

  • I'd suggest going to a running store. They'll have some high quality bras there and someone to help fit you to the right one. My sis is full chested as well and was having a hard time finding something she could run in (without wearing 2-3!) and she said she could never go back to department store bras after that. Plan to…
  • Mine was when I completed my first marathon 5 years ago. I had ran a few 5Ks with my sister (I laugh now at how hard they seemed back then), but running was a chore....something I had to do to get in shape. She talked me into signing up for a marathon. We were so naive! I didn't know the first thing about distance running…
  • I bet it must be challenging to have two little ones so close together in age! Don't be too hard on yourself. I think with kids that young a workout routine needs to be a little flexible or you'll just drive yourself batty. Maybe take a walk later, or spend 30 min having a dance party in the kitchen (we just did that today…
  • Thanks for posting this.....I HAVE had a rough week with three sick kids, not enough sleep and lots of stress and it's easy to let things slide (in my case it's ALWAYS the diet that suffers!). It's a journey though and one little rouch patch isn't enough to stop me. This is just what I needed to hear :-)
  • Where are you going to train for your swimming? I'm super excited for you! You'll have to learn all the ropes and then guide me through it. I've wanted to do a tri for a long time, but I'm intimidated by all the change-over times between events.
  • I think your question related to the speed of the treadmill belt itself and not on the speed you're walking, right? The answer would be yes yes and yes! I have a belt that runs on the fast side too. I can run a 9 min mile outside, no problem, I can still talk and I'm not running so hard I feel like I'm going to die. On my…
  • Good point. For the record I'm not considering the HCG diet. I'm a runner and could never survive 500 cals. Also, I am a firm believer in being healthy. :happy: I didn't even think about the possibilites of unsterile needles or the injections themselves being dangerous. Crazy stuff. We all want to lose weight, feel good,…
  • Go to the running store, get fitted for the right pair of shoes and then go to and buy them for cheaper.
  • Wow. Thanks! Great tutorial! I'll have to print that out and have it with me next time and work through a few step by step. :smile:
  • Great video Regina, thanks for sharing! I totally do that "if it fits, it counts"! I just realized today that I was under 20 cals on the baby carrots that I logged yesterday because I just counted out a serving rather than measuring them.....when I measured it out I had to take 4 carrots away.
  • Everyone thinks they'll lose a ton of weight training for a marathon, but the truth is, me and most of my running friends have found that it just doesn't happen (although we all lose weight training for half marathons). Trust me, when your mileage gets up in the double digits you'll pretty much feel like you could eat…
  • Lots of great ideas that I'll have to try....the hours between dinner and bed are the hardest for me too. I love steamed edamame pods with a sprinkle of sea salt. I also like Laughing Cow Light French Onion wedges with Flatbread Krisps.....35 cals for the cheese and 70 cals for 6 crackers. For something sweet I'll…