gillbush123 Member


  • Hi, i had my little girl 6months ago, i put a massive 70lb whilst pregnant. That took me upto 271lb i really need to lose 100lb. Feel free to add me xxx
  • I think it is a great idea Hun, its some thing nice to look forward to after all your hard work, plus some thing you can keep to remind you of your success . The one thing I am really looking forward to is being able to buy all clothes in a normal clothes shop, I am a size 26 at the min and I can only find clothes in evens…
  • Haha people normally try and make then selfs younger not older lol. When are you starting the oriistat? They have a few nasty side effects but really helped me. I ate healthy foods as I was scared of the side effects happening in public lol, and of course they block half the fat you are eating. Keep you diary open so we…
  • I have the opposite problem, I am never thirsty so don't drink any thing some times for days, then will think oh god I best have a drink of water. My husband is always shouting at me for it as he drinks pints of water a day can not understand how I can go all day with out a drink. Xxx
  • Hi iam from Wigan, I am 31 and a mum to a 6 month baby girl, I put 5 stone on whilst pregnant and a stone since taking me up to 19.4 stone.. Are oristat back in stock then? As I was takin xinical 2 years ago to help me lose weight as we wanted a family, It helped me lose 4 stone, but they have not been available since the…
  • Thank you every one. I just want to become fit and healthy, obviously losing weight and toning up in the process. I want to be able to cope when I return to work after my maternity finishes which will be in feb. ( I have put 84 lb on since I finished work in April) I work in a four story hotel, restaurant, bar and…
  • Hi I am from Wigan, feel free to add me xxx
  • Hi, this is the third time I have lost a lot of weight then put it back on. I lost 4 stone to get married last year, then found out I was pregnant, it was like a free pass to eat every thing I had previously to losing weight. It took 9 months to put 5 stone back on, and another stone since having the baby. The only…
  • Congratulations on the baby news. I had a little girl 5 months ago, and put a massive 5 stone on whilst pregnant and a stone since having her. I craved lots of surgery things, cakes, chocolate and ice cream, and I just kept thinking oh it will be ok I can loose it after I have the baby. As I had just lost 4 stone for my…
  • Hi, I am 266 lb I would luv to get down to 180 lb but I have not been that for about 11 years ago. Soi I am goin to do it little goals at a time, stone by stone. Xxx
  • Hi, welcome to the site. I had my little girl nearly 6 months ago, I put 5 stone on whilst pregnant and another stone since. It is now time to get it off, for my baby, my family and myself. I want to b able to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see. I want to be able to play for a long time with my baby and not be…
  • Hi I had a little girl 5 months ago and I am desperate to loose all 5 stone that I put on whilst pregnant. Feel free to add me xxx
  • Hi I am GIll, from Wigan. Feel free to add me xxx
  • Hi, I am gill from Wigan, I've got a 5 month old baby n during pregnancy I put 5 stone on, which I really need to get rid of as I was big to start off with. I am now 18.11 lb and a size 26. I would love to get down to a size 14 which I think would make me about 13 stone. A long way to go, but I am going to do it, so I can…
  • Hi iam GIll from Wigan 31, I have a 5 month old little girl. I put a massive 5 stone on whilst pregnant. Which has made me a size 26, not a good place to be in. I need to be healthy and fit for my baby and me. Feel free to add me. Xxx
  • Hi, I am a first time mum. My little girl is 5 months old. I put a massive 5 stone on whilst pregnant so have a long way to go. But very determined to loose it so I can be a healthy mum for my baby xxx
  • I took phen a few years ago and lost 3 stone with it, but once I stopped taking it I gained all the weight back plus some, but I only relied on the phen. I went back on it this week but the difference is I am only using it to help me train my self into not eating constantly. I am following mfp and sticking to my calories,…
  • Hi, I had my little girl 5 months ago, I put 5 stone on while pregnant and desperately need to loose it. Xxx
  • hi, i wish iam at 210ib at the min but started at 256lb and would like to get down to about 150lb for my wedding nest year. xxx
  • I was on it for about 6 months and yes i did loose weight but the same as the others i was very on edge and it gave me terriable head aches, it was not worth the side effects and when i came off it i put the weught back on. I am now doing it the healthy natural way by eating healthy and going the gym 5 times a week and i…