jennifer3998 Member


  • 5’8 1/2 152 pounds, goal is 138 (but will be content at 142) Pants - US size 6 (Gap) and 8 (American Eagle, Abercrombie, the places where my teen shops lol) Tops - mostly medium but some large since I have a long torso and 36D chest. Good luck!
  • I find it is all about the brand. I am 5’8 1/2” and 151. I currently wear 6, 8 and 10 pants. I am pretty straight with no real problem areas so it’s interesting to see how big brands like Old Navy, White House Black Market are. Gap is in the middle and American Eagle is cut super small (makes sense bc of teen and young…
  • Names? Saying some people are "coming off" a little judgmental certainly isn't calling anyone names. Clearly some people are coming off that way, as evidenced by several people's reaction to responses, including the poster's. Her goals are not unrealistic, unobtainable or unhealthy. It's her wedding for god's sake and if…
  • Nicole - I'm also sorry that many of the people here are definitely coming off a little judgmental. Your goal is totally doable (it is basically a pound a week for a short period of time!) and I GET IT. When I got married I knew when I looked my best and I wanted to get down to that too! (That was 17 years ago btw.) I am…
  • For the salad dressing woes: I hate vegetables in general but I am making myself eat one large half spinach/half spring mix salad a day and have found with the right ingredients I am really enjoying it. My saving grace is the line of dressings from Bolthouse Farms. They are yogurt dressings and 45 calories per two…
  • I used a formula that takes into account your heart rate, age, weight, and time of exercise just today after spending 47 minutes on the elliptical. The elliptical said I burned 470 calories, MFP said over 500, but the heart rate equation came to 355.
  • You do not need breakfast. It is a matter of choice.
  • I love this bread too! I eat a sandwich for breakfast every morning with two slices, an egg and cheese for 220 calories. So good. Good luck!
  • The people who are telling you that you can manage it on your own could be wrong. For example, sodium only affects the blood pressure of 50% of the population. I have high BP (normal body weight) and I spent months tracking my food and sodium religiously. I also, as I always had at that time of my life, exercised (hard)…
  • I, too, was wondering about how you can be a 14 at that height and weight! (This is a compliment.). Before I lost 17 pounds, I was 167 at 5'8 and still wore an 8. Make sure you are wearing the right size!
  • I said I think staying home with my kids is easy, I didn't say I was lazy! I already responded emphatically to the judgmental poster. I'm not sure what was wrong with what I said. My kids are extremely low maintenance, well-behaved, and help immensely around the house (my 8 and 10 yo children clean their own bathroom…
  • Honestly, a lot of SAHM's might not like me saying this, but I agree with you. I think it's a pretty easy job. No complaining coming from here. But my husband wouldn't want me to go to work if I wanted to (of course he would support it!).
  • Clearly you just want an argument. And it is clear that you are extremely judgmental. I borrowed (and just finished paying back) almost $100,000 for my education, and I am *just* a SAHM. For eight years I owned my own business and worked out of our home, but when we moved to Singapore I turned the business over to a…
  • 88 just about every day of the year here in Singapore. We are only a couple of degrees off the equator.
  • The abs (and arms) I covet the most are on the women in my yoga class who go several times a week. I go in spurts but see a huge difference quickly when I am consistent. I'm sure heavy lifting is great, but it's just not for my goal is to continue walking 30 miles and get my butt to yoga 3x a week. Good luck!…
  • There's a very good chance your HRM is giving you an inaccurate reading as they are designed to be estimates for steady state cardio (like the walk portion) not things like yoga. I'm not trying to say yoga's bad for you, I think it's very good for you, but unless your walk was more of a run I think you may be…
  • Reading this was exhausting. Yet I kept reading. I am personally not interested at this time in "heavy lifting" with weights. What I am interested in is continuing with my 3-4x week yoga that I started a month ago so I can look like 95% of the women in my classes. (it's a serious all yoga gym). They look lean and amazing.…
  • You look AWESOME. Ignore the idiots trying to rain on your parade. You look totally solid, and I'm in the percentage of women who would like to look like you - lean and trim and totally in shape. Body shape is completely subjective and I just don't know why anyone would want to come on to your success story page and tell…
  • I can go up and down on the scale NINE POUNDS in 36 hours. I have done this twice that I know of. Every single week of my life I flucuate 4 pounds if I'm not being vigilant. And even when I am it is at least two!! Then one week I will be lower than I have been in the last three. I am the person who has to weigh every day…
  • I have seen this a ton on Facebook and I can't figure out why. The first few movies that came to me (all on HBO on Demand this month) all are without an S! It is not hard!! Captain America Back to the Future Three Men and a Little Lady (and ...."a Baby") Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince X-Men The only one that ran…
  • I wish! I'm a 38D and would love to be a small C or a large B. But they are not changing. I think my chest makes me look heavier and I can't wear cute strapless dresses and many other sundresses (I live in SE Asia and it's HOT!) I want to lose 10 more pounds so there is still hope.
  • You sound like such a nice person. Really, best of luck to both of you! If it makes you feel any better, unless I get really thin, I always weigh more than my husband. We are both 5'9" and he's just built slighter than I am. Grrrr.
  • Oops, I posted in the middle of the quoted text. Thank you. My husband and I make decent money (and like some people think on here, he doesn't work 15 hours a day meaning he is away from his kids all the time) and I still have school loans. I live a wonderful life, but we chose our path and I'm not going to apologize for…
  • HUH? I live in Singapore, and YES, everyone (but me) has a "helper" (no one has a driver), but my 3 BR apartment costs $10,000 a month (and it's average), and my child's schooling (because we are not locals) costs over $30K a year. I paid $10 for a bunch of tomatoes the other day, and at a minimum, everything is generally…
  • Anyone can lose 5 lbs in a week at first. It's called WATER WEIGHT. Then the actual weight has to come off. I can go up and down with bloat an entire 8 lbs in two days. It has nothing to do with real weight loss. Thanks for wasting our time.
  • My profile pic is 154 and I am just under 5'9". I want to be a little lower or just fitter but my body seems to really want to be this weight. So I am pretty happy too!
  • I'm in! I have done it every day this week. I'll start over if everyone is starting at the same time. This is the worst time of year for me and I'm determined to work out! Jennifer
  • All I can say is WOW. You certainly will be an inspiration for a lot of people! I am always in awe when I read a story like yours - I struggle with a silly 15 pounds up and down on the scale every year and get frustrated. You keep going and I look forward to seeing more updates on your weight loss! By the way, I've had ACL…