figurekat Member


  • Actually you probably could take protein recommendations from Ronnie Coleman. Bodybuilders don't just follow **** blindly you know, there's a fair bit of research on the subject or rather if you want to do legit research from an athlete, I'd suggest reading any of the large amount of information put out by Dr. Layne Norton…
  • I spend between 400 and 500 a month for a family of six including my specialized diet. My husband and children also eat very clean. We just plan ahead well.
  • It's a good book to start with. Just don't be afraid. I used to be so afraid of the gym, of the free weights...I felt so out of place. Once I did overcome that I learned to enjoy myself, and now lifting, and lifting heavy, is the highlight of my day. Oxygen Magazine and Muscle and Fitness hers are also good places to start…
  • increased water intake usually suits me fine. The cleaner my diet, the less trouble I have and I have a long history of intestinal issues. if I find it's been a little while there are herbal teas that can help you pass things a little more smoothly. If it is a chronic issue, see your doctor.
  • I eat right before bed. Usually something slow burning.
  • I have a timex ironman triathalon. It's been in use for over a year and I've never had any issues with it whatsover. I use it 5-6 days a week and it does have a chest strap. While I know it's waterproof, I don't wear it beyond my gym work. My husband and I have been so impressed with mine that I bought him the timex elite…
  • it's also HARD work for every ounce of muscle gained and you very rarely can achieve that working at a defecit.
  • as a matter of fact, what are you eating before you go to the gym?
  • Most days I wear a ballcap by nike made to wick sweat.
  • This. you need to have your feet checked and your running form checked. Also be mindful wearing the same shoes for running and weight training. Running shoes lift your heel putting your bodyweight more on the balls of your feet. Training involving the legs (like squats, deadlifts, lunges etc) you need to be able to have…
  • To be honest a combination is best. Weight training when done properly will increase your metabolism and burn more calories overall. The only calories youburn with cardio are the ones DURING your exercise with the exception of HIIT (High intensity interval training). A good combination would be 30-45 minutes of strength…
  • This. You can reduce overall bodyfat but targeting cellulite is near impossible. "creams" tend to have caffeine and similar agents to temporarily tighten the skin and diminish the look, but it's only temporary. Some of the most beautiful people in teh world have cellulite. Jamie Eason for example is very open about hers.
  • I prefer to stick with TS's astravaar and N.O. 370 combination. I get enough energy (even if I wasn't feeling it before) to get through my workout but there's no crash. And if I have to workout later at night it doesn't keep me up all night either. I've had trouble with C4 and jack3d keeping me up all night and screwing me…
  • WHERE is your knee hurting. Underneath, on top, in the tendons? If your knee is messed up an elliptical may not have been the best choice for cardio. Get yourself a neoprene knee brace to help support AFTER the pain has subsided. In the meantime use the RICE method to rest it so as to prevent further injury. A good steady…
  • ^ what he said.. Also I'm assuming this only applies to cardio workouts as you never want to lift weights in a fasted state.
  • Look up Jamie Easons Livefit trainer. It's a free program with video guides and nutrition plans as well.