tonrob38 Member


  • I wish that's all I had to worry about
  • I have been juicing, for my breakfast I wil have a juice of carrot, apple and ginger. I know this will prob put my sugar over and prob even my calories, but whatever, I love it and its fresh and a good way to get fruit and veg in for lunch I will prob do black bean burger raw veg for snack I will juice again, carrot, apple…
  • I haven't done very well, I have been at this half hearted, I will try harder, I am not seeing many posts here from the other group memebers! come on I need your help to get on the ball.
  • I have a big coffee mug, I put 1/2 skim milk, 1/2 water, instant coffee and then I add sugar free hot cocoa to it. it sweetens it plus give it a creamy yummy feeling. kind of like my favorite coffee from bean street coffee house
  • I will be 39 on june 26th, so I am in also! keep posting on your progress and what your doing as far as eating and workouts!!!!
  • wow, I loved that, and how true it is. seriously I spend a lot of my time doing nothing, i know there are many mins in my day that i could use more wisely, the "i don't have time" sentence really shouldn't apply to me, i do have time. how do i use it? i waste it. i waste it, then i want to sit around and complain that i…
  • very good, I can tell a difference. keep it up! would you mind telling us what your meals are like? times? calories? I am just curious what you have done, maybe I need to change something with my meal plans
  • you shouldn't go by bmi, it does not account for any muscle you have gained. my husband is a personal trainer and he is 255, solid muscle and according to bmi he is overweight. go by body fat, or just go by your clothes, are they bigger, do you feel smaller, check your face and collar bones, take measurement the bmi can…
  • I also think its a good idea to have a list of things you can eat without ruining your whole day, there are times I am just hungry, if I have reached my cal limit for the day, its nice to have options, so that I don't completely go off track. lets all be nice! what works for you might not work for everyone.