good stuff!!! LoL

    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    You said chocolate egg, not specifically Cadbury. Don't make me come over there.... :grumble: :grumble:

    People trying to steal my chocolate eggs.... :angry: :grumble: :grumble:

    Kidding! I'll send you my left-overs :laugh:

    Hey! I'm just covering all the bases!
    Oh wait, that doesn't make me a bully does it?

    If I say yes, do I get to keep my Cadbury eggs? :wink:
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Can i do something similar with chicken? Thats kinda like eggs, right?

    Only if you can determine which one came first, then there's that pesky crossing the road thing you're gonna have to deal with.
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    Well, of course I have to pipe in. First, all she is really doing, is a type of LCHF diet transition. I am on the LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) diet for nearly 90 days. It is the first "diet" that I have ever been able to go so long without "cheating". I say diet and cheating, but really this is a lifestyle I am able to maintain and be happy with the foods I eat.

    That said, yes, the other posters are correct. As soon as you go off your "egg fast", you are going to gain 25% to 50% of the "weight" right back. I did the "fat" fast for the first 10 days of my initiating my transformation and dropped 21 pounds in that 10 days. Mostly, water!! ....and I quickly gained back about 7 of those pounds. But, I put my body in heavy Ketosis and kept it there ever since. SO, if your point is to put your body in Ketosis, because you plan to stay Low Carb for the remainder of your weight loss, then you are starting right....depleting your glycogen stores. If your point is to simply break a stall, and you will go back to carbohydrate consumption, then you will most likely put on a few extra pounds as your body will quickly store the carbs for future carb starvation episodes.

    Dangerous.....for three days.....ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Our bodies store enough of what we need to more than handle three days of three days of an "egg fast" are not going to hurt you. I ate nothing but macadamia nuts, butter, heavy cream, and cream cheese......for 10 days on a doctors advice and a nutritionists guidance.....the of all my diabetes injections and down to only half of one oral med. Others would have said to do that for 10 days (90% of my calories from saturated and other fats) would be DANGEROUS.

    In ending....I think whatever makes you should do....but be sensible in what you do. Ask yourself what you plan to accomplish and do the research to back up your decision. The Internet is crawling with reliable resources to help you break that stall. Me.....I am in the middle of a heavy stall right now.....but I have lost 40 pounds in under 90 body needs time to I will keep doing what made me lose the first 40 pounds and just wait it out until my body catches up. Also, usually during are actually losing inches instead of weight.

    My thoughts.

    Finally, someone who understands the principles I am following. I have been on low'ish carb (30-40g a day) and have stayed in ketosis. But it's been 2 weeks since Ive lost anything, so the egg diet is just a way to get my carbs lower. The "rule" of just eggs makes it simple, which I like. And like you mentioned, it's only 3 days, and there is absolutely nothing dangerous about fact, it might be good for me.

    So all you want is someone to jump up and down and say it's a good idea?


    Wrong. I want someone who has done, or has experience with a LCHF diet, since that is pretty much the idea behind the egg fast.

    Don't pay much attention to most of these posters with heir negative comments and remarks. When my doctor put me on the Low Carb High Fat Diet, most of my friends called my doctor a quack and told me I was going to kill myself with the fat intake (heart disease, cholesterol, etc...). Well, after about a month and a half of watching what I got to eat and how I was losing the weight like an onion peeling its skin (SIZE 24W TO NORMAL 16/18 IN 11 WEEKS), nearly half of them (those that criticized) are now going on the same diet and losing the same weight.....with improved blood labs and lowered heart disease risk factors, better blood pressure, better sugars, better triglycerides.....etc...

    I believe everyone should have a chance to respond, if you put a post out there. They should be able to speak their minds freely. However, I think some of these "younger, less educated" posters could do so in a more intellectual manner. Back up your responses with some kind of fact or research (of the legitimate type). Don't just knock a person to the ground. That is NOT what MFP is all about, is it? I think some apologies are due. I don't think you need to be ridiculous here.

    We are all here to SUPPORT one another......aren't we??????
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I'm going to start a chocolate diet. Who's in?!

    As long as it's only chocolate eggs I'm in....

    Cadbury cream eggs. My eyes just glazed over and I started drooling.

    OP, this is not a balanced or sustainable plan. Please reconsider. Based on the responses in this thread, I would guess that if you are still going to go ahead with it, it will be a solo flight. Read through the links that have been given and be kind to your body.


    In for the Cadbury creme egg diet.

    Way ahead of you ladies!
    I've already been issued a patent on this diet, in order to participate you MUST send me a package of those tasty eggs...
    There's always a price to pay for the good stuff!!! LoL

    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    You said chocolate egg, not specifically Cadbury. Don't make me come over there.... :grumble: :grumble:

    People trying to steal my chocolate eggs.... :angry: :grumble: :grumble:

    Kidding! I'll send you my left-overs :laugh:

    Hey! I'm just covering all the bases!
    Oh wait, that doesn't make me a bully does it?

    If I say yes, do I get to keep my Cadbury eggs? :wink:

    No... All your eggs are belong to us.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Well, of course I have to pipe in. First, all she is really doing, is a type of LCHF diet transition. I am on the LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) diet for nearly 90 days. It is the first "diet" that I have ever been able to go so long without "cheating". I say diet and cheating, but really this is a lifestyle I am able to maintain and be happy with the foods I eat.

