Adding some interval training can go a long way.....

bjandlm Posts: 75
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
My wife re-introduced me to interval training when she began having success with it. I remember
way back in high school when this type of training was popular during cross country practice. I began
experimenting with this again by adding small amounts of it to my training program. You do not
have to add large intervals to have success. I began by just increasing my speed on the treadmill
by just a couple mph for short spurts, I slowly have added faster and longer intervals to my routine.
I find that adding interval training a couple times a week really helps with the weight loss. I recommend
adding interval training for anyone having a little more trouble losing the weight.


  • sunshinestate
    sunshinestate Posts: 110 Member
    I am just beginning HIGH intensity intervals. I go for 10 minutes to warm up, then do 30 second sprints as hard as I possibly can, then rest for 1 minute to 2 minutes. I repeat this process at least 5 times. Always follow with a cool down. This has completely replaced my long walks on the treadmill!
  • I had plateaued a couple weeks ago, and read up on interval training. i decided to work it into my cardio sessions, and its a miracle ha ha ha ive dropped a few pounds already, without changing my diet or anything, and i believe the new workouts are to blame.

    i highly recommend this to people who are looking for that boost. it also helps build endurance as well :)
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    It's really supposed to help you burn a lot more calories than staying at one speed. And as you've said, it helps you increase the speed you can handle.

    Plus, it's a great way to work out some frustration! hehe
  • YES!!! I just started doing interval training on the elliptical a couple of weeks ago & am seeing progress MUCH faster than when I was just doing the same level & speed on the elliptical! Definitely a great way to go, especially after you hit a plateau doing an exercise the same way over & over again. It's good to mix it up! :o)
  • anirlz
    anirlz Posts: 18 Member
    I totally agree. I did a little research and found that most reputable sites recommended interval training. Now I do it a few times a week and I have had success as well. It is very good for endurance too. I have incorporated it into my cardio routine...maybe run ten min...then do 1 min run/1 min jog/walk for about 10min or so and then finish with another 10min run. When I started about a month ago my run spped was 6.0mph on the treadmill for one minute and I could barely finish the minute I am up to 7.2! Tonight I ran 4 miles on the problems at all. Two months ago I would have struggled at around mile 2.5. So it does help in more ways than one and I recommend it as well! Good luck to everyone!
  • bjandlm
    bjandlm Posts: 75
    I am glad to hear you have began adding "interval training" into your workouts! Keep up the good work....:smile:
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    I will definitely have to remember this! My trainer has me do a 5 min warmup and then I work on various weight machines targeting a particular area of my body, then she had me go back to the treadmill or eliptical for 15 mins of cardio, then different machines, then back to the treadmill/eliptical for another 30 mins at the end of my workout. So, I'm basically doing 50 mins on the treadmill or eliptical and then about 30 mins on the various weight lifting machines. Hard to believe!!!
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    I just started this earlier today! I have lost 15 pounds since Dec 28 and now seem to be at a plateau for the last 4 weeks or so. I heard about interval training, but I'm so glad you guys are saying that you had RESULTS with it! I'm not a good runner - new at it, plus asthma, but here's what I did: brisk walk 10 minutes to warm up, sprint all out 30 seconds, walk 2 minutes, repeated for a total of 4 sprinting times, with 10 minutes of brisk walking at the end. I read that the eventual goal is 8 sets of sprints/walks. 4 was all I could do today, and I felt great at the time, like I left it all on the track, but then later I had self-doubt about whether I had worked hard enough. As a matter of fact, I decided to take my dogs on a 30 minute walk before dinner just in case I didn't do enough earlier. Do you think my plan was good, and as long as I can keep adding intervals up to 8 sets, I'll make progress?
  • bjandlm
    bjandlm Posts: 75
    It sounds like you are doing the right thing, and I am sure that your dog
    enjoyed the walk, as long as you keep increasing things, you should benefit
    from the intervals of walking and sprinting. I don't sprint, but I walk fast, then
    I run or jog for a certain interval of time, then I go back to the brisk walking again.
    I want to do a couple more 5k races this summer, and this type of training I hope
    will help me get ready for this....
  • bjandlm
    bjandlm Posts: 75
    Great job with the weight lifting, that is one thing that I need to concentrate on,
    I have been mostly doing cardiovascular workouts, I need to add some weights
    to this, but I get bored with them pretty fast, hopefully I can get motivated for
    weights again....:happy:
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