Phentermine(Has anyone tried it?)

I recently went to the dr. and he put me on phentermine because i have polycystic ovarian syndrome. He said by losing just ten pounds it could put my hormones back in balance so instead of putting me on medicine for the pcos he would rather help me lose the weight and learn how to keep it off. I was wondering if anyone has tried this and how well it worked for them.


  • Owen08015
    Owen08015 Posts: 1
    I've tried it and it worked really well for me. Be prepared because at first it gives you the jitters but the results are amazing.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Have tried it before and would not recommend. It does work for a while in that it takes away your appetite but the side effects are soooo not worth it. It made me jittery, irritable, hot and constantly thristy. It also makes you feel generally weird and not quite your usual self. Plus usually once you come off of it your appetite returns so you eat more and gain all the weight back. This is just my exerience though, others may be different. :smile:
  • blufire07
    blufire07 Posts: 14
    im hoping to see great results.......He didn't put me on a high dosage so i don't feel the jitters but before i was only eating one meal a day and I found out I wasn't helping my body i was just putting my body into starvation mode. So now im actually eating two to three meals a day and trying to keep my calories under 1400. My goal is to step it up this week and start an exercise routine that i can actually stick to.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I have PCOS. I'm not sure that losig 10 pounds will get your hormones back in balance. It will ease the symptoms though. Your eating habits will help your hormones. Phentermine also won't last forever. Are you being monitored by a dietician as well? PCOS is treatable by letting go of processed foods and lowering carbs. Also, birth control can help regulate hormones. Phentermine seems a little odd to treat PCOS. I would get a second opinion by a doctor who is experienced in treating PCOS... a gynocologist, endocrinologist.
  • OnieBee
    OnieBee Posts: 67
    I too have been on phentermine and I felt like I was on crack. The benefits were that my house was always sparkling and I did not have an appetite The negatives were that my heartbeat became rapid, I was extremely irritable and had insomnia. It is also unsafe to be on for long periods of time.
  • blufire07
    blufire07 Posts: 14
    My doctor is an OBGYN. He advised me that this is a short term thing that is why he wants me watching what i eat an exercising regularly, he is actually the one that referred me to this site and I am already on birth control.
  • EmmmyK
    EmmmyK Posts: 21 Member
    Yes, I was on it for about 2 1/2 months. I lost about 25 pounds. With that all my eyelashes fell out, my hair did to. I didn't grow any hair on my legs, I got pale in my face and oh ya I had rapid heart palpitations, this started about 2 months into it. So needless to say I stopped it. and it took a good month for it to get out of my system. My period was 3 months late.

    Since then my eyelashes have grown back, My friend was on Phentermine too, she did not have the same side effects as me. Everyone is different. It's been 6 months since I stopped, and I am now back on the regular diet and exercise to loose weight. Just be aware of the side effects..

    Good Luck
  • goatskinlegs
    goatskinlegs Posts: 40 Member
    Phentermine is in the Ephedrine family of pharmaceuticals. Which means it's in the same family as Methamphetamine, aka crystal-meth or speed. Amphetamine's are not good for you they can cause Heart Disease, irregular hear beats and many other heart related problems. Drugs are never the answer, my mother took Phen-Phen years ago to help her lose weight and look what it did to people. Pharmacology has not really come that far in the last 25 years that they wouldn't do something like that again. You just have to train your body to eat when it's time to eat. I know it's hard and the pill pushers make it seem like a pill will make it all better but it's about willpower. I think you can do it without the aid of "modern medicine" GOOD LUCK!!! I believe in you! :happy:
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    I was also on phentermine. I had the hair loss and irritability. I stopped. The side effects were not worth it. I've had better results doing it the good old fashioned way.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I guess I just don't understand the need for Phentermine if you are watching what you eat. It doesn't make sense, especially if its short term. PCOS wreaks havoc on your metabolism. The Phentermine does not treat the PCOS, but can cause dependency even in a short term, which can result in more damage to your metabolism when you go off it. I've done alot of research on this for myself. Sorry, but this approach sounds sketchy to me.
  • blufire07
    blufire07 Posts: 14
    Im not sure either and I don't know it all. Thats why I leave the doctoring to the doctors.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    i would plan for after the short course. are you going to do low carb? low glycemic? you'll have to change your eating habits--like you're doing now with the several small meals. boost your water intake too. hope the jump start works for you, but also try to speak with a nutritionist so you can plan meals, etc.
  • gillbush123
    gillbush123 Posts: 21 Member
    I was on it for about 6 months and yes i did loose weight but the same as the others i was very on edge and it gave me terriable head aches, it was not worth the side effects and when i came off it i put the weught back on.
    I am now doing it the healthy natural way by eating healthy and going the gym 5 times a week and i have lost a stone in the past 8 weeks.
    Good luck with your weight lose xxx
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I really don't know anything about Phen, but I do have PCOS. My doctor told me to eat about 1400 calories a day- but cut out all High Fructose Corn Syrup. It's worked like nothing ever has before. I'd highly recommend trying other things before trying the Phen.. it sounds scary.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Im not sure either and I don't know it all. Thats why I leave the doctoring to the doctors.

    Just because a doctor is a doctor doesn't mean they are always right. I'm not trying to sound like I know it all, but I do know quite a bit. I am just offering support as someone who has been through this. I did my own research and questioned my doctors. And then I went off and researched their answers. It was more my active participation in treatment that got my well than the docotrs doctoring. Just saying...

    Good luck to you.
  • KiriKiriKiri
    KiriKiriKiri Posts: 227 Member
    I am a health care professional and I have NEVER heard of phentermine used in this situation. Also, it is typically prescribed, when prescribed since it is rare these days, for significant weight loss, not just 10 lbs. I would get a second opinion. Most people who take this medication typically gain back every ounce of that weight once the medication is stopped. It is HIGHLY addictive, regardless of the dosage. Your body becomes adjusted, therefore requiring more. You should search the database as there was just a discussion on this the other day... the health risks associated with this medication are drastic and in fact can disrupt your hormones and aggravate the PCOS. Of course, I am not your doctor. I would eat a healthy and balanced diet and seek guidance from a nutritionist. A quick fix won't help the PCOS nor will it help the weight loss, long term.

    I wish you the best of luck with everything. I am only expressing my concern as this seems very peculiar to me....
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I have been on and off phentermine for about 6 months. I usually take a half a pill a day when I do take it. I actually like it, I don't have too many bad side effects, it does make me a little bit more jittery, but not too bad. It's a great way to control your appetite, but I do find that my heart rate goes up really quickly right away when I work out, so I monitor it throughout the routine. As long as you don't go crazy after you stop taking it, the weight should stay off. I give it a thumbs up!
  • luvs2cook
    luvs2cook Posts: 2 Member
    I used it a couple of years ago. I had no side effects. The only thing is that you will gain the weight back. My doc wouldn't give this to anyone who doesn't have at least 50+ pounds to lose. I too would get another opinion.
  • blufire07
    blufire07 Posts: 14
    Thanks! I haven't had any side effects from it other than being thirsty. My heart rate has stayed normal, no headaches or insomnia. I really have no complaints about it but i see from other posts some people haven't had good experiences from it and im taking it all in. I think I would want to come off if i was having any side effects but as of now im not.
  • seansgirl
    seansgirl Posts: 2
    i have taken it and it worked for me,i took the brand name which is addipex 37.5 i loved it.Yes you have side effects they do make you irritable due to the lack of sleep and once you go off them you are really tired for a couple days but other than that i liked them