anirlz Member


  • We just bought a Kitchen Gurus perfect portion food scale (Bed Bath & Beyond). Its pretty cool. A little pricey, but it also gives the option to add multiple things to your plate. It comes with a book with a ton of different food codes and you type in the code for what you have and it gives you the nutrition info just like…
  • Welcome back! I am just recently back myself! I was a steady user of this site last year and lost 15 lbs in about 5 months. Weight does not come off that easily for me. This site really helped my track my exercise and calories. I gained most of the weight back over the past 4 months, so I would like to get back into it and…
  • I used to use a heart rate monitor for every type of cardio exercise I did. For me, I found that I usually would burn around 100 calories for every ten minutes of cardio. This is the equation I use today. If I were to use your equation though, I would be short-changing myself by 78 calories (using running as an example). I…
  • It is a constant battle for me and I have been at it for a few months now (seriously tracking stuff and exercising). I still cheat. I try to look at the big picture though. I was talking to a friend of mine and he said, "You's ok to cheat every now and then. One cookie won't hurt you...5 or 6 will. One beer every…
  • I totally agree. I did a little research and found that most reputable sites recommended interval training. Now I do it a few times a week and I have had success as well. It is very good for endurance too. I have incorporated it into my cardio routine...maybe run ten min...then do 1 min run/1 min jog/walk for about 10min…
  • If you click on "MY HOME" at the top, then "Settings"...then "Diary Settings" there should be a place at the bottom where you can make yours public. To see other's diary, they too have to have their settings set to public. Hope this helps! :smile:
  • I am the same as Iceprincess. I burn approximately 100 cal every ten minutes. Even when I do intervals or just jog at about 5.0 usually ends up being within a few calories. SO I usually estimate it at 100 per every ten minute as long as I know I am getting a moderate to intense workout (running, elliptical,…
    in Running Comment by anirlz March 2010
  • I would say get some light weights...and maybe some workout videos. Here is a site that might give you some good ideas to get you started. It has some other good info as well.
  • Welcome to MFP! You will love it here. There is all kinds of great support and advice for pretty much anything you want to know. Eating habits are a big part of weight lose. I am learning that myself. I have always gone to the gym and worked out...but never with any "amazing" results. I like to eat...a lot! So I too have…
  • Seems a bit ridiculous doesn’t it? I'm that person that walks quickly on the "moving sidewalk" at the airport too. Kind of makes you feel like you’re a super fast power walking super hero! Kinda sucks when you get to the end though. :blushing:
  • I used to be a HUGE fan of Crystal Light. Then I did a little reasearch after a thing I saw on TV. Most of those artificial sweeteners contain aspartame which could give you horrible side effects. Now I'm a realist. I would assume if you don't overdue it, you might be fine. I was getting bad headaches and I thought I'd try…
  • Welcome to MFP! You'll find that it is a great site. I love it here :) I used this site last year prior to a cruise and was very successful. I took a little break for a few months, but now I am back! Good luck to you in your journey :smile:
    in Hello Comment by anirlz February 2010
  • I agree, I used to use a heart monitor and you definately burn more on the treadmill compared to the bike. Did you try putting it into your exercise area on this site? I find that it is usually pretty close (within 20 or so calories). On average I have found that I burn about 100 calories every 10 min on either the…
  • Awesome! I have a Polar F11 and I love it. It is great to know exactly what you are burning and how long you have spent in each zone. It is also great to know how many of the calories you burned were considered "fat" calories. I use mine for all types of situations (Mowing, running, walking, biking) to get an accurate…
  • Are you doing weight training as well? I believe that lean muscle mass tends to weigh that could be part of the reason. Here is a link that explains it better than I can :smile:
  • LOL! I can totally identify with you and I would just like to congratulate you on being so strong! :glasses: