Slowly falling off the bandwagon

Just need some encouragement from those who started off really good and then slowly started to lose focus. I normally walk/run and do the JM 30DS but I havent done the shred in forever. 3 days went by and I didnt walk or run. I went out and got fast food twice and I ate that over a period of 3-4 days. I have been on MFP for 40 days and I have only lost 5 lbs.

How do I reignited this desire to lose? I know its in all the mind but what tricks have you used to keep moving towards your goal. I have 16 more lbs to get to my goal. I dont want to take a year to lose 16 lbs.



  • mrsbastone
    mrsbastone Posts: 83 Member
    I have been doing well for about 9 months. Before then it was on and off again with my diets, so i completely understand where you are coming from. For me personally I had to rearrange my life so that when I do start to lose focus my environment and friends are there to get me back on. Some things I set up are simple things like no junk food in the house period and when it comes to exercise.. do not break routine, meaning, I work out during a certain time and there is no negotiating that. There are all kinds of things like that to help support you while motivation and willpower are at a low.
  • jessmellitta
    jessmellitta Posts: 16 Member
    I am right there with you! When it comes to falling off it is so hard to get back in it... but I keep telling myself to think of how wonderful I felt when I was working out, there was a lot less stress, felt better about myself, & puts a smile on my face! So lets do it together-- Work out at least 5 days a week and make sure to mark EVERYTHING on your diary.... For at least 30 more days...If you aren't happier and heathier, then go ahead and fall off again!!! LOL -- I have been off for about 4 weeks now, but with the help of the ppl on MFP we can do it!! Deal?!?!
  • 29candicanes
    29candicanes Posts: 30 Member
    Sounds good to me! I went running this morning for 35 minutes. Well not running straight but more than half of the time. Im about to throw these Oreo's in the trash :(

    Lol but anyway... lets do this. 5 days a week! I normally do a lot of walking/running. I need to get back with my Shred even if I dont go past level 1. And im going to TRY to get at least 7-8 cups of water a day. What are your goals for today?

    Oan...about sticking to a time and day sounds super awesome. I just go when the spirit moves me. so now Im going to go in the mornings when its nice out and work out on my lunch break (since i work from home).
  • jessmellitta
    jessmellitta Posts: 16 Member
    Alright-- I am in!! I will go for a walk\run this evening and then I will start my morning run\walk tomorrow at 5 am sharp!! I needed some motivation and I think this may be the golden ticket ( I won't eat any more chocolate bars trying to find it) !! I will drink lots of water and no more stress eating!!!

    I know we can ... I just know it!
  • 29candicanes
    29candicanes Posts: 30 Member
    Jess lets make it happen. I added you as a friend. We can motivate/support one another!
  • jessmellitta
    jessmellitta Posts: 16 Member
    Day 1 was a good one! Here's to day 2!!!!
  • 29candicanes
    29candicanes Posts: 30 Member
    Day 2 and 3 was excellent. Yesterday I took it easy and walked an 1 1/2 hour. Today jogging!
  • sugarfoot928
    I had the same problem. I was doing Insanity and got bored and took a week off. Last week, I excercised everyday but ate slightly over my calorie allowance.

    This week I am starting again to eat super healthy (lean protein, low carbs) and eating fresh (like fruit from the farmers market). But I am nervous, because it is hard to say no when people living with me are eating cookie and ice cream and still losing weight.

    Plus, I am trying to stay motivated because I am going to the beach next week.. I could use some support.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Maybe you should focus on what you can do today. Try not to think about the past, you'll only feel bad. Don't spend a lot of time on the future, you'll feel anxious.

    Decide on a realistic bur effective plan for today. What will you eat? How will you respond to a challenge, like someone offering you fast food? What exercise will you do?

    As for weight goals, focus on losing the next pound, and if not losing another quickly, not gaining it back.

    Keep on doing this for as long as necessary.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    Take a few weeks off and eat at maintenance, it'll help a lot.
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    I've been logging on MFP for 47 days and only lost 3 lbs, so I know how you feel. I've had to set my calories, wait a few weeks, adjust, wait a few weeks, adjust, etc. I felt like I was wasting my time. What I have figured out is how many calories I maintain at and now how many calories it will take to lose at. All the calculators only give estimates, so you have to adjust off real-life results and see what happens over time.

    I'm past the newness factor of the new healthy lifestyle. I'm past the "oh if set my intake to this, i'll lose 1-2 lbs per week and be at my goal by this certain date" factor. I've come to the realization that this is going to take a lot longer than I thought. Weight loss for the majority of people is not a linear. There will be ups and downs, ups, ups, ups, and downs. I'm looking at each day as just a new learning experience and it's just a small blip of the big overall picture. I'm not setting a date, I'm just taking it one day at a time. Creating new healthy habits that will stick with me for the rest of my life. When I get there, I'll get there.