Egg Fast!! Who's in?



  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Needs bacon..........

  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Hey guys,

    I've been doing a relatively low carb diet for almost 3 weeks. I lost 5 lbs in the first week, but have been stuck for about 2 weeks now. I've been reading about this egg fast and I'm pretty interested in trying it. I'm going to plan to do it for 3 days, starting Monday July 21st, and see how it goes from there. Here are the official rules:

    1. Must eat eggs as the primary source of fat and protein.
    2. 1 tablespoon of butter used per egg consumed.
    3. I must eat an egg no later than 30 minutes after waking. (This is when Im going to have my unsweetened soy milk latte instead)
    4. The egg meals ideally should be eaten every 3 hours, but not more than every 5 hours.
    5. I will follow this schedule even if I’m not hungry, however I’ll only have 1 egg when that happens.
    6. Cheese will be permitted up to one ounce per egg.
    7. A minimum of a half-dozen eggs must be consumed daily.
    8. The eggs will be local pastured eggs loaded with healthy omega-3 fats and vitamin D. (this was his personal preference)
    9. Egg consumption will cease three hours before bedtime
    10. Diet soda will be allowed up to 3 cans daily with a goal of 1 or less. (I may have one as a treat at night)

    I am making a couple small adjustments for myself, I'm allowing myself one cup of unsweetened soy milk each morning for my latte. The soy milk I have has only 3 net carbs (or less if I mix it with half unsweetened almond milk). I think that should be ok, and it will help me stick with the diet because I can't survive without my morning lattes :S. I'm also including avocado because It's high fat and low carb and delicious...and it resembles an egg...seems like it's meant to be :) haha. Avocados are also low in protein, so they're pretty perfect. I am going to keep it as low carb as possible, while staying high in fat and with moderate protein.

    I would love to find other people who want to join me in this challenge. We can post progress and keep each other motivated.

    Like I said, I'm starting this Monday, so that gives a little time to go out and buy some eggs, cheese, butter, whatever.

    OP, yeah, I get the intention of you post - eggs are a great source of protein and dietary fat, both necessary (along with carbs) for good nutrition. But what's the point of all the other (IMHO) senseless "rules"?

    BTW, this morning's breakfast.. . 2 home grown eggs, poached, over toasted bread with real sweet cream butter, topped with a couple slices of ham and Havarti cheese, broiled to yummy perfection.

    ETA FOR THE LURKERS: This post is an example why many people new to weight loss, fitness/health and nutrition get so confused and frustrated. This is not how it works. This is not how any of this works. Just follow good, sound nutritional advice (which doesn't include wholesale elimination of certain foods or food groups - unless per the instructions of a medical professional, nor the manic enthusiasm to follow a "one-item" diet). Set reasonable goals and follow an sustainable plan of action.

    I'm just gonna leave this right here.'re+new+here

    TL:DR the link right above this one then ->


    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

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  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Sorry, I don't follow diets that have rules.

    SO much this^^
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I'm going to start a chocolate diet. Who's in?!

    As long as it's only chocolate eggs I'm in....

    Cadbury cream eggs. My eyes just glazed over and I started drooling.

    OP, this is not a balanced or sustainable plan. Please reconsider. Based on the responses in this thread, I would guess that if you are still going to go ahead with it, it will be a solo flight. Read through the links that have been given and be kind to your body.


    In for the Cadbury creme egg diet.

    Way ahead of you ladies!
    I've already been issued a patent on this diet, in order to participate you MUST send me a package of those tasty eggs...
    There's always a price to pay for the good stuff!!! LoL

    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    You said chocolate egg, not specifically Cadbury. Don't make me come over there.... :grumble: :grumble:

    People trying to steal my chocolate eggs.... :angry: :grumble: :grumble:

    Kidding! I'll send you my left-overs :laugh:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    How do people come up with this stuff?
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I am reminded of the "Mean Girls" film, in which Lindsay Lohan's character pulls a stunt on her enemy, telling her what to eat in order to lose weight and instead, it was all very fattening food and caused her to pack on the pounds! Remember that film? OP, looks like someone pulled this same stunt on you... and you fell for it. At least you know who your enemy is, now.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am reminded of the "Mean Girls" film, in which Lindsay Lohan's character pulls a stunt on her enemy, telling her what to eat in order to lose weight and instead, it was all very fattening food and caused her to pack on the pounds! Remember that film? OP, looks like someone pulled this same stunt on you... and you fell for it. At least you know who your enemy is, now.

    Not sure if it's serious, but this post wins! :laugh: :laugh:
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member



  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Warning: Do not stand near any open sources of flame when undergoing this "fast."

    Which doesn't sound like the greatest idea in the first place anyway.


    In all seriousness, a lot of people who can eat eggs somewhat frequently find eating too many will cause serious stomach issues that go way beyond gas. This is probably not a good eating plan.
  • missliv85
    missliv85 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm gonna guess I would have been better off posting in "Low Carb Friends", since the egg fast is nothing new in those threads. I've also done a lot of reading on it, there is definitely a lot of information out there, but I'm assuming most of you didn't bother to do any reading on it. Instead you just turned it into a big joke. Whatever happened to the saying " if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Instead you guys take part in these silly " flirt, kiss, take home" posts??

    And don't assume that I'm not healthy, I know how to lose weight in a healthy way. I've weighed anywhere between 130-145 in the last 10 years, so I'm doing something right. I also realize how a calorie deficit works. But have you read any information on a LCHF diet? I take out all the processed foods and fill my diet with green veggies, lean protein, and lots of healthy fats (coconut oil, grass fed butter, eggs, avocado). And because the diet is higher in fat and protein, I stay satisfied longer and don't crave sugar...therefore, wait for it.... I can much more easily have a calorie deficit each day, and not feel deprived.

    Also, if you did some more reading, you would learn there are many short term, healthy weight loss plans for breaking through plateaus. Again, I weigh 135, and I'm trying to break through the last few pounds, which can be a lot more challenging then losing 5lbs when you weigh 235lbs. So maybe try being a little more open minded, do a little more research, and keep these forums on motivating each other and being open to discussion on new topics instead of assuming you know everything. And if you feel like just making jokes at someone else's expense, maybe the "Motivation and Support" thread isn't for you.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I'm gonna guess I would have been better off posting in "Low Carb Friends", since the egg fast is nothing new in those threads. I've also done a lot of reading on it, there is definitely a lot of information out there, but I'm assuming most of you didn't bother to do any reading on it. Instead you just turned it into a big joke. Whatever happened to the saying " if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Instead you guys take part in these silly " flirt, kiss, take home" posts??

    And don't assume that I'm not healthy, I know how to lose weight in a healthy way. I've weighed anywhere between 130-145 in the last 10 years, so I'm doing something right. I also realize how a calorie deficit works. But have you read any information on a LCHF diet? I take out all the processed foods and fill my diet with green veggies, lean protein, and lots of healthy fats (coconut oil, grass fed butter, eggs, avocado). And because the diet is higher in fat and protein, I stay satisfied longer and don't crave sugar...therefore, wait for it.... I can much more easily have a calorie deficit each day, and not feel deprived.

    Also, if you did some more reading, you would learn there are many short term, healthy weight loss plans for breaking through plateaus. Again, I weigh 135, and I'm trying to break through the last few pounds, which can be a lot more challenging then losing 5lbs when you weigh 235lbs. So maybe try being a little more open minded, do a little more research, and keep these forums on motivating each other and being open to discussion on new topics instead of assuming you know everything. And if you feel like just making jokes at someone else's expense, maybe the "Motivation and Support" thread isn't for you.

    ...or maybe you shouldn't have posted your diet in the main forums.
    Sorry OP but that egg diet sounds wack.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I'm gonna guess I would have been better off posting in "Low Carb Friends", since the egg fast is nothing new in those threads. I've also done a lot of reading on it, there is definitely a lot of information out there, but I'm assuming most of you didn't bother to do any reading on it. Instead you just turned it into a big joke. Whatever happened to the saying " if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Instead you guys take part in these silly " flirt, kiss, take home" posts??

    And don't assume that I'm not healthy, I know how to lose weight in a healthy way. I've weighed anywhere between 130-145 in the last 10 years, so I'm doing something right. I also realize how a calorie deficit works. But have you read any information on a LCHF diet? I take out all the processed foods and fill my diet with green veggies, lean protein, and lots of healthy fats (coconut oil, grass fed butter, eggs, avocado). And because the diet is higher in fat and protein, I stay satisfied longer and don't crave sugar...therefore, wait for it.... I can much more easily have a calorie deficit each day, and not feel deprived.

    Also, if you did some more reading, you would learn there are many short term, healthy weight loss plans for breaking through plateaus. Again, I weigh 135, and I'm trying to break through the last few pounds, which can be a lot more challenging then losing 5lbs when you weigh 235lbs. So maybe try being a little more open minded, do a little more research, and keep these forums on motivating each other and being open to discussion on new topics instead of assuming you know everything. And if you feel like just making jokes at someone else's expense, maybe the "Motivation and Support" thread isn't for you.

    Your diet idea sucks... Sorry. :flowerforyou:
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    The butthurt is going to be strong in this one....
  • fryebootgirl
    fryebootgirl Posts: 48 Member
    This gal did an egg fast just last week and blogged about it. She made a menu with some recipes to break up the monotony of the scrambled egg. It looks intriguing. I would be afraid that I would gain it all right back. Here is the link if you want to check out her blog though. Good luck!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I'm gonna guess I would have been better off posting in "Low Carb Friends", since the egg fast is nothing new in those threads. I've also done a lot of reading on it, there is definitely a lot of information out there, but I'm assuming most of you didn't bother to do any reading on it. Instead you just turned it into a big joke. Whatever happened to the saying " if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Instead you guys take part in these silly " flirt, kiss, take home" posts??

    And don't assume that I'm not healthy, I know how to lose weight in a healthy way. I've weighed anywhere between 130-145 in the last 10 years, so I'm doing something right. I also realize how a calorie deficit works. But have you read any information on a LCHF diet? I take out all the processed foods and fill my diet with green veggies, lean protein, and lots of healthy fats (coconut oil, grass fed butter, eggs, avocado). And because the diet is higher in fat and protein, I stay satisfied longer and don't crave sugar...therefore, wait for it.... I can much more easily have a calorie deficit each day, and not feel deprived.

    Also, if you did some more reading, you would learn there are many short term, healthy weight loss plans for breaking through plateaus. Again, I weigh 135, and I'm trying to break through the last few pounds, which can be a lot more challenging then losing 5lbs when you weigh 235lbs. So maybe try being a little more open minded, do a little more research, and keep these forums on motivating each other and being open to discussion on new topics instead of assuming you know everything. And if you feel like just making jokes at someone else's expense, maybe the "Motivation and Support" thread isn't for you.

    Ok, Ok, I get that. And Rule #1 is commendable. But PLEASE explain the necessity of Rule#2-Rule#9.

    Here are the official rules:

    1. Must eat eggs as the primary source of fat and protein.
    2. 1 tablespoon of butter used per egg consumed.
    3. I must eat an egg no later than 30 minutes after waking. (This is when Im going to have my unsweetened soy milk latte instead)
    4. The egg meals ideally should be eaten every 3 hours, but not more than every 5 hours.
    5. I will follow this schedule even if I’m not hungry, however I’ll only have 1 egg when that happens.
    6. Cheese will be permitted up to one ounce per egg.
    7. A minimum of a half-dozen eggs must be consumed daily.
    8. The eggs will be local pastured eggs loaded with healthy omega-3 fats and vitamin D. (this was his personal preference)
    9. Egg consumption will cease three hours before bedtime
    10. Diet soda will be allowed up to 3 cans daily with a goal of 1 or less. (I may have one as a treat at night)
  • missliv85
    missliv85 Posts: 23 Member
    The butthurt is going to be strong in this one....

    Dude! you're my dad's age and you're acting like a bully. Shame on you!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    The butthurt is going to be strong in this one....

    Dude! you're my dad's age and you're acting like a bully. Shame on you!

    What is bullying about him (or the numerous others) pointing how you reacted to the numerous posts highlighting the absurdity of your egg diet?
  • missliv85
    missliv85 Posts: 23 Member
    I didn't make the rules, nor will I follow them completely. I wont eat as much butter, instead I will replace most of it with avocado and coconut oil. The idea is to keep it low carb so your body runs on its own fat, rather than glucose. Sometimes changing things up can break through a stall, that's all it's meant to do. It's only 3 days. Everyone just gets so up in a huff thinking they know everything about everything. And it seems more people are on here looking to make jokes and make friends. Perhaps its something they lack in the real world, I don't know...

    But if you go on low carb friends there are many posts like these and people are very loving and supportive. Maybe MFP forums are exactly that... a joke.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    I am a member of LCF andI would do #1 but not the others. good luck in your progress though.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I didn't make the rules, nor will I follow them completely. I wont eat as much butter, instead I will replace most of it with avocado and coconut oil. The idea is to keep it low carb so your body runs on its own fat, rather than glucose. Sometimes changing things up can break through a stall, that's all it's meant to do. It's only 3 days. Everyone just gets so up in a huff thinking they know everything about everything. And it seems more people are on here looking to make jokes and make friends. Perhaps its something they lack in the real world, I don't know...

    But if you go on low carb friends there are many posts like these and people are very loving and supportive. Maybe MFP forums are exactly that... a joke.

    And you're on here with a whopping 6 posts , most of them defending some ridiculous egg-fast with no scientific basis on why it works. What does that say about you, baby boo?