tummer Member


  • Get a rice cooker! I wasn't going to buy one (my thought is why by something when you can just cook it in a pan). Well my Mom has one and when I was visiting her she made awesome rice with it, so I'll be buying one soon.
    in Rice! Comment by tummer March 2011
  • Lack of water is one of the first things we look at when someone complains of cramps, the other is potassium. Good luck!
  • Set some small goals, like set a two week goal! Don't look at the entire goal at the moment. Keep focused on a day at a time, and be proud of how far you have come!!!!
  • Well, you can make the pain of them go away in time by: When your sitting watching TV or whatever put your feet flat on the floor and raise your toe's (to ball of your foot upward) up and back down, this helps in time with the pain of them.
  • I have oatmeal, turky pita with spinich/ 1/2 slice of cheese/ onion and whatever I might like to throw on it like a pickle. What I do is cut the pita in 4ths and every 2 to 3 hours durring the day I'll have a 4th (don't normally eat all 4 of those parts (normally 2 to 3 now)). Dinner is just whatever healthy I can find.
  • Remember you don't have to stay away from the things you love just don't eat them every day. And when you do have them only eat a small handful. Tell yourself you don't have to eat much of them becuase they will be there tomorrow!!! I also try to find a replacement for what I like. Sometimes I just like the crunch of a…
  • OK, I'm in! When I wake up I will put my shoes on and go for a jog/walk, and then again when my day is over!!!! Great idea... :smile:
  • I looked at it, and it's like one I use to have. I LOVED mine. However; if you are wanting to stay in shape cheaply. Try getting a Hula hoop, jump rope, or just jog in place. You will be supr. at what kind of work it takes to do a hula hoop if you haven't done that in ages. My cousin and I kinda had a contest the other…
  • Go to Kraft I'm sure you can find some recipe's for it there. I go there because there are many options and you can compare the Calorie count that way too.
  • Eat smaller meals more often! Sometimes if I get a sweet tooth I'll go get kettle corn pop corn (that helps sometimes). They have lots of sugar free stuff now that is yummy! There are some sugar free cookies that are just as good as the reg ones. But like anything else (even healthy stuff "Moderation is key"). Good luck.
  • I do too, and LOVE it. I use one from the store as well but now I'm going to check out the site posted for custom hoops.
    in Hula Hoop Comment by tummer October 2010
  • To stay low cal. do your Vodka with and Diet drink (no juice's that will add up on the cal. count). If you want Red wine (at LA weight loss we use to tell out customers to do 1/2 glass of wine and 1/2 club soda) never tried it myself so I'm not sure how good it may be. Anyway good luck.