Broncsoup Member


  • Wow, you've done awesome and are a huge inspiration to me. I should be asking you for advice. My advice is keep doing what you've been doing to get to this point. Watch your serving sizes. Mix weightlifting with your cardio. Like Dori the fish says, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming."
  • I'm a stock analyst for a living and I can tell you that a downtrend is made up of lower lows and lower highs. I find losing weight to be the same. I'll drop 3 lbs and gain 2 back. Then I'll go a week, sometimes two weeks were I'm just bouncing back and forth between that new weight. Then all of the sudden I'll drop 2 or 3…
  • In an old Men's Health Magazine i was reading last week they suggested that if you're trying to lose weight with weightlifting you should be doing compound moves or moves that work a couple of muscle groups at the same time. For instance you should be doing sumo dead-lifts, cleans, snatches, thrusters, etc. I think this…
  • I think we can compare the physical results. - They both of great cardio. I'm sure both have ridiculously low resting heart rates and blood pressure. I'm sure they both have terrific levels of oxygen in their blood. But Phelps wins because he has to do it in short and long races and in the water. And if you've ever tried…
  • Looks good, I'll try it and see if I can sneak it in on my kids too.
  • This is honestly my deterrent. Some people are Nazis about food. You hear, don't eat meat - only eat meat; don't eat bread - eat only whole grain bread - don't eat gluten bread; Watch out for this corn syrup or that sugar, that salt, drink that diet soda or whatever. I frankly think most of this B.S., but if it's working…
  • Run in a group and make sure you aren't the slowest one. :-)
  • I've found my treadmill and MFP to be about the same. Today I was on a stationary bike for the first time and MFP was a lot higher than the stationary bike I was on by about 2X. So I gave myself half of what MFP was to be on the safe side. The stationary bike didn't adjust for my weight, but It's a stationary bike, it's…