I'm in!!
Just for today..i will make a change to my diet. Eat whole foods
Oh I want to play too!! And I need to catch up :happy: Day 1- Love my eyes Day 2- Love that I am strong for my children Day 3- Love my neck Day 4 -Love the way I love others Day 5-Love my feet!
I have been able to indulge lightly here and there-- maybe a small candy bar instead of a big one.. or a bite of someone else's cake instead of getting a slice of my own! However you can control \ maintain portions and still end with a smile and no guilt is how you should proceed :) Its different for every person- find…
I am not giving up my Friday afternoon Cherry Berry treat!!!
Thank you, thank you, and did I mention-- THANK YOU!!
Day 1 was a good one! Here's to day 2!!!!
Alright-- I am in!! I will go for a walk\run this evening and then I will start my morning run\walk tomorrow at 5 am sharp!! I needed some motivation and I think this may be the golden ticket ( I won't eat any more chocolate bars trying to find it) !! I will drink lots of water and no more stress eating!!! I know we can…
I am right there with you! When it comes to falling off it is so hard to get back in it... but I keep telling myself to think of how wonderful I felt when I was working out, there was a lot less stress, felt better about myself, & puts a smile on my face! So lets do it together-- Work out at least 5 days a week and make…
jessmellitta\ Jess Goal weight on May 31st : 156 lbs 5/01: 163 5/07: 162 5/14: 5/21: 5/28: 5/31:
Great Goals-- Now on to making them happen!! I know you can all do it! If you ever feel down and out~~ Read them all over again!!! It really does make a difference :smile: My May Goals-- 1. To get back into the gym!!! 2. Eat less processed junk-( :explode: evil vending machine) 3. Get outside and play with the kids... this…
jessmellitta\ Jess Goal weight on May 31st : 156 lbs 5/01: 162.5 5/07: 5/14: 5/21: 5/28: 5/31:
I need a boost !! jessmellitta\ Jess Goal weight on May 31st : 156 lbs 5/01: 5/07: 5/14: 5/21: 5/28: 5/31:
I'm IN!! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: calories burned (how they were burned) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned) Sun: calories burned (how they…
This is fantastic!!! I have completed DAY 2...It's great to share this with ppl that are doing the same and feeling somewhat the same PAINS ! Happy Day to all !!
I started this morning (sha WHOO!!) -- so I am a wee bit behind! But I plan on keeping it up and enjoying the BURN!