Fearing the WEIGH IN

Tomorrow is my weigh in day. According to the very reasonable goals that I set for myself when I started (again) taking this seriously (again), I should have lost a total of 10 pounds tomorrow. As of last Friday, I had lost 8 pounds.

I know I'm not going to make this goal. I stepped on the scale today--cheater cheater pumpkin eater--and I was up 2 pounds. This really isn't unusual. My weight fluctuates greatly day to day. But, I know my body well enough to know that I'm not going to drop 2 pounds by tomorrow morning...especially not after I ate pretzels to make myself happier.

You know what though? I don't feel happier after eating those pretzels. I feel more sad. Now I KNOW I won't make weigh in, and I have no one to blame but myself.

I don't really know if I have 30 pounds to lose. I am a 6'2" female. I currently weigh 192. I am in good shape: I run, I lift heavy 3+ days a week, I'm a gym regular (not a 'resolutioner' or a 'spring breaker'). Each week that I weigh myself and see little/no loss makes me so depressed. Then, I start to rationalize (thank you Freud), thinking that maybe I CAN'T lose that much weight; maybe my body is building muscle.

The reality is, I sabotage myself. I need to face my fears. I am going to set my 10 pound goal to two weeks from today--1 pound per week. I will make it. I will stop fearing the weigh-in.

I feel better after ranting.


  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    sounds like your a healthy weight :3

    wow your so tall. >~<
  • Katniss12Peeta
    Katniss12Peeta Posts: 29 Member
    Sometimes we all need a good rant! Way to identify the issues you're having and resolve to do better. You can do it!!!
  • msjta
    msjta Posts: 51
    Scales....they scare me lol. I will weigh next week.
  • kayakkris33
    kayakkris33 Posts: 3 Member
    Amanda - you never let on you are feeling that way when I am whining about my lack of weight loss!! I personally don't think you have 30 pounds to lose - I think it is all about toning with you.!! You are the most dedicated person to her fitness that I know and my dedication is because of you and your positive spin on everything we do. YOU WILL MEET YOUR GOAL SOON!! You rock!! Oh by the way - I fear the weigh in every week!!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Congrats on the loss and for making a great lifestyle for yourself. I'm 5'10" and have similar plans to run and lift like you do. Not sure what my weight goal is yet, but I'm thinking it may be closer to the 180 than the original plan of 160 because of my lifting. I'll definitely be moving my loss goal down to 1ppw when I get closer too. It's a lifestyle I'm looking for, not a race to a number. I think it will make the transition from loss to maintain a little smoother too. We'll see where my body feels the fittest.
  • spartymama
    You are so close to your goal and you have been extremely dedicated. keep up what you are doing and it will pay off in the long run
  • denisefolkersma
    I totally agree with Kris again on this, you are one of the main reasons I have been able to stick so hard with my working out and eating better. You are such a good motivator and constantly helping me push myself harder and further. Without your research on all things weight related we would probably not be doing this site and helping each other thru all our weight, life and food consumption issues. Weight is just a number you are always saying that, think about small goals like having to go down a pant size, being able to do cobra without having to get on your knees, running a 5k in almost less than 30 min which you will by this summer for sure. You are amazing!