How long does it take you?

jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Whenever you first start dieting it is so hard. How long does it take until it is not so hard for you anymore?

Its usually takes me three to seven days. The first days I better stay away from any sweets cause I will probably cheat!:tongue:


  • anirlz
    anirlz Posts: 18 Member
    It is a constant battle for me and I have been at it for a few months now (seriously tracking stuff and exercising). I still cheat. I try to look at the big picture though. I was talking to a friend of mine and he said, "You's ok to cheat every now and then. One cookie won't hurt you...5 or 6 will. One beer every now and then won't hurt you...a whole 6 pack will." THAT is the difference in how I do things now. Sure, I'll have a cookie or a scoop of ice cream every now and then, but I don't make it a habit and I limit it. Before I would eat a whole box of cookies...or a bag of pretzels. To me that is the difference and it seems to be working. Sweets are my weakness, but if I limit it to "every now and then" I do not feel deprived and I do not binge.
  • CinthyNair
    CinthyNair Posts: 261
    It's a constant challenge. I still have many bad days, but I just pick myself up and presevere :flowerforyou:
  • The best thing is when you do 'slip' on the odd occassion, say for example getting a pizza, and you cannot finish it off like you used to be able to do, because your just too full! I find drinking lots of water helps in controlling the urge to have them sweets, chocolate, pizza, burger etc etc
  • pennyk78
    pennyk78 Posts: 19
    For me, like many others, it's never stopped being a struggle. I'm also pretty sure it never will. Some days are definitely easier than others...try and figure out why that is, it helps. I find being busy helps me out and also having lots of people around me. Use this site on your bad days, it helps me get some sense of normality and solidifies my past achievement.

    Keep trying! Every day is a new day :wink:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It took me about 2 weeks to stop going to bed hungry. I still have cravings around TOM and just have to use my willpower at those times. I do allow myself a cheat meal every week which helps a lot with that. I had a rough time at spring break. After months of dieting and actually seeing a huge change in my body, I got the idea I could just take a few days off. I did gain about 3 pounds but after dieting for a week, it came back off.
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