

  • I just got a pair of Reebok fitnisrush low top dance shoes. They are amazing for zumba. previously I had a pair of pumas that were more for just show I think, The reeboks have more support and glide easily for all the zumba moves. good luck and shake it!!
  • Feel free to add me. I'm a full time working mom of an energetic 2 year old son and my husband also works full time and owns his own business. I have a 40 minute commute to and from work so that means I don't get home till about 6 every day and we are all famished by then. I am also a vegetarian so that adds some extra…
  • Ever since I started doing Zumba those pop dance jams have started making me want to exercise. Dance Again by J-Lo/ Pitbull, Wild One by Flo-Rida, Turn Me On- David Guetta/Nicki Minaj normally I wouldn't listen to that kind of music but it does get you pumped to "shake it" or run.
  • I love this question because I always worked out hard and got sweaty during high school and then went to the gym at college and felt like a jack *kitten* when all the other girls were there with makeup on and cute matching workout clothes. Basically, You have to sweat otherwise it's a wast of your time but I understand…
  • I like doing yoga but I was bummed to see how few calories it burns once I joined MFP. I hear the yoga section of P90X is pretty intense and actually burns cals.
    in yoga Comment by spartymama May 2012
  • If you've only been considering it for a day, probably not. I would try meatless mondays, then going vegetarian, then vegan.
  • Popcorn is a whole grain and pretty low calorie yet filling..... I say go for it!
  • I don't have Wii Zumba but I have the Zumba videos and I regularly go to a class. I think I get a better workout when I'm in class because the other people and the instructor push me and give me more energy. But, I use the videos a lot when I can't make it to class and I definitely feel like I'm getting a good burn when I…
    in Zumba Comment by spartymama April 2012
  • Keep tracking even if you go over- at least that keeps you mindful of what you are eating and you can learn what foods are worth the calories. I also find this site motivates me to exercise by showing me how much more I can eat if I work out, and conversely how much I have to work out to burn off a small piece of junk…
  • I agree with the previous comment that you have to be ready to commit to tracking and to thinking about what you eat. If you aren't ready to make this part of your lifestyle it won't work. "Too time consuming" is just code for.... I don't really care to put in the effort.
  • More praise for the C25k program! It's a great way to get started without injury. Best of Luck!
  • You are so close to your goal and you have been extremely dedicated. keep up what you are doing and it will pay off in the long run
  • I would definitely recommend zumba for weight loss and toning and flexibility. I do it twice a week at class and I have the videos. A 150 pound person burns between 5-700 calories for an hour but everyone is different. It can definitely vary depending on how much effort you put in. In the beginning you might not burn as…