    That said, yes, the other posters are correct. As soon as you go off your "egg fast", you are going to gain 25% to 50% of the "weight" right back. I did the "fat" fast for the first 10 days of my initiating my transformation and dropped 21 pounds in that 10 days. Mostly, water!! ....and I quickly gained back about 7 of those pounds. But, I put my body in heavy Ketosis and kept it there ever since. SO, if your point is to put your body in Ketosis, because you plan to stay Low Carb for the remainder of your weight loss, then you are starting right....depleting your glycogen stores. If your point is to simply break a stall, and you will go back to carbohydrate consumption, then you will most likely put on a few extra pounds as your body will quickly store the carbs for future carb starvation episodes.

    Dangerous.....for three days.....ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Our bodies store enough of what we need to more than handle three days of three days of an "egg fast" are not going to hurt you. I ate nothing but macadamia nuts, butter, heavy cream, and cream cheese......for 10 days on a doctors advice and a nutritionists guidance.....the of all my diabetes injections and down to only half of one oral med. Others would have said to do that for 10 days (90% of my calories from saturated and other fats) would be DANGEROUS.

    In ending....I think whatever makes you should do....but be sensible in what you do. Ask yourself what you plan to accomplish and do the research to back up your decision. The Internet is crawling with reliable resources to help you break that stall. Me.....I am in the middle of a heavy stall right now.....but I have lost 40 pounds in under 90 body needs time to I will keep doing what made me lose the first 40 pounds and just wait it out until my body catches up. Also, usually during are actually losing inches instead of weight.

    My thoughts.

    Finally, someone who understands the principles I am following. I have been on low'ish carb (30-40g a day) and have stayed in ketosis. But it's been 2 weeks since Ive lost anything, so the egg diet is just a way to get my carbs lower. The "rule" of just eggs makes it simple, which I like. And like you mentioned, it's only 3 days, and there is absolutely nothing dangerous about fact, it might be good for me.

    So all you want is someone to jump up and down and say it's a good idea?


    Wrong. I want someone who has done, or has experience with a LCHF diet, since that is pretty much the idea behind the egg fast.

    Don't pay much attention to most of these posters with heir negative comments and remarks. When my doctor put me on the Low Carb High Fat Diet, most of my friends called my doctor a quack and told me I was going to kill myself with the fat intake (heart disease, cholesterol, etc...). Well, after about a month and a half of watching what I got to eat and how I was losing the weight like an onion peeling its skin (SIZE 24W TO NORMAL 16/18 IN 11 WEEKS), nearly half of them (those that criticized) are now going on the same diet and losing the same weight.....with improved blood labs and lowered heart disease risk factors, better blood pressure, better sugars, better triglycerides.....etc...

    I believe everyone should have a chance to respond, if you put a post out there. They should be able to speak their minds freely. However, I think some of these "younger, less educated" posters could do so in a more intellectual manner. Back up your responses with some kind of fact or research (of the legitimate type). Don't just knock a person to the ground. That is NOT what MFP is all about, is it? I think some apologies are due. I don't think you need to be ridiculous here.

    We are all here to SUPPORT one another......aren't we??????
    What I do find quite telling is that the people who are stalled in weight loss are all on the low carb bandwagon.
  • summer92008
    summer92008 Posts: 202
    What the heck is this?

    OP, why don't you just restrict your overall calories and exercise like the rest of us on here?
    You may lose weight but you will gain it right back because you're obviously not going to be eating eggs for the rest of your life.
    I hate when people don't want to actually create a calorie deficit and exercise - they'd rather try a fad diet for 3 days and then go back to normal. It's stupid.

    Create a calorie deficit for yourself and exercise at least 30 minutes every day. You may not drop the weight in 3 days like you would on this "egg diet", but it will be long term weight loss and healthier.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    When my doctor put me on the Low Carb High Fat Diet, most of my friends called my doctor a quack

    Now we're talking about a duck egg diet, that's a whole different bucket of worms right there.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Whatever happened to just eating a bit less?

    Will you quit making sense! Sheesh!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    OP, I get that you are frustrated with the responses you have gotten here. Based on your post history you haven't been around too long. At least not on the forums. Are you on the website or the app? On the website if you look at the top of the page on this community tab there is another tab called groups. If you go to that tab, there is a search function where you can enter ketogenic, or LCHF, or Atkins, or any other number of search items and a list of groups that have been designed to support members with those interests will come up. These groups can provide you with access to others who are following similar diet plans as you and perhaps provide more specific support.

    Best of luck, whatever you decide.
  • missliv85
    missliv85 Posts: 23 Member
    What the heck is this?

    OP, why don't you just restrict your overall calories and exercise like the rest of us on here?
    You may lose weight but you will gain it right back because you're obviously not going to be eating eggs for the rest of your life.
    I hate when people don't want to actually create a calorie deficit and exercise - they'd rather try a fad diet for 3 days and then go back to normal. It's stupid.

    Create a calorie deficit for yourself and exercise at least 30 minutes every day. You may not drop the weight in 3 days like you would on this "egg diet", but it will be long term weight loss and healthier.

    Well you're not paying attention at all. I do count calories and create a deficit. I also exercise daily. I also eat very healthy foods.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Let me try again...

    Well if it's good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me!

    (Well you tell me why we have so many eggs at Easter then!)