anyone recommend MFP to a friend trying to lose weight?



  • dragonsheart84
    I have to log all of my husband's food but he still doesnt care about how much he eats even though his doctor told him he should. His DR actually told him to use this site and showed him that he does it on his phone.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    I have told several after they have asked how I am losing the weight. The thing is, they really don't care. They all want a 'magic pill' to get the weight off and if you aren't offering that, they really aren't interested.
  • Beamll
    Beamll Posts: 28
    I recommended it to my sister after it was recommended to me. She hasn't missed a day of logging food. I have my daughter logged to give her a visual of what she is eating, she likes it and she's 13. She didn't realize she was eating that much bad stuff. My sister bought us all fitbits to go with the new life style changes. Others I have recommended it to are already on MFP.
  • spartymama
    I agree with the previous comment that you have to be ready to commit to tracking and to thinking about what you eat. If you aren't ready to make this part of your lifestyle it won't work. "Too time consuming" is just code for.... I don't really care to put in the effort.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    I can understand how some people might think logging is too much trouble, especially if they worry about weighing and measuring each ingredient. Personally, I probably don't spend more than five minutes a day logging my food and exercise.

    I don't worry about whether that chicken breast is 4.1 oz or 4.3 oz. If I go out to eat and the restaurant is not in the database, I'll either try to find a similar item at another restaurant that is listed, or I'll do a quick estimate and log THAT. If I have a craft beer at my local brewpub, I'll estimate the calories based on the ABV% and serving size.

    Is it 100% accurate? No. Could I be UNDERestimating? Possibly, but I could also be OVERestimating. Bottom line - I do my best to get a reasonable ballpark figure. As long as I'm making progress - and I AM making progress - I figure I'm doing okay.
  • PandaPop87
    PandaPop87 Posts: 131
    I tell everyone I know who is trying to lose weight to give it a go... and some of them do say that it's too fiddly. I'm like, as soon as you put it in once, it will stay there for you to use again, OR if you have a smart phone, just scan! No typing involved. To me it's just second nature to input onto MFP just before I've eaten, therefore I have an informed decision about what I am going to eat.

    I agree with other posts that you have to WANT to track your food and then when you see the benefits (i.e. weightloss) then it inspires you to do it more. I think when I finally reach my goal, it's going to be difficult to get out of the mindset of logging!
  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    I'm sorry, but tracking calories is so much easier than sitting there all day feeling bad because you dont know if you ate too much, or looking up every food you ate on the internet and adding it up yourself.

    so True!
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I had someone in the gym today tell me that counting calories is silly and a waste of time - SHE USES WEIGHT WATCHERS! omg.
  • trishbadgett
    all the time....they just do not have time for that, however the have time to post on FaceBook all day long????