Pvestin Member


  • Hayfever/allergies were always worse for me when pregnant.
  • My opinion is yes, You can go over one day and make up for it the next, or vice versa. I think for health's sake you should eat 1200 calories every day minimum.
  • Just because you can't test for something doesn't make it not real.
  • Posting here because I think most of you can relate. I went out with DH on Wednesday. We decided to share our meals I ordered a pork loin smothered in cheese & jalapenos (I'm lactose intolerant but I can handle small amounts of cheese) and we also ordered ribs. When the food came the pork loin was flattened and BREADED!…
    in Gluten free Comment by Pvestin July 2013
  • I was having so much joint pain and had to resort to painkillers. I read that for some people gluten is an inflammatory and I figured I'd cut gluten to see what happens. And fortunately or unfortunately it seems to be the culprit. 1 month gf and no pain killers and pain greatly reduced. The first 2 weeks I did splurge and…
    in Gluten free Comment by Pvestin June 2013
  • Focusing on Body Fat % my goal is 160 - 170. dr agrees that 170 should be my goal. In college I was 160 with 18% body fat, technically overweight. I don't have near the muscle mass now that I did then, but I still am fairly muscular.
  • Usually everyday, same time same place. I used to be a once a week person, but since weighing once a day I have determined my weight can fluctuate 5 lbs. It is actually mentally better for me to weigh everyday and see the trend rather than once a week and the once a week weigh in being the day I am 4lbs up. I also take…
  • I'm am game for motivational friends!
  • I learned awhile ago that motivation is an emotion that comes and goes much like happiness, sadness, excitement etc. I want all of the other things, looking good, fitness, clothes fit, health etc. But the drive to say no to another helping or yes to another mile can quickly loose its appeal on a day to day basis. With that…
  • I try to be as chemical free as I can, so soda of any kind is a very infrequent treat. This does not adress aspartame poisoning but it does suggest that Diet Soda MIGHT not be as consequence free as some think.…
  • I'm specifically doing MFP so I can be lighter for the Tough Mudder in Sept. There needs to be less of me to haul over the obstacles. I'm thinking don't do a Tough Mudder naked.
  • I usually do not eat before I workout in the morning. If I do its coffee with 1/2 cup of flax milk, maybe a banana. I do try to drink some water before I head out just to be less dehydrated.
    in Morning Run Comment by Pvestin June 2013
  • my base is coffee, stevia, splash of almond milk variations/additions cinnamon cardamom plain baking coco (adds fiber with few calories) chai seasonings weldon syrups - no sweetener (i have the stevia) so no calories, expensive but literally flavors the drink with drops so it goes a long way.
  • We've mixed the whip cream with pumpkin, and pumpkin pie spices. SO GOOD!
  • What I do - Just because the way my schedule is I am able to do long runs on Tuesday & Thursdays (45 - 60 minutes, 4 - 5.5 miles), I am also training with my daughters as they start c25k, so we run 1.5 miles, and we have Karate which is 75 minutes, 30 - 45 minutes is medium to high intensity, all these things happen on…
  • I don't think there is any requirement that you jog. Definitely you can take the runs faster. It actually becomes a High Intensity Interval workout if you do. I completed C25k 18 months ago and I still do w1 for interval training once a week. I've seen it said many times not to skip a week, as its not just your lungs but…
  • I will second that if you are concerned see a dr. Don't let this unknown stop you from exercising. That said, the taste you are experiencing is pretty common and probably nothing. You don't need to be in a panic. Going to the Dr will rule out any concerns to not exercise and you could possibly have exercise induced asthma…
  • I had a similar experience, but at about week 4 or 5 I started losing inches. I'll take inches lost over pounds anyday. :)