celverdi Member


  • I'm 5'6", medium build, and currently 159 lbs. I'm shooting for 135-130. In high school I weighed 115 and was way too skinny. I was extremely athletic and my metabolism was in overdrive at the time. After high school I gained the dreaded freshman 15 (although I wasn't in college) and realized I looked better at 130 that I…
  • Well I'm back after being gone since September. My original goal was to lose 35 lbs. All was well, and I was just hitting my halfway point when Hurricane Gustave hit. My family was displaced from the storm, and being the person I am, I dealt with the stress by eating. Then the Holidays hit and just made things worse. Today…
  • My big weakness is McDonald's. When I was pregnant I would always order a double cheeseburger combo with a large coke, and a spicy chicken sandwich on the side, extra mayo on everything! It was a hard habit to break, especially since it is the cheapest and closest place in town, and my family is always on the go. First i…
  • soap Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • You can do it! Believe me this site is a BIG help! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I've been a MFP member for a little less than a year now, but I didn't really start using it until about a month and a half ago. The weight I have lost in that time alone has proven that this sight works. I have a diet of 1200 cals before exercise. I usually go over on my cals everyday, but only about 50 - 150 cals a day.…
  • I used to roller blade every afternoon when I was in high school. Back then I was an extremely trim 120 lbs, with legs to kill for. That was 9 years ago now. I went get my old roller blades out the storage closet the other day. Lets just say that I am defiantly not in the same shape I used to be. I don't know how many cals…
  • I completely understand. We through a get together last weekend. We also had BBQ, potato salad, baked beans with ham, and a custard pie. I also did very well during that day, but latter that night after all the kids were in bed, we all decided to have some drinks. Usually I try to drink rum and diet coke, but a friend of…
  • I don't actually give myself a day off, but I do have days that I just can't eat as healthy as I would like. I eat any kind of food I want, I just make sure to portion my foods correctly. Then there are the days I just NEED something sweet. On those days I try to exercise the extra calories away. All this said and done,…
  • I'm in too! Joined MFP weight - 162 Current weight - 157 Labor day goal - 147 Pounds lost per week - 1.2 Eventual goal - 130
  • Hey, I just joined My fitness pal yesterday. I am a stay at home mother of two. My youngest just turned 5 months. Unfortunately. I am still about 30 lbs heavier than I was before, and gaining. Hopefully this site will help give me the willpower needed not to snack all day, and to make healthier choices.( Which is hard